The January 6th 2021 Coup Attempt

Parler Videos

Capitol Terrorist Attack - January 6th

Thanks to kcimc for processing the metadata collected by donk_enby here.
Thanks to SansaStark525, rbc4l and ParlerVideos for annotating the videos.
Some of these videos will not play in a browser and must be downloaded.
ID Visual Location Time Thumbnail Description P user ID P user Name P post Latitude Longitude Length (s) GPS Location
S9Hrx9p6LljD #TBD 2021-01-05 02:19:55 gregalabama gregalabama 38.9057-77.0355 3.54 Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, M Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20007
marPwnkHl1fx #NationalMall 2021-01-05 06:00:43 MarineOne FlyOver CameronEllison Cameron Ellison 38.8922-77.0363 107.48 1595, Constitution Avenue Northwest
CqAj7fAvSYeG #NationalMall #JeffersonMemorial 2021-01-05 07:55:36 38.8813-77.0366 71.03 Jefferson Memorial, Ohio Drive Southwest, 20250
P4xbw982oXD5 #NationalMall #JeffersonMemorial 2021-01-05 07:55:36 38.8813-77.0366 70.98 Jefferson Memorial, Ohio Drive Southwest, 20250
aJ18Oh2f7T7v #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 11:08:51 38.8991-77.0402 9.89 1717, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Golden Triangle
Q4OHWxX7WE9Z #NationalMall 2021-01-05 11:24:41 38.8956-77.0393 13.13 Big Red One, E Street Northwest
emw5PQEXYOHF #NationalMall 2021-01-05 11:35:52 38.8932-77.0358 10.41 289, Ellipse Road Northwest
K45yO8KnnbD9 #CapitolWest #3rdStreet 2021-01-05 11:44:56 38.8917-77.0156 37.15 335, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
mWrDdKWZ4bYZ #NationalMall 2021-01-05 12:14:12 Cyborg6008 Cyborg6008 38.8902-77.0366 20.57 Jefferson Pier Stone, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
G2HNFnPc7ynZ #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 12:34:31 38.8958-77.0317 8.45 Freedom Plaza, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
hG1jccUFQzXx #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 12:34:31 GmoneyRainmaker Rainmaker 38.8958-77.0317 8.4 Freedom Plaza, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Avuf5eRagwKU #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 12:38:48 38.8957-77.0312 9.75 1455, Freedom Plaza
ZL8HCK76qzZr #CapitolEast #1stStreetNE 2021-01-05 12:41:23 MatthewHug2020 Matthew Hug 38.8909-77.0058 27.86 95, 1st Street Northeast, 20002
UpWZvbtpNHuZ #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 12:42:34 πŸ‘€ VIPUncleSam 38.8959-77.0308 34.0 1455, Freedom Plaza
zvhAF87Dreod #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 12:56:41 ExpansionReaction1188 Ronny 38.8959-77.0302 63.87 1455, Freedom Plaza
seF40Ol6bgmX #CapitolSouth #NA 2021-01-05 12:58:12 Vietnam 38.888-77.0098 36.83 179, South Capitol Circle Southwest
bWsbUTq6eHiA #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:10:48 ShoelessPoimen ShoelessPoimen 38.8958-77.0303 52.76 1455, Freedom Plaza
vACotJqyzMdY #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:10:48 38.8958-77.0303 52.76 1455, Freedom Plaza
5Q6ZwWfh6O2c #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.07 1455, Freedom Plaza
6z5GNJopLz2t #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.07 1455, Freedom Plaza
e99NYvfpgC0P #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.02 1455, Freedom Plaza
eRbPYEnMWwCt #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.07 1455, Freedom Plaza
HgvPoam4myGo #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.07 1455, Freedom Plaza
hlwMezajIHS5 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.07 1455, Freedom Plaza
K1uuIR0bYVLU #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:19:03 38.8959-77.0308 45.07 1455, Freedom Plaza
Q7pXj92SdEwH #CapitolEast #WestLawn 2021-01-05 13:24:37 πŸ‘€ MikeLindell 38.891-77.0072 151.49 87, Capitol Circle Northeast
xracYRRZyQ66 #CapitolEast #WestLawn 2021-01-05 13:24:37 πŸ‘€ MikeLindell 38.891-77.0072 151.47 87, Capitol Circle Northeast
ZOzO5iRM9rYc #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:26:35 38.8961-77.0297 16.83 Freedom Plaza, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
7xcHzeYFmH5J #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:34:49 38.8959-77.0307 74.48 1455, Freedom Plaza
RRZBGyTSDKSP #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:47:48 FalseProphet πŸ—£ "I want us all to pay the Lord's prayer together." πŸ‘€ IAmDavidJHarrisJr 38.8959-77.0314 213.27 1455, Freedom Plaza
C4trZQykNeL3 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 13:58:05 38.8956-77.0299 31.21 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
mtR54fIOsU8Y #SupremeCourt #NA 2021-01-05 14:12:30 πŸ‘€ IAmAliAlexander IAmAlexJones ElijahSpeaks ElijahSpeaks 38.889-77.0074 135.93 United States Capitol Visitor Center;U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Library of Congrass Tunnel
km5jl5ozAT6n #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:22:55 FlagSmack 38.8959-77.0314 17.99 1455, Freedom Plaza
9R41xX7bevNI #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:30:15 πŸ—£ #SweetCaroline #NeilDiamond Robcroddy Robcroddy 38.8966-77.0298 57.46 Warner Theatre, 13th Street Northwest, Downtown
SKHiA38yC6PR #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:30:43 38.8961-77.0309 54.64 Freedom Plaza, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
UJ5VUNvJNKrS #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:30:43 38.8961-77.0309 54.64 Freedom Plaza, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
ZsRD0XG4VSHO #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:30:43 38.8961-77.0309 54.68 Freedom Plaza, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
U3Cvj1z7ZDci #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:34:24 SmartLass TUSK2020 38.8959-77.0315 26.23 1455, Freedom Plaza
jsswcn7pfQoQ #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:39:02 πŸ—£ "Government doesn't tell preachers what to do. Preachers tell government what to do." 38.8958-77.0312 22.41 1455, Freedom Plaza
zcMr0wK1ZJpe #SupremeCourt 2021-01-05 14:47:10 Emilyannhilden Emilyannhilden 38.8907-77.0057 23.42 96, 1st Street Northeast, 20002
XI4jB2qLJve2 #NationalMall #JeffersonMemorial 2021-01-05 14:50:31 38.882-77.0361 144.87 Jefferson Memorial, Ohio Drive Southwest, 20250
pWQ0r3PTYy8Z #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:51:43 38.8956-77.0299 15.79 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
8kxVYjg5WrBo #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:56:09 38.8956-77.0309 11.96 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
eRnWtA07bdw6 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:56:09 Preaching kylegreenfield kylegreenfield 38.8956-77.0309 11.91 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
ks9xYkFfA0XC #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 14:56:09 Preaching 38.8956-77.0309 11.96 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
GxxgHLFoZh26 #NationalMall #JeffersonMemorial 2021-01-05 15:08:40 38.8813-77.0365 52.74 Jefferson Memorial, Ohio Drive Southwest, 20250
dYA2It6s7m0M #NationalMall 2021-01-05 15:18:53 38.8877-77.0176 8.91 4th St SW & Independence Ave SW, 4th Street Southwest, 20202
2oSHSLNMqoOE #NationalMall 2021-01-05 15:44:19 UnitedPatriotParty United Patriot Party 38.88959-77.03419 82.42 Washington Monument Lodge, 15th Street Southwest, 20250
uea75HdM5YCy #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 15:44:53 πŸ‘€ IAmMichaelCoudrey IAmAliAlexander DrKatLindleyDO DrKatLindleyDO 38.896-77.031 52.32 1455, Freedom Plaza
qC3W8ui9u4No #SupremeCourt #NA 2021-01-05 15:45:16 πŸ‘€ RogerStone 38.8906-77.0057 57.47 96, 1st Street Northeast, 20002
ccXRwSVqFWzm #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-05 15:47:33 38.8527-77.0406 10.73 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
CvpZn0u8x368 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 15:49:50 πŸ‘€ BrandonStraka RCUBE RCUBE 38.896-77.0312 278.85 1455, Freedom Plaza
02GdDg6E5O1z #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 15:49:55 speech 38.8957-77.0313 63.11 1455, Freedom Plaza
0Z8o57b7pFl5 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 15:49:55 VanessaBriefly VBriefly 38.8957-77.0313 63.11 1455, Freedom Plaza
89DobnLvcpp6 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 15:51:05 ? 38.8955-77.0307 24.41 13Β½th Street Northwest
O6pFfIZPv0Qr #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 16:05:59 KaptainKyle KaptainKyle 38.8958-77.0308 30.74 1455, Freedom Plaza
nHeRuqyEszIN #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 16:05:59 πŸ—£ 0:01 "When they see even some of it, they are going to go WOW!" πŸ‘€ MikeLindell 38.8958-77.0308 30.74 1455, Freedom Plaza
73zMEInBFuro #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 16:08:27 speech rain 38.896-77.0311 62.79 1455, Freedom Plaza
BAPiTaa0PH1S #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 16:19:18 38.8997-77.0148 16.88 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
mK8d49lp3sbe #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 16:19:18 38.8997-77.0148 16.83 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
xdBP5ecikcbU #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 16:19:18 Shesonmusic ShesOn 38.8997-77.0148 16.88 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
7AoOD8iXDt37 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 16:33:39 38.9023-77.0239 22.92 965, 9th Street Northwest, Downtown
34DmJcKcoWqd #WashingtonDC #New York and 10th Street 2021-01-05 16:38:13 🎢 VillagePeople 38.9014-77.0254 29.4 Conrad Hotel Washington DC, New York Avenue Northwest, Downtown
MwBNolC2HPZ5 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 16:38:52 38.9014-77.0256 15.95 Conrad Hotel Washington DC, New York Avenue Northwest, Downtown
eYDfwjABisqN #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 16:56:39 Gregwave Gregwave 38.8959-77.0307 25.05 1455, Freedom Plaza
vMNTW4IX33qv #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 17:15:03 38.8958-77.031 8.37 1455, Freedom Plaza
vxsAP7AiG760 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 17:26:42 38.8957-77.0311 16.98 1455, Freedom Plaza
3iWjK28iMvHP #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 17:40:07 Shesonmusic ShesOn 38.8956-77.0307 84.74 Plan of the Capitol, 1455, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
on0MIKlGleg9 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 17:46:35 🎢 #IAmBrysonGray #TrumpIsYourPresident Luk3y Luke 38.896-77.0315 46.19 1455, Freedom Plaza
7R1xkp2ATLfR #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 17:50:07 EqualJusticeUnderTheLaw EqualJusticeUnderTheLaw 38.8959-77.0305 28.37 1455, Freedom Plaza
In683JI4Fybs #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 17:58:49 🏒 #WarnerTheatre 38.897-77.0295 12.33 City Club of Washington, 555, 13th Street Northwest, Downtown
JFBcTjyx726j #CapitolEast #WestLawn 2021-01-05 18:27:13 πŸ‘€ MikeLindell OriginalKJ TheOriginalKJ 38.8908-77.0073 254.1 87, Capitol Circle Northeast
z4ZctighyZkC #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 18:39:21 RCUBE RCUBE 38.8959-77.0313 273.46 1455, Freedom Plaza
z4ZctighyZkC #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 18:39:21 Date? πŸ‘€ IAmMichaelFlynn RCUBE RCUBE 38.8959-77.0313 273.46 1455, Freedom Plaza
38Elo2gWqzeI #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 18:40:55 Way2manyelles Elle 38.8959-77.031 28.38 1455, Freedom Plaza
bRZ0Na3Zb0Gy #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 18:41:24 38.8959-77.0309 148.28 1455, Freedom Plaza
8Emg7PNDcvIa #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 18:43:57 38.8958-77.0312 12.03 1455, Freedom Plaza
fR3uMI0eP5i4 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:02:39 πŸ—£ Fuck Antifa! 38.896-77.031 27.79 1455, Freedom Plaza
g8U9LBKTG01A #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:02:39 πŸ—£ Fuck Antifa! 38.896-77.031 27.79 1455, Freedom Plaza
oUTz8VjR0TS0 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:02:39 38.896-77.031 27.79 1455, Freedom Plaza
USL1VqJU22z1 #Hotel #NA 2021-01-05 19:11:14 38.8962-77.0476 30.07 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
H0Uj6aa8Cl5c #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-05 19:11:14 motorcade 38.8962-77.0476 30.07 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
jrd59p8tVRbY #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-05 19:11:14 38.8962-77.0476 30.07 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
KoDL2tA6q92U #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-05 19:11:14 38.8962-77.0476 30.07 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
vimMsf0RVPsw #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-05 19:11:14 38.8962-77.0476 30.07 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
xq6pIrZTPH7S #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-05 19:11:14 38.8962-77.0476 30.07 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
eGqmDWzz0oSh #NationalMall 2021-01-05 19:15:08 DigitalWarriorNYC Vanessa NYC 38.8876-77.0372 13.85 Maine Avenue Southwest, 20250
8dQ1t0NGI7M0 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:17:27 38.8958-77.0312 30.21 1455, Freedom Plaza
bqcFHFPlIxVz #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:17:27 38.8958-77.0312 30.21 1455, Freedom Plaza
dmmq2lpb09v5 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:17:27 38.8958-77.0312 30.21 1455, Freedom Plaza
lvkLdkQr9eST #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:17:27 πŸ‘€ MikeLindell 38.8958-77.0312 30.21 1455, Freedom Plaza
nABEPoIUJEdv #Hotel #NormandyHotel 2021-01-05 19:20:32 Mykdamak Mykdamak 38.9174-77.0475 61.53 2118, Wyoming Avenue Northwest, Kalorama Heights, 20009
SYrL5ychSNYs #Hotel #HotelMarriott 2021-01-05 19:21:54 38.8995-77.028 110.52 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Main Building Addition, 12th Street Northwest, Downtown
2bA317by5x7J #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:41:50 38.896-77.031 75.62 1455, Freedom Plaza
m2L1vJXlgGvw #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:41:50 38.896-77.031 75.67 1455, Freedom Plaza
JVjmTCz2H42S #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 19:44:25 Madmolly β€”MMβ€” 38.9029-77.0366 18.58 16th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20012
OYfUeXTfX88D #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:45:45 Insleyboys Jamie 38.8958-77.0312 9.47 1455, Freedom Plaza
s8MMt82JikyZ #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:45:45 38.8958-77.0312 9.46 1455, Freedom Plaza
DyHkKgGIzRFM #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:50:19 RogerStone IAmBrysonGray Barrymc Barrymc 38.8958-77.0313 13.19 1455, Freedom Plaza
6dupmM6l2x0l #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 19:50:50 38.8959-77.0309 78.83 1455, Freedom Plaza
aDNmvpzKl90o #Hotel #NA 2021-01-05 20:03:26 πŸ‘€ RogerStone VIPUncleSam NunezPB AlbertoNunez Alberto Nunez 38.8962-77.0318 151.72 14th Street & E & Penn Avenue Northwest Mid Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20045
q6pE1P1jf6ic #NationalMall #WorldWar2Memorial 2021-01-05 20:03:39 38.8889-77.0404 42.84 World War II Memorial, 1964, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20227
UoI2wFztcuzU #NationalMall #WorldWar2Memorial 2021-01-05 20:03:39 Heidikayolson Heidi Kay Olson 38.8889-77.0404 42.84 World War II Memorial, 1964, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20227
EHhVyoV1ErjW #Hotel #CrystalGatewayMarriott 2021-01-05 21:35:42 πŸ‘€ OathKeepers 38.8583-77.053 12.28 Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700, Richmond Highway, Pentagon City, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
52OuFNlsDdFm #WashingtonDC #ChristmasLights 2021-01-05 21:38:17 38.8877-77.0129 23.97 United States Botanic Garden, 100, Maryland Avenue Southwest
MTOmhxigqpaF #CapitolWest #UnitedStatesBotanicGarden 2021-01-05 21:38:45 38.8877-77.0126 15.79 United States Botanic Garden, 100, Maryland Avenue Southwest
uxifQpI6dByQ #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-05 21:41:13 38.8885-77.0121 20.32 United States Botanic Garden, 245, 1st Street Southwest
Wj6TRv31EgKB #CapitolReflectingPool 2021-01-05 21:42:22 38.8889-77.0128 32.11 Maryland Avenue Southwest
TGXd7vJdtAzO #NationalMall 2021-01-05 21:53:29 38.8922-77.0165 30.19 George Gordon Meade Memorial, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
HwX5Jamp6di1 #WashingtonDC #ChristmasTree 2021-01-05 21:55:31 38.8924-77.0179 28.41 General Meade Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
NH9TSWWi9mnE #WashingtonDC #ChristmasTree 2021-01-05 21:55:31 38.8924-77.0179 28.41 General Meade Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
nhyI4vIGgTrT #Hotel #HotelHamilton 2021-01-05 22:29:41 πŸ‘€ BikersForTrump 38.903-77.032 8.92 Subway, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown
TZLDaTO3EbLU #WashingtonDC 2021-01-05 22:33:57 38.8987-77.0268 11.05 730, 11th Street Northwest, Downtown
JprqeYSCfUQ9 #Hotel #GrandHyatt 2021-01-05 22:35:10 πŸ‘€ 0:54 BlackGlove805 38.8996-77.0269 78.91 730, 11th Street Northwest, Downtown
ljhlRXjLF1in #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 22:38:41 Cxjxfx Cxjxfx 38.8958-77.031 100.33 1455, Freedom Plaza
Z2CUIi2exmnO #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-05 22:39:33 IAmBrysonGray AintOverYet DavidGross David Gross 38.8959-77.0306 129.36 1455, Freedom Plaza
VD7kpNgyWEaK #Hotel #ConradWashington 2021-01-05 22:56:40 Man, I wish you were here. 38.9011-77.025 42.28 Conrad Hotel Washington DC, New York Avenue Northwest, Downtown
HS79RUCbY2KP #Hotel 2021-01-05 23:04:31 38.9056-77.0334 35.67 Westin Washington D.C City Centre, 1400, M Street Northwest, Downtown, 20007
Pcwai07Y7Kdz #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-05 23:22:16 Susie147 Susie147 38.9014-77.0365 2.77 Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20012
bedBF7u31A7k #Hotel #HotelHamilton 2021-01-05 23:23:25 πŸ‘€ BikersForTrump Mind1978 Mind78 38.9029-77.032 13.21 Subway, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown
qYWrRwjwjcx8 #Hotel #HotelHamilton 2021-01-05 23:26:59 πŸ‘€ BikersForTrump 38.9029-77.032 9.15 Subway, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown
BziLuY5elmb1 #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-05 23:44:08 Brianlorenz702 Brian Lorenz 38.9013-77.0365 16.46 Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter Plaza Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20012
Kn0P4d8EaOdj #BlackLivesMatterPlaza #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 00:13:17 DigitalWarriorNYC Vanessa NYC 38.9012-77.0355 40.98 United States Department of Veterans Affairs, 810, Vermont Avenue Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20420
do2URuWxeOVs #BlackLivesMatterPlaza #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 00:15:06 TxM1JgGIikUv πŸ‘€ ProudBoys 0:15 IAmPhilipAnderson 38.9014-77.0363 33.69 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
TxM1JgGIikUv #BlackLivesMatterPlaza #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 00:15:06 do2URuWxeOVs πŸ‘€ ProudBoys 0:15 IAmPhilipAnderson DigitalWarriorNYC Vanessa NYC 38.9014-77.0363 33.64 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
ZqrHqExhLwBZ #BlackLivesMatterPlaza #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 00:17:52 πŸ‘€ IAmPhilipAnderson CounterNews Skeeter McTweeter 38.9013-77.0364 16.56 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
lTZkY2ypwhFT #BlackLivesMatterPlaza #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 00:17:52 0:11 NaziSalute πŸ‘€ IAmPhilipAnderson BakedAlaska 38.9013-77.0364 16.56 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
8L4mcsc4jEmg #Hotel #TheCapitolHilton 2021-01-06 01:48:19 AwakePatriot19 AwakePatriot19 38.903-77.0364 48.17 1016, 16th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20036
IGu3auz0bppz #WashingtonDC #NA 2021-01-06 01:48:19 BicyclePolice AwakePatriot19 AwakePatriot19 38.903-77.0364 48.17 1016, 16th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20036
qtvZZEsI0pVc #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 04:10:57 πŸ‘€ ProudBoys BigMAGACamo Private User Name Hidden 38.9013-77.0363 24.33 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
dpcXzM6zhPZR #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 04:49:25 RealSeanC Sean C 38.893-77.0336 31.76 287, 15th Street Northwest
MDqAZroDeMBT #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 05:11:47 RealSeanC Sean C 38.8998-77.0335 38.63 Recess Bar, 727, 15th Street Northwest
VYDYrP2y5GPi #NationalMall 2021-01-06 06:27:43 TRUNEWSofficial TRUNEWS 38.8885-77.0335 17.94 277, Raoul Wallenberg Place Southwest, 20250
vgvvmX00Bf4f #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:00:14 38.8888-77.0195 38.45 Refreshments, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20202
oDBc1KpGUsMn #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:16:43 ehawkes Elliott Hawkes 38.8922-77.0376 15.02 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
1BDzt8hvBi1t #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:43:16 πŸ‘€ IAmScottPresler scottpresler #ThePersistence 38.8922-77.0371 19.65 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
2fqpw5l9SeIl #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:51:45 38.8921-77.0368 25.01 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
O4ELcBjZ9qx0 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:52:15 38.8918-77.0365 51.13 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
3cAKUWJfxeJH #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:55:26 38.8966-77.0335 55.46 Pinea, 15th Street Northwest
nJma0698gEW6 #NationalMall #FromABuilding 2021-01-06 07:55:26 38.8966-77.0335 55.5 Pinea, 15th Street Northwest
2PNO2eGV8Hwp #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 07:55:26 JoanWeber Joan Weber 38.8966-77.0335 55.44 Pinea, 15th Street Northwest
Kef0T1bzWcyp #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:56:09 38.8917-77.0364 23.43 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
c1aUD7fjRKls #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:56:29 38.8913-77.0345 14.73 Constitution Avenue Northwest
diIeD4Ne7Ear #NationalMall 2021-01-06 07:56:50 38.8918-77.0362 16.59 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
F76ZQOzftgqo #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 07:57:48 38.8988-77.0336 38.81 The Washington Building, New York Avenue Northwest, Downtown
p09L86B0PrMu #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:03:21 Scottsaxman ScottK#KAG2020 38.8923-77.0361 17.33 1587, Constitution Avenue Northwest
91Vga2rHrrID #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:03:23 πŸ‘€ TanOnCamo 38.8919-77.0368 11.17 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
x893devoztem #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:06:07 38.8921-77.0356 14.17 1565, Constitution Avenue Northwest
n8OCCns442q4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:08:38 RealVirginia Virginia 38.8914-77.036 12.68 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
NfQdczPVYzb8 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:16:57 38.8919-77.0363 25.94 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
nalKGvVZU5eC #NationalMall #15thStNW 2021-01-06 08:17:40 NewYorkAveNW Drdraaron Drdraaron 38.8991-77.0336 17.14 New York Ave and 15th St NW, 15th Street Northwest
7lZbNvTpYzCg #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:19:11 πŸ‘€ CorinneMontoni CoriMontoni Cori 🎒 38.8891-77.0368 12.68 278, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
ZHPkLzKWK2Bs #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:29:02 Betichannel BΓ© TΓ­ Channel 38.8934-77.0335 20.29 U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401, Constitution Avenue Northwest
oT2kNRSAKiYf #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:30:28 38.892-77.0367 203.97 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
emAlhzlkYNvv #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:39:05 38.8902-77.035 6.14 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
QrSz0Vfcz3kt #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:39:09 38.8915-77.0364 162.45 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
Z6sv09jLUGZP #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:39:09 38.8915-77.0364 162.45 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
qKHnb8BrY6ft #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:39:53 38.8914-77.0364 0.84 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
VgsmTnVJYxrE #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:39:59 🎢 StarSpangledBanner 38.8914-77.0364 93.83 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
evguRVYcqPlB #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:40:29 LifeFreePursuit Michael Hagen 38.8917-77.0365 29.28 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
8c4mOel34hEc #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:40:32 38.8922-77.0375 53.27 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
RMwAbgxbCUV4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:40:33 Puglover516 Puglover516 38.8922-77.037 49.16 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
SFwPJvrCV0FP #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:40:33 38.8922-77.037 49.16 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
tTRU8pK4m8u8 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:40:33 38.8922-77.037 49.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
aXbedUJqeQ0v #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:40:33 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner 38.8922-77.037 49.16 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
E1cJ94n8u1rP #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:40:33 🎢 StarSpangledBanner 38.8922-77.037 49.16 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
F6tKroyNWFtj #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:40:33 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner Puglover516 Puglover516 38.8922-77.037 49.16 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
S2XmM7mwQCwe #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:40:33 🎢 StarSpangledBanner 38.8922-77.037 49.16 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
ftbEXsKvOCYn #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:40:37 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner πŸ‘€ 0:00 PeterHarding 0:29 IAmAlexJones 0:34 IAmOwenShroyer DroopyPurpleShirt 38.892-77.036 46.69 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
mMlqZoEZhC9H #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 08:40:37 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner πŸ‘€ 0:00 PeterHarding 0:29 IAmAlexJones 0:34 IAmOwenShroyer DroopyPurpleShirt KnifeLeather Weallfallshort Weallfallshort 38.892-77.036 46.74 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ZHX7ZrxgXRUH #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:42:54 4biggp BigGP 38.8915-77.0362 88.24 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
O0hhrxFbpIfo #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:44:50 Bmc422 Bones422 38.8907-77.0357 29.33 274, 16th Street Northwest
GH8KUbewL0sH #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:50:55 Private User Name Hidden 38.8906-77.0342 12.86 275, 15th Street Northwest
hRwQ0gGDfUJ5 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:53:26 Puppyblackeyes Puppyblackeyes 38.8919-77.0363 39.06 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
vuPWTIAii8X1 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:53:32 Paigeharward Paigeharward 38.8922-77.0366 58.14 Haupt Fountains, 16th Street Northwest
d1zM5ane4tm1 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:53:52 38.892-77.0355 5.43 1562, Constitution Avenue Northwest
nH1EL07ukyOE #NationalMall 2021-01-06 08:58:32 Diemchau Diα»…m ChΓ’u 38.8917-77.0365 121.56 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
bgBdloFHQ4V4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:01:48 πŸ‘€ 0:58 BradleyRukstales? Davfre2003 Davfre2003 38.8918-77.0367 116.58 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
xRKSjgibjGcX #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:04:12 🎢 PhilCollins Zhaoyu631002 JoyZhao 38.8913-77.0366 27.63 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
VAqVZdQG57Xs #FreedomPlaza #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 09:13:18 πŸ‘€ VIPUncleSam BarronJohnl946 John Barron 38.8956-77.032 9.94 General John J. Pershing Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
z1Dd4eQWsblX #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 09:14:34 38.8917-77.0365 44.55 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
AzVSx3ypAHRi #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:15:18 Cakes28625 Cakes28625 38.8915-77.0363 98.97 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
uKgvM1r7XCW8 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:16:31 38.8923-77.0376 23.32 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
H5hHlLQOho3J #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:21:40 HeathLoftis Heath Loftis 38.8922-77.0364 33.73 1599, Constitution Avenue Northwest
VhIx1Jb09Km8 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:30:10 🎢 CelineDion 38.8916-77.0371 37.55 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
d8Cc81F774WQ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:31:03 🎢 Westlife 38.8918-77.0367 105.23 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
hL60MjItBhOW #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 09:32:48 38.902-77.0321 16.86 The Park Place at 14th, 920, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown
CpUWCstjFq4P #WashingtonDC #14thStNW 2021-01-06 09:32:48 38.902-77.0321 16.86 The Park Place at 14th, 920, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown
eT3dCPVjg484 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:35:01 Ljforsyth2000 Ljforsyth2000 38.8921-77.0366 61.58 1601, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20002
T6k2pSMlFMDH #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:37:36 🎢 DavidBowie 38.8916-77.0369 45.17 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
JyUmRm5aCM8o #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:37:36 🎢 #DavidBowie 38.8916-77.0369 45.17 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
HUF1qVXl5LCv #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:38:12 🎢 DavidBowie 38.8919-77.0365 31.12 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
QcUzbo8hdJY6 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:44:02 38.8938-77.0366 6.84 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
6sXRv5Xe53o0 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:44:52 38.891-77.0361 9.85 274, 16th Street Northwest
idyvEAtqETgY #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:44:52 38.891-77.0361 9.85 274, 16th Street Northwest
ml2djEbN50qK #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:44:52 38.891-77.0361 9.8 274, 16th Street Northwest
UPriYin65X3Z #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:44:52 Claudy1907 Claudy1907 38.891-77.0361 9.8 274, 16th Street Northwest
33nIRE4z014q #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:46:48 38.8913-77.0364 29.54 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
0RXNjbNjJq1A #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:47:39 TimothyVONeil Tim ONeil 38.8923-77.0337 5.43 Constitution Avenue & 15th Street Northwest Far-side Northbound, 15th Street Northwest
N1k8H378YLUP #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:47:39 TimothyVONeil Tim ONeil 38.8923-77.0337 5.43 Constitution Avenue & 15th Street Northwest Far-side Northbound, 15th Street Northwest
xvLrwQu4mW9u #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 09:48:24 38.8909-77.0362 30.86 274, 16th Street Northwest
OmJrVOATOxzU #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:49:03 WIPatriotParty The Patriot Party of Wisconsin 38.892-77.0361 9.15 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
Y21LK8COvXFO #NationalMall #FromABuilding 2021-01-06 09:49:57 JoanWeber Joan Weber 38.8961-77.0334 21.99 Bex Eagle Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
ZlivulPDcYMC #NationalMall #FromABuilding 2021-01-06 09:49:57 JoanWeber Joan Weber 38.8961-77.0334 21.99 Bex Eagle Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
yCgKBE1BvgoE #NationalMall #DepartmentOfCommerce 2021-01-06 09:51:58 πŸ‘€ 0:00 JacobChansley 1:08 Individual4 Gijoe120563 Gijoe120563 38.8944-77.0336 69.97 290, 15th Street Northwest
cxDGJuCrh5df #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:51:58 πŸ‘€ 0:00 JacobChansley 1:08 Individual4 38.8944-77.0336 70.01 290, 15th Street Northwest
nADRtwoQXarD #LowerSenatePark #NA 2021-01-06 09:52:04 ProudBoys 38.8941-77.0067 72.53 52, C Street Northeast, 20002
uO3OyLcDfy9p #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:54:04 GmoneyRainmaker Rainmaker 38.8908-77.0364 16.3 274, 16th Street Northwest
SHRvr30FtRLb #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:56:29 Maggmountains Maggmountains 38.8918-77.0367 23.85 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
Oob6Efl4mJUa #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:58:33 NicholasEmmanuel Nicholas Emmanuel 38.8917-77.0345 12.19 Constitution Avenue Northwest
iqf7FPtd8arV #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 09:58:33 NicholasEmmanuel Nicholas Emmanuel 38.8917-77.0345 12.19 Constitution Avenue Northwest
xRKQwtpCEB9v #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:58:50 38.8919-77.037 24.29 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
tFtZBT6xFCZQ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:59:13 38.891-77.0363 16.44 274, 16th Street Northwest
lLoZaH6iGNOT #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:59:17 38.8921-77.0373 186.22 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
sa3J1520fsCk #NationalMall 2021-01-06 09:59:17 38.8921-77.0373 186.25 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
MgMiCd8EjrVH #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 10:00:31 38.8923-77.053 23.33 Potomac Freeway, Foggy Bottom, 20520
b86RszJ1V9VE #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:02:12 38.8922-77.0374 14.33 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
gB5saDDhwvz9 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:02:12 Vanessamscott Vmscott 38.8922-77.0374 14.28 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
0LmCg5GItOn5 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:02:12 38.8922-77.0374 14.33 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
akVq8hns9Ekq #NationalMall #WorldWar2Memorial 2021-01-06 10:04:01 CrossFitNorthWall Bb81387 Bb81387 38.8894-77.0403 118.21 World War II Memorial, 1964, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20227
thcqrJ2Wyky1 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:06:15 LukeW2020 Astutepenguin 38.892-77.0361 14.98 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
RuccwWB2LUR1 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:07:31 Scottsaxman ScottK#KAG2020 38.8923-77.0361 36.87 1587, Constitution Avenue Northwest
5XnrzvP3TPee #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:11:30 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley 38.8943-77.0336 11.51 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
5vsrnDL8ezuz #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:11:30 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley 38.8943-77.0336 11.51 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
NptdNHB2bB9p #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:11:30 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley Catinthemagahat Cat In The Maga Hat 38.8943-77.0336 11.57 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
qZLxcaPusKZb #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:11:30 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley 38.8943-77.0336 11.51 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
sDdHO1VB49Pa #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:13:10 38.8911-77.035 18.74 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
OP07TIoGSNJm #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:16:02 JamieLBrooks JamieLBrooks 38.8903-77.0342 24.79 275, 15th Street Northwest
ycYmZzGUIW2t #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 10:16:37 38.8907-77.0363 17.32 274, 16th Street Northwest
PhBg4kuTHVLi #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:18:47 Bolo4kelly Bolo4kelly 38.8908-77.0369 34.81 274, 16th Street Northwest
401g3sjvH1UI #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:19:42 πŸ‘€ Kymberly? MumblerPelosi Jack Murphy 38.8922-77.0362 18.58 1591, Constitution Avenue Northwest
xOGr2U6ve8W1 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:19:54 Santinocaputo Santinocpt 38.8913-77.0337 27.38 273, 15th Street Northwest
rMfe16MWpqKN #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:20:01 Freedom2carry9mm Freedom2carry9mm 38.8915-77.0332 50.34 280, 15th Street Northwest
2U6tbzcZD7NQ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:20:05 38.8913-77.0374 22.25 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
AnjRSKPVwHdd #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:20:58 38.8916-77.0374 6.97 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
2Yk3nUusMZ5M #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:23:00 Dfostercpa66 Dfostercpa66 38.8916-77.0334 22.06 280, 15th Street Northwest
WYjnUo2eH87P #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:23:00 TrumpSpeech 38.8916-77.0334 22.06 280, 15th Street Northwest
1hITmFMmXf5t #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:28:05 "CCP's Black Hand is behind the FRAUD" Mind1978 Mind78 38.8919-77.0333 17.14 282, Constitution Avenue Northwest
dCrPCc3Hvnpm #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:29:54 38.8912-77.0373 16.25 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
skJlzyllttT3 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:29:54 KaptainKyle Kaptain Kyle βš“οΈ 38.8912-77.0373 16.25 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
a23JcTkEDFrZ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:30:05 randallmunger Randall Munger 38.892-77.03029 22.23 256, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
rOv2haz9t2D2 #DirksenSenateOfficeBuilding 2021-01-06 10:30:23 MarshaBlackburn MarshaBlackburn Marsha Blackburn 38.8922-77.0053 42.97 Dirksen Senate Office Building, C Street Northeast, 20002
c9Ubaeff4BRz #Hotel #DoubleTree 2021-01-06 10:30:51 Going over to DC and make ourselves heard. 38.864-77.0523 12.16 DoubleTree, Army Navy Drive, Pentagon City, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 20310
X0bLLyqmZCnN #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:32:28 Spanish 38.8922-77.0352 117.26 285, Constitution Avenue Northwest
9RrnmonKnZLm #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:32:59 38.8917-77.0367 53.96 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
BVo7j7cX5sF9 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:32:59 Kimmy1962 Kimmy1962 38.8917-77.0367 53.92 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
kl0U3uDNugb0 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:35:10 🎢 LeeGreenwood imightbewrong imightbewrong 38.8919-77.034 16.37 Constitution Avenue Northwest
97U9MwaEtdVz #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:37:19 KaptainKyle Kaptain Kyle βš“οΈ 38.8912-77.0373 8.54 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
oKjuA8Ntd33y #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:37:19 38.8912-77.0373 8.59 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
3ziKghBbE6P6 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:37:19 38.8912-77.0373 8.54 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
e6BtsS1j9zs8 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:40:15 πŸ‘€ 0:11 IAmForgatioBlow VBghostpatriot VBghostpatriot 38.892-77.0351 52.66 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
kFF3hM2hlYcf #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:41:41 QStorm1111 The Patriot Voice (QAnon John) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸΈ 38.8933-77.0363 22.55 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
a6R6xt7VEDuE #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:42:09 38.8922-77.035 89.56 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
zXAmZwiG3yfA #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 10:45:52 38.8919-77.0372 102.05 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
oINbKytzEefK #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:47:00 38.8923-77.0403 16.93 Lockkeeper's House, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
prb3609Bx5BJ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:47:00 FoolishJester Foolish Jester 38.8923-77.0403 16.91 Lockkeeper's House, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
VkFHYXJdaOHA #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:47:00 38.8923-77.0403 16.93 Lockkeeper's House, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
lFFk9PXz5bhC #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 10:47:58 TheSisterSoldier Shannon Grady 38.8936-77.0365 74.12 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
eegOpX0BfjsK #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 10:48:24 RudyGiuliani? "Turn it up!" Derit Derit 38.8915-77.0359 44.03 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
dy5GFIwCwuOP #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:51:41 FoolishJester Foolish Jester 38.8922-77.0383 41.82 308, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
TaOvOM41Vu7m #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:52:20 38.8932-77.0336 72.24 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
X3O4lkVyQ2b5 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:53:02 38.892-77.0361 77.0 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
aL1t2lqChyze #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:53:49 FoolishJester Foolish Jester 38.892-77.0373 22.55 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ROFyGFcodhj2 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:56:54 Fulingg Fulingg 38.8912-77.0342 249.13 275, 15th Street Northwest
kR7UNojemLBy #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:58:03 38.8915-77.037 41.52 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
7JHuazklsU8v #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:58:06 38.8915-77.0333 0.35 280, 15th Street Northwest
ZkxVFIuxGuJy #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:58:38 Rightsidepayments RightSidePayments 38.8908-77.0332 11.92 273, 15th Street Northwest
GyLB83MNH8kk #NationalMall 2021-01-06 10:59:25 KimberleeBrown8 Kimberlee Brown8 38.8919-77.0343 47.21 Constitution Avenue Northwest
xkyLOWZxjxPj #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:00:17 TroySkinner Troy Skinner 38.8903-77.0353 30.21 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
4LUHpTKftGHg #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:01:31 🎢 PhilCollins Annapursley Annapursley 38.8914-77.0363 45.7 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
RpS3ATCnUMRu #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:01:32 Mind1978 Mind78 38.8922-77.0349 27.28 Constitution Avenue Northwest
XfSxaF86ryFg #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:02:17 🎢 PhilCollins 38.8918-77.0371 28.09 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
CiohAUaVwOfr #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:02:19 NebraskaPam NebraskaPam 38.89189-77.03619 37.13 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
4bspUiCwULxC #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:04:10 CompromisedCorruptPoliticians 38.892-77.0349 44.55 Constitution Avenue Northwest
LPMgas2riNpu #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:04:10 Jackiemcmurdy Jackiemcmurdy 38.892-77.0349 44.55 Constitution Avenue Northwest
Ptef4gsW1BVh #LowerSenatePark #NA 2021-01-06 11:04:28 Minister ProudBoys RogerStone πŸ—£ 0:10 "I met some of the Proud Boys through Roger Stone, who is a dear friend of mine." 5:04 "Black Lives Matter supports Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for killing 20 million black babies. Have the Proud Boys killed 20 million babies?" #FalseEquivalence 38.8938-77.0064 360.0 74, C Street Northeast, 20002
25Ntk48TL5Cg #LowerSenatePark #NA 2021-01-06 11:04:28 Minister ProudBoys RogerStone πŸ—£ 0:10 "I met some of the Proud Boys through Roger Stone, who is a dear friend of mine." 5:04 "Black Lives Matter supports Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for killing 20 million black babies. Have the Proud Boys killed 20 million babies?" #FalseEquivalence πŸ‘€ PastorRandyShort StewartRhodes 38.8938-77.0064 359.93 74, C Street Northeast, 20002
uIFh3PBrRXfe #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:04:40 38.8916-77.0366 17.09 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
aBf5G5aaPDj9 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:05:15 Hightower94 Punisher1776 38.8906-77.036 63.37 274, 16th Street Northwest
S1lEvzHqYTiZ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:05:41 selfie 38.8933-77.0369 15.6 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
Ds6ZUPblNzv4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:06:36 MickeyMoose Mickey Moose 38.8922-77.0365 7.77 Haupt Fountains, 16th Street Northwest
bpO11ESzb4Jt #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:07:47 38.8916-77.0332 20.92 280, 15th Street Northwest
kZUI5OC6H3CZ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:11:23 38.8915-77.0364 50.06 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
5py7tuH4TIaM #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:11:23 🎢 MichaelJackson 38.8915-77.0364 50.06 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
EniSIqkMzJqV #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:11:50 38.8916-77.0362 51.59 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
dVipXMFYPp43 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:12:37 38.8931-77.0337 28.51 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
ydhdhYfDbGmc #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:12:56 38.8907-77.0355 16.35 274, 16th Street Northwest
wItTIbLfoXBY #TheEllipse #NA 2021-01-06 11:14:32 🎢 #Journey πŸ‘€ 0:20.76 IAmAlexJones IAmAnthonyKern MikeLindell IAmCJPearson MikeFlynn BrandonStraka mflynnJR Michael Flynn Jr 38.8936-77.0366 33.37 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
V0DgB2ob5jKb #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:15:31 🎢 Journey AscottCamp1 Ascott Camp1 38.8919-77.0364 9.23 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ZEmep69Mt7pq #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:15:42 38.8917-77.0395 64.02 17th Street Levee, 17th Street Southwest, 20227
jxQHmvwEr9K0 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:17:07 πŸ—£ "Fuck Antifa!" πŸ‘€ ProudBoys PartyPantsGnome ArMAGAGeddon Nickb926 Nickb926 38.8921-77.0348 27.54 Constitution Avenue Northwest
LxsmTx5x2mFR #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:17:37 🎢 Journey 38.8919-77.0366 23.23 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
0pHHD2IPnGI5 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:18:12 🎢 #Creedence 38.8922-77.0365 35.63 Haupt Fountains, 16th Street Northwest
BacyoFvz5CTJ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:18:44 🎢 Creedence 38.8918-77.0368 26.05 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
OAm3Z4LornPq #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:18:44 🎢 Creedence 38.8918-77.0368 26.12 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
XiHfQLeLLGz1 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:19:01 38.8918-77.0371 10.89 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
teuMMu5mjGj6 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:19:01 🎢 Creedence MAGAPatriotPower DaleJHammer 38.8918-77.0371 124.57 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
WB1SMyVk7LXR #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:19:01 🎢 Creedence MAGAPatriotPower DaleJHammer 38.8918-77.0371 35.69 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
tJF8O7R7HdMp #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:19:02 Jebjeb92 Jebjeb92 38.891-77.0366 37.17 274, 16th Street Northwest
jI7hII4LXKlR #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:19:08 ChineseAmericans 🎢 Creedence 38.8922-77.0383 132.6 308, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
K2RwB9cY8WgL #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:19:08 Brazilian? renatobarros Renato Barros 38.8922-77.0383 132.63 308, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
mLnzgyK1MjJG #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:19:10 38.89149-77.037 106.84 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
LdURLP869BXI #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:19:10 38.89149-77.037 38.41 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ZlcEDu06k1O9 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:19:30 Private User Name Hidden 38.8913-77.0374 18.53 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
eouIUQ62wDSC #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:21:21 Westjohnathan Westjohnathan 38.8905-77.0358 5.09 274, 16th Street Northwest
423yzZ0D9J0P #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:22:15 🎢 #LeonardCohen AlohaGloGirl AlohaGloGirl 38.8915-77.0362 108.44 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
pryOHn3pxRih #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:22:20 KristineJ24 Healthnut24 38.8903-77.035 64.57 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
sztJiJaxROhM #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:22:44 38.89149-77.03709 38.41 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
C9CbTmKanEX4 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:23:29 🎢 LeonardCohen 38.8933-77.0363 24.94 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
SWL4CriMw42g #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:23:39 JamieLBrooks JamieLBrooks 38.8917-77.0336 83.73 15th Street Northwest
9LbRR2Z0Z122 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:24:15 🎢 LauraBranigan 2008Banshee Mit R 38.8908-77.0363 56.45 274, 16th Street Northwest
zq269gxmbYsI #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:24:43 38.8913-77.0359 39.24 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
kNfET2jAZEnS #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:25:10 KimberleeBrown8 Kimberlee Brown8 38.8918-77.0341 55.4 Constitution Avenue Northwest
Ou3e0ygfL1VY #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:25:10 🎢 LauraBranigan theCEOofTHEinternet Mr.Cheeks 38.8911-77.0333 29.29 National Museum of African American History and Culture, 1400, Constitution Avenue Northwest
qx6EFDhvKAKY #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:25:31 🎢 LauraBranigan 38.8919-77.0353 16.66 1554, Constitution Avenue Northwest
rTaPXgfP9jYA #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:26:24 PatriotMama22 Hannah 38.8898-77.0355 24.43 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
GB9gPpDhzCYF #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:29:45 🎢 #EltonJohn #CandleInTheWind 38.8922-77.0359 16.81 1579, Constitution Avenue Northwest
pQNBeerWn3ju #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:29:45 🎢 #EltonJohn #CandleInTheWind ScottJohnsonUtah Scott Johnson 38.8922-77.0359 16.81 1579, Constitution Avenue Northwest
ereiiJLQfQzB #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:30:32 Danielrdineen GeorgeWashington 38.892-77.0373 25.8 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
D1hTLKXn3FIC #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:32:42 38.8921-77.0368 16.93 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
CBqleP9b5ei1 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:32:42 🎢 MichaelJackson 38.8921-77.0368 16.97 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
PgPw2Jb7ANCM #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:32:42 🎢 MichaelJackson 38.8921-77.0368 16.91 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
UrD1KUHibZKT #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:32:42 🎢 MichaelJackson SelfCareAwakenings Reu 38.8921-77.0368 16.97 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
CC0iavGPRx9W #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:33:54 🎢 MichaelJackson 38.892-77.0361 49.62 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
FPX4J9n7LjeK #LowerSenatePark 2021-01-06 11:34:06 preaching BlacksForTrump Jacobhicks93 Jacobhicks93 38.8941-77.0066 32.76 60, C Street Northeast, 20002
lVKkqagkDm91 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:34:37 Inspectscv CA Conservative 38.8922-77.0354 40.84 1557, Constitution Avenue Northwest
znHqCskR67k6 #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:36:01 KimberleeBrown8 Kimberlee Brown8 38.8916-77.0342 43.77 Constitution Avenue Northwest
IyVON4loRnvA #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:37:30 TENNdeplorable Matt Spurlock 38.8921-77.0363 26.68 1595, Constitution Avenue Northwest
W4R2iPjTAhSs #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:37:30 TENNdeplorable Matt Spurlock 38.8921-77.0363 20.48 1595, Constitution Avenue Northwest
49UdNtftDTR8 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:39:02 🎢 #EltonJohn #TinyDancer 38.8915-77.0358 17.93 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
DcZD1fcn6YU7 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:39:26 🎢 EltonJohn JCliftonNW Jeremy Clifton 38.8913-77.0362 39.73 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
smnHIPWv97nd #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:40:36 🎢 EltonJohn AliStage Ali_Stage 38.8918-77.0369 20.53 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
nfECtdIj6O2C #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:41:25 🎢 TinyDancer EltonJohn ehawkes Elliott Hawkes 38.8935-77.0368 17.32 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
aTVvK3ALeLDf #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:41:39 Leesarowland Leesa Rowland 38.89079-77.03549 19.37 274, 16th Street Northwest
C6icT24heT8w #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:44:23 Mind1978 Mind78 38.8922-77.0349 0.33 Constitution Avenue Northwest
F2W6OmWVy8b4 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:45:06 🎢 MachoMan VillagePeople 38.8934-77.0369 16.07 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
IGhJlpaMZ7QE #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:48:44 Jenndegan Jenn Egan 38.8913-77.0367 101.54 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
jpQmHE0BJJzQ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:51:12 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 🎢 Journey 38.8914-77.0362 24.12 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
kQ0ltkpwFuvd #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:51:15 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8917-77.0364 17.2 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
NLbwqxP0yA6f #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:51:26 Jrzvol JerseyVol 38.8909-77.036 66.73 274, 16th Street Northwest
uJnCqo00NHIl #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:51:28 38.8909-77.0317 63.83 The Gwenfritz Sculpture, 14th Street Northwest
SjPt47R3IMWH #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:51:49 Chapmanp2000 Chap 38.8917-77.0367 12.19 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
GtFuFel8K7Wo #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:51:49 🎢 Journey 38.8917-77.0367 12.22 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
gyQ4hi1OVvNQ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:51:56 🎢 Journey 38.8919-77.0367 19.73 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
xeNpofVo019x #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:52:32 Smcampbell1962 Sal-ster 38.8903-77.0356 58.7 274, 16th Street Northwest
RtzXU1igtY6z #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:52:41 38.8909-77.0361 50.6 274, 16th Street Northwest
g0Nj4eN2MnLi #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:52:41 🎢 LauraBranigan 38.8909-77.0361 50.6 274, 16th Street Northwest
og2zOouYA0bD #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:53:09 🎢 LauraBranigan 38.892-77.0345 33.86 Constitution Avenue Northwest
fNodpDg9wS24 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:54:40 🎢 LauraBranigan theCEOofTHEinternet Mr.Cheeks 38.8921-77.0344 32.04 Constitution Avenue Northwest
FkvvrM19RjN7 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:55:07 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 🎢 LauraBranigan 38.8913-77.0359 56.94 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
BKSLTTzLt0u2 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:55:10 38.8912-77.0363 43.08 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ljl6PXazsbVv #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:42 38.8919-77.0345 30.17 Constitution Avenue Northwest
ONo3BODldEl4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:44 38.8914-77.0362 51.08 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
Uc2Ib1LReDaF #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:44 38.8914-77.0362 51.08 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
W1nA3OgbJg4W #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:44 38.8914-77.0362 51.08 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
tO04kKgjW1q4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:53 38.8903-77.0354 36.99 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
tV6IW4GoxnTO #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:53 Private User Name Hidden 38.8903-77.0354 36.99 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
y3ZnJwouF005 #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:57:56 Private User Name Hidden 38.8917-77.0368 23.73 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
qZ4Z9PXxNQ0S #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:57:58 38.8915-77.0335 25.61 280, 15th Street Northwest
mIn3PZBW1oY6 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:57:58 🎢 LeeGreenwood Reeceemadison Reeceemadison 38.892-77.0363 121.93 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
mRzp24FtvPAz #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:01 tjmc37 tjmc37 38.8902-77.0356 41.15 274, 16th Street Northwest
wNfQTWy7Ag2U #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:01 38.8902-77.0356 41.19 274, 16th Street Northwest
Tf7juYtkrm8N #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 38.891-77.0366 33.62 274, 16th Street Northwest
VbdO03aG0roa #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 38.891-77.0366 33.62 274, 16th Street Northwest
XsOVb0pwRJES #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 38.891-77.0366 33.62 274, 16th Street Northwest
SaIZUp7eBoNS #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 Truthpilled1776 Truthpilled1776 38.8919-77.0363 35.53 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
tIvvSQeMO2zH #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 Truthpilled1776 Truthpilled1776 38.8919-77.0363 35.48 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ZD5sljEqYtQe #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 38.8904-77.0355 117.1 274, 16th Street Northwest
CtpFcLr34Uql #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:02 38.8917-77.0356 28.39 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
f0jWyjwdBKP5 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:58:02 38.8904-77.0355 117.1 274, 16th Street Northwest
hjRobWu8oCwR #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:07 38.8921-77.0371 31.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
SqRCzq7K64Wx #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:07 38.8921-77.0371 31.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
u3NIL1HX4oub #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:07 38.8921-77.0371 31.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
uEhpLEAXkTi7 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:07 38.8921-77.0371 31.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
VDvVSLkluqQ7 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:07 38.8921-77.0371 31.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
fka2eOYeky8y #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 11:58:07 38.8921-77.0371 31.12 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
PpcSJ2t5R9I2 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:14 TroySkinner Troy Skinner 38.8903-77.0353 27.05 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
z5ImjO6kJLtP #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 11:58:15 snakle Craig Bowers 38.8917-77.0369 45.63 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
oodb7WzcK1AW #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:19 Ericdel86 Ericdel86 38.8918-77.0362 15.59 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
Hnkh0n6fehR5 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:25 Sillycaligurl AmericanHoneyβ€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒΈ 38.8911-77.0362 69.89 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
KqK8O1Up7G11 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:39 NJPatriotRose Rose 38.8914-77.0364 42.21 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
PS5QzMyOoJ1Y #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:48 Robhala Robhala 38.8906-77.037 56.07 274, 16th Street Northwest
83QmTetHJ5T5 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:58:49 Trichristian333 Tricia L Campbell Leath 38.8914-77.0364 98.22 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
uZGNteDG572x #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:03 Wn3vjohn John Miller 38.8907-77.0358 34.48 274, 16th Street Northwest
11yUZY1GBsbG #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:07 KMStrong76QANON KMStrong76 38.8912-77.0364 47.86 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
FaWeCHG1fiWN #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:08 3rjwilson8 3rjwilson8 38.8911-77.0353 92.63 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
RBaqoUEvZ7bX #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:17 38.8917-77.0369 44.03 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
3Y0yDk1J2QZG #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:30 38.8921-77.0361 27.19 1587, Constitution Avenue Northwest
IEScWmDsSfKX #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:36 ProudPolish ProudPolish 38.8918-77.0363 33.65 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
DFLm2As2pXc4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 11:59:44 38.8907-77.0362 19.32 274, 16th Street Northwest
CjBp5eYn9SIM #NationalMall #TrumpStage 2021-01-06 12:00:03 IAmNickFuentes 38.8937-77.0367 12.49 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
Cp1Hh3fxtldb #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:00:04 38.8922-77.035 20.09 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
X23DBdsA9dig #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:00:04 38.8922-77.035 20.16 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
wQZ0XA36Xpih #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:00:17 Zacierkamatt Mzacierka 38.8916-77.0359 13.16 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
XDp5bfyFplEJ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:00:23 38.8909-77.0361 27.75 274, 16th Street Northwest
CCpdypA06UDd #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:00:26 38.8906-77.0368 5.7 274, 16th Street Northwest
EAQMiCrIpltl #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:00:49 TrumpSpeech RyanMicozzi Ryan Micozzi 38.8937-77.0365 24.99 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
vrWD0q1NIOPA #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 12:01:22 38.8909-77.0361 250.59 274, 16th Street Northwest
ijUVt42MiQk1 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:01:43 TrumpSpeech Erinmrisher Erinmrisher 38.8913-77.0364 20.44 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
IBrEVWHnY1c3 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:02:14 AllegianceToTheUSA LivinTheDream 38.8919-77.0346 49.23 Constitution Avenue Northwest
PkYBsjdzBGh6 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:02:16 TrumpSpeech Gregwave Gregwave 38.8919-77.0351 27.71 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
C6tRQmnNnLw0 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 12:02:16 ChrissyRedpill President-elect onehorseponyQ ChrissyDeplorable 38.8919-77.0351 27.77 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
YNzVcLzuZCIA #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:02:24 38.8901-77.036 7.36 274, 16th Street Northwest
b3Oqdkelutuv #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:03:15 AllegianceToTheUSA LivinTheDream 38.8918-77.0346 33.79 Constitution Avenue Northwest
Yv60aO8hsb4H #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 12:03:33 38.8903-77.0074 28.79 166, East Front Plaza
MGIywYHb2lB8 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 12:03:33 38.8903-77.0074 28.81 166, East Front Plaza
04aPSGXs9uu1 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:05:00 πŸ—£ "Fight for Trump!" Americanasfuq Politically incorrect American 38.8918-77.0363 7.93 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
DHoJvfj4HEiv #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:05:02 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! 38.8921-77.0362 20.35 1591, Constitution Avenue Northwest
IF2x3ThvAC2I #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:05:05 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! DaughterOfThe1776 Ashley from Nashville, TN 38.892-77.0342 26.07 Constitution Avenue Northwest
tnKO25xO088k #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:05:08 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! 38.8916-77.0354 22.41 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
roaq3t7AvtXD #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 12:05:08 TrumpSpeech πŸ—£ "Fight for Trump!" Mind1978 Mind78 38.8916-77.0354 22.34 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
e8PppkH5mMcT #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:05:36 Mind1978 Mind78 38.8924-77.0349 22.13 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
l8rCpvcBwL6H #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:05:36 TrumpSpeech Mind1978 Mind78 38.8924-77.0349 22.18 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
xs03tAD9f9vM #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 12:05:36 TrumpSpeech Mind1978 Mind78 38.8924-77.0349 22.11 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
52LnuwCTZdKB #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:06:34 merlinsgirl merlins_girl 38.8916-77.0348 58.72 Constitution Avenue Northwest
8YA6CeYMxHh4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:07:47 38.8922-77.0352 13.88 285, Constitution Avenue Northwest
nf9v20YjxIN6 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:07:47 38.8922-77.0352 13.88 285, Constitution Avenue Northwest
5V9nwv8lo2mi #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:07:47 πŸ—£ We love Trump! Dawnmarkee Dawnmarkee 38.8922-77.0352 13.93 285, Constitution Avenue Northwest
4UIpSX6NxSsY #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:07:51 Mind1978 Mind78 38.8922-77.0349 5.78 Constitution Avenue Northwest
O1oaG8upD54v #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:07:51 38.8922-77.0349 5.74 Constitution Avenue Northwest
XNw9fkLnbCLz #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:07:51 Mind1978 Mind78 38.8922-77.0349 5.74 Constitution Avenue Northwest
iarzfMQKhqPN #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:07:51 πŸ—£ "Thank you Trump!" 38.8922-77.0349 5.78 Constitution Avenue Northwest
40mZ6CU28v4l #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:08:00 TroySkinner Troy Skinner 38.8903-77.0353 44.91 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
9H6cOk9iVoHA #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:08:17 TrumpSpeech 38.8916-77.0353 415.13 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
52rqoXOfOPy5 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:08:19 TrumpSpeech 38.8921-77.0363 50.11 1595, Constitution Avenue Northwest
JIb9xyG6vHPc #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:09:00 38.8921-77.0345 169.9 Constitution Avenue Northwest
cHRjjrxdHl62 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:13:01 38.8901-77.0355 36.25 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
Me5oFMAnIwOm #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:13:28 TrumpSpeech 38.8934-77.036 127.52 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
1Hkd1vmLib9z #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:15:41 38.8904-77.0355 128.83 274, 16th Street Northwest
KZQCjNA0PoDD #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:15:41 38.8904-77.0355 128.83 274, 16th Street Northwest
L6ZOl2DCvn7S #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:15:41 38.8904-77.0355 128.83 274, 16th Street Northwest
CSwG5TXA1Zjx #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:15:41 TrumpSpeech πŸ—£ "We are going to walk down to the Capitol." "Yeah!" "You have to show strength." "Yes." "Invade the Capitol building." "Take the Capitol!" 38.8904-77.0355 128.81 274, 16th Street Northwest
RW9zZRZnAaK2 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:15:41 TrumpSpeech 38.8904-77.0355 128.81 274, 16th Street Northwest
slqx1gKpRvk6 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 12:16:38 38.892-77.0351 27.41 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
hxkZFXYX1S5A #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:21:13 TrumpSpeech πŸ—£ "I spoke to David Perdue. What a great person." MarmarMama MarmarMama 38.8914-77.0363 17.88 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
S0RLaNltewMK #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:22:20 🎢 LauraBranigan RealSeanC Sean C 38.8919-77.0366 36.27 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
MDACiOMgge1Z #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:23:08 38.891-77.0353 50.83 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
rYy7YpNRTUE6 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:23:08 38.891-77.0353 50.83 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
VRn0p1lTjPBc #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:25:59 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8903-77.0408 23.82 World War II Memorial, 1964, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20227
KcSAXDGnLT3g #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:26:32 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom TrumpSpeech 38.8914-77.0368 51.83 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
pPqRA75aYGRj #ConstitutionAveNW #10thStreet 2021-01-06 12:27:07 38.8922-77.0262 17.95 230, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
ul321O6nbneR #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:27:41 TrumpSpeech Mruhkala87 Mruhkala87 38.8912-77.0366 57.7 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
0Pk8BEfptuZG #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:29:06 38.8912-77.0341 48.17 275, 15th Street Northwest
5GIdUYtOQZvC #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:29:06 38.8912-77.0341 48.18 275, 15th Street Northwest
Vfb7RDCU9APR #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:29:06 38.8912-77.0341 48.18 275, 15th Street Northwest
N8GVCcruSnYN #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:29:06 TrumpSpeech 38.8912-77.0341 48.23 275, 15th Street Northwest
Z0TTE4j3M60b #NationalMall #TrumpSpeech 2021-01-06 12:29:06 38.8912-77.0341 48.23 275, 15th Street Northwest
GyPHmSWdiGzt #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 12:38:12 GolferGirlFl Golfer Girl Fl 38.8923-77.0352 9.99 285, Constitution Avenue Northwest
IDijozQkiiVl #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:45:18 38.8903-77.036 47.92 274, 16th Street Northwest
CxuimH5Nb5do #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:47:37 38.8908-77.0371 32.74 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
XGxtrQAr7QOi #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 12:49:27 Wn3vjohn John Miller 38.8921-77.0267 46.95 233, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
TZMPQmDrtK0N #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:51:34 TrumpSpeech 38.8904-77.0354 39.82 274, 16th Street Northwest
PSfBHdR0uPsj #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 12:53:56 SeditionBreach 🎢 "Don't do it!" 38.89009-77.0123 29.86 1st Street Northwest, 20202
7h0ZDlfUOgbQ #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 12:53:56 πŸ‘€ Individual4 BlackSkiMask 0:09 MasterSarge 38.89009-77.0123 29.86 1st Street Northwest, 20202
M81rH3MqmpMQ #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 12:53:56 πŸ‘€ Individual4 BlackSkiMask 0:09 MasterSarge Olivia44 Olivia Barnard 38.89009-77.0123 29.86 1st Street Northwest, 20202
b0s87hxTGufb #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 12:55:16 38.8912-77.0132 16.32 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Dm7RNKn6blxh #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 12:55:16 38.8912-77.0132 16.37 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
i7xUeEr5Ysmm #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 12:55:16 38.8912-77.0132 16.32 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
yPG52agghF1w #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 12:55:40 38.89-77.0333 23.43 273, 15th Street Northwest
LdowRJbSeiWb #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 12:56:19 SeditionOscars 0:28 SeditionWeapons πŸ‘€ 0:00 1:41.10 FurryFoxGuy 0:42.14 Individual4 Chrestman? Piccorillo/Piccirillo? Donohoe? CommieKiller? 0:55 MFInvadesCapitol DreadedHuman? FacepaintBlowhard? Axehole? TheBrat? TheBabysitter? MericaPB? MaroonPB? TreasonEagleScout? BeenieGiant ZachRehlPB 38.8906-77.012 128.78 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
p2IW8kMZuc0c #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 12:56:19 Escarlettgaran π•Ώπ–π–Š πŸ’ π•»π–†π–™π–—π–Žπ–Šπ–™π–™π–Š 38.8906-77.012 128.85 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
bHrrdOH7wawk #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 12:59:19 SeditionOscars Carhartt standoff confrontation πŸ‘€ ProudBoys 0:08 FesterPB 0:24.67 AZSkeletorPB 0:25.30 Individual4 2:01 0:25.81 TreadPB 0:37.44 JoeBiggs 0:41.80 0:43.33 BlackSkiMask 0:46.10 FacePaintBlowhard 0:49.49 RayBanTerrorist 2:55.00 BurgundyBHorn 0:25 Spazzo FlandersPB Axehole GasMaskTwins OrangeHatGroup 0:25 WildDog? 2:52 WookiePB 3:23 OldWackyTobaccy 0:29 ArMAGAGedon? 0:49 GrogBountyHunter SwimGogglesPB 2:10 BlueGooniesGuy Michaelsaenz0524 Tiny saenz 38.8898-77.0103 227.03 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
ZwglTUkStXdA #NationalMall 2021-01-06 12:59:35 Oseacnesaig CuChulainn 38.8899-77.0333 84.5 86, 15th Street Northwest
aRWTR7sk7i90 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 12:59:40 SeditionOscars 3:35 CoffeeCup πŸ—£ 05:35 "My fellow Americans..." πŸ‘€ 0:15 OrangeTapeGroup 1:49 4:35 FurryFoxGuy 1:54 OrangeLensesPB 3:35 8:30 TreasonEagleScout 4:42 5:44 10:50 BeenieGiant 5:36 TowermanMale19? 8:29 MissingToothMarine 10:13 12:00 FashyFreddyMercury 10:26 11:41 SecretSquirrel 12:05 MaroonPB CommieKiller 2:12 2:34 NeonHelmetCam FashProShop? GasMaskTwins? SouthwestPB? ZZTopPB QCommsGuy RagingPesciPB? InfoWarsPB? NoRagretsHead? MericaPB? DTOMGaiterPB? PlywoodCowboy? UFPB? TowerPup? CivilWarBeard 38.8902-77.0103 725.34 64, West Terraces and Steps
DYap5yt4pNXI #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 12:59:50 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice Ferguskay Fergus_kay 38.8918-77.0278 26.67 241, 12th Street Northwest, Penn Quarter
O9crjIncbabG #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:59:51 TrumpSpeech Jsdebrita John De Brita 38.8919-77.0363 14.4 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
W6XYUCz6qu6J #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 12:59:51 TrumpSpeech 38.8919-77.0363 14.4 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
zBLIrh4Yl7XH #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:00:11 πŸ—£ "We literally just got on the Capitol lawn." 38.8905-77.0118 43.21 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
sT75WFu2QPLW #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:02:09 PostBreach πŸ—£ "You are all invited." "This is nuts." "Fucking patriots!" πŸ‘€ 0:00 PinkBeret Rightsidepayments RightSidePayments 38.8905-77.0117 26.93 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
cSKhlKa6cTDy #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:02:34 marching Travman Thomas 38.8943-77.0336 20.61 Original Patentees of D.C., 15th Street Northwest
IuqogfNIVKuE #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:04:04 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice Trumpismybff Trumpismybff 38.8922-77.025 13.93 227, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Zalcz8BiXAeX #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:04:04 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice 38.8922-77.025 13.88 227, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
VJKKCQ9W822I #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:05:12 38.8901-77.0106 38.97 64, West Terraces and Steps
lpX6J6uQoqnn #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:05:51 SeditionBreach 38.8907-77.0117 40.98 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
HFM8mZssF1pW #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:05:51 πŸ—£ "OK, just crossed the line. These boys took the fence down." πŸ‘€ FenceCutterTwins 38.8907-77.0117 40.96 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
5F4X9i7bivo4 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:06:20 38.89-77.0105 19.97 65, West Terraces and Steps
ba8W5Vn1BpxS #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:06:34 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice Cjennyliu Cjennyliu 38.8921-77.0251 126.9 232, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
I3snouHE0cRL #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:07:05 TrumpSpeech 38.8919-77.0365 14.8 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
hL3LsRN1titr #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 13:07:14 38.8904-77.01129 105.77 62, West Terraces and Steps
fqMErkRVItV0 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:07:25 Rightsidepayments RightSidePayments 38.8902-77.0106 0.38 64, West Terraces and Steps
eGWFiGU2WtR8 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:07:28 Runinred1967 Runinred1967 38.8917-77.0366 283.08 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
pTHsCKI1Q7aU #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:07:32 TrumpSpeech CapitolFlagCalledFreedom Lindaymuth Lin Daymuth 38.8919-77.0364 12.45 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
dNQEWzlDBIPp #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 13:07:49 RightSidePayments πŸ—£ "You work for us!" #SeditionChant πŸ‘€ 0:07.55 APPSignGuy Rightsidepayments RightSidePayments 38.8902-77.0105 16.99 64, West Terraces and Steps
c1BJ5UScIV4j #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:08:02 TrumpSpeech 38.8917-77.0364 1.02 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
n3iZrxPKikPw #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:08:06 TrumpSpeech GraceGarber3 GraceGarber3 38.8905-77.0359 19.6 274, 16th Street Northwest
ygjtuv0iW4TC #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 13:10:24 GolferGirlFl Golfer Girl Fl 38.8919-77.0171 6.69 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
63ExNlmUp31h #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:10:41 38.8936-77.0367 69.87 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
aovZgE73u2Fw #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:10:41 TrumpSpeech 🎢 VillagePeople πŸ—£ "Let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue." Doncainaz Donnoss 38.8936-77.0367 69.92 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
BxD1M9oq62fW #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 13:11:28 ValriA Valri Ary 38.8892-77.0121 9.31 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
EaU4AGJteDUN #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:11:29 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice 38.8919-77.0251 97.01 232, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
ZNw8QySF7z1q #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:11:29 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice MarlerOnParler1126 MarlerOnParler111 38.8919-77.0251 97.01 232, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
bJg3vL68MwQd #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:11:40 38.88969-77.01059 17.49 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
DLj1sth1JqF4 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:11:40 38.88969-77.01059 17.44 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
hr06Kn7hkUP1 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:11:40 38.88969-77.01059 17.49 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
R0dVgBQd3c3U #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:11:40 38.88969-77.01059 17.49 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
jmTwoZT1bv04 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:11:44 🎢 VillagePeople 38.892-77.0363 17.95 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
27RdbSgSj64v #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:11:58 AllenpaulAp56 AAP007 38.8918-77.0355 91.65 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
kHIl0dyeUCkt #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:12:14 Sjzabs14 Sjzabs14 38.8919-77.0364 31.97 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
VtnsP8zniE4U #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:12:53 🎢 VillagePeople Jleec85 Jordan 38.8919-77.0363 10.1 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
JvjJL1ie366a #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:13:12 Vexium Vexium 38.8905-77.0355 21.71 274, 16th Street Northwest
MP44uUYx1snu #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:13:31 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice 38.8922-77.0245 113.15 33 34 P6 X1, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
tIdRNahpGUtR #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:14:07 38.8916-77.0336 14.98 15th Street Northwest
C0iVFlxMD0xd #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:14:08 🎢 VillagePeople 38.8919-77.0365 42.89 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
VESN7EGGQffT #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:14:55 πŸ‘€ realJoelValdez JoelValdez Joel Valdez 38.8873-77.0088 5.9 Longworth House Office Building, 15, Independence Avenue Southeast, 20003
0PewiHC6MJ7W #WashingtonDC #TrumpArrival 2021-01-06 13:14:56 38.8937-77.0359 133.52 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
kCmbHkMOiPUj #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 13:15:29 38.89029-77.0107 54.96 64, West Terraces and Steps
AsI5A9nNiP28 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:16:33 AnthonyGambino96 Anthony Gambino 96 38.8921-77.0385 27.28 308, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
WCqX2Ulwi4ey #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:16:34 38.8922-77.0379 21.03 308, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
FfajlshynACj #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:17:05 38.8887-77.0325 13.42 Capital Bikeshare, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20250
AZwl3eKYgzMD #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:17:24 Waldronmike Waldronmike 38.8921-77.0254 139.62 Captain Nathan Hale Sculpture, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
CQtHtEEczheT #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:17:50 Robhala Robhala 38.8915-77.0152 10.38 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Cycle Track, Penn Quarter, 20565
7fckI1220tbu #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:19:23 38.89-77.0103 57.15 65, West Terraces and Steps
PQxU7YHg4q2t #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:19:23 38.89-77.0103 57.08 65, West Terraces and Steps
QhHQcvLey9wa #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:19:23 38.89-77.0103 57.15 65, West Terraces and Steps
qCFXkHRg1tTp #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:19:23 38.89-77.0103 57.15 65, West Terraces and Steps
ScT8XU9t70YC #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:19:23 38.89-77.0103 57.15 65, West Terraces and Steps
wCbOT5Lhqo7n #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:19:23 sniper 38.89-77.0103 57.15 65, West Terraces and Steps
c8OcZF1R9C8W #PennsylvaniaAveNW #4thStreet 2021-01-06 13:20:07 πŸ‘€ 0:18.12 GingerSneezy 38.8916-77.0183 22.5 Penn Quarter
qk0SCeACvdk7 #PennsylvaniaAveNW #4thStreet 2021-01-06 13:20:16 πŸ‘€ 0:12.60 GingerSneezy 38.892-77.0171 52.94 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Cycle Track, Penn Quarter
mEM4U7ALfa89 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:20:55 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8915-77.0154 14.07 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Cycle Track, Penn Quarter
dilrNEPyGwLa #NationalMall #DepartmentOfCommerce 2021-01-06 13:21:45 πŸ—£ #GloryHallelujah #BattleHymnOfTheRepublic ExtremlyAmerican Extremely American 38.8928-77.0335 42.24 U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401, Constitution Avenue Northwest
2SYR2Wjra3ic #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:21:48 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
T6crwRF3b40U #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:21:48 38.89-77.0116 31.72 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
0m53Jfe0nCjK #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:48 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
6JKN4W2L1wBv #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:48 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
G85lIKeycHmR #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:48 πŸ—£ "Pence just rejected Arizona's vote and these people are pissed." "President Trump is here at the Capitol building with us. We saw the motorcade. Shit is about to get real." 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
gy0EY9XFnTc6 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:48 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
MTkgkTwi8oy1 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:48 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
nuNa6aDdxRwi #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:48 Redeyeracer Redeyeracer 38.89-77.0116 31.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
CKSVgexBTTpn #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:21:56 38.8898-77.0108 18.69 65, West Terraces and Steps
eQQ4COoeOxoP #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:22:00 marching Thart01 TrumpHeart 38.8928-77.0395 44.79 Queen Isabella I Memorial, 17th Street Northwest, 20552
lzUC9GbkJ1xm #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:22:05 Dlramsey1978 Dlramsey1978 38.8918-77.0342 17.04 Constitution Avenue Northwest
VZLG8Hnn2BZL #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:22:18 38.8905-77.0344 3.2 275, 15th Street Northwest
Z8A5dWvZXeWv #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:23:15 38.8915-77.0324 25.36 263, 14th Street Northwest
xToF3QUSP60s #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:24:41 38.8953-77.0292 21.23 Pennsylvania Avenue & 12th Street Northwest Eastbound, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Cycle Track, Penn Quarter
EFv9XkrdDg8Q #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:25:02 πŸ‘€ 0:00 GoldMaskPB? TrackSuitPB? 38.89-77.0104 15.47 65, West Terraces and Steps
KAipffF8QN4W #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:25:02 Flashbang πŸ‘€ GoldMaskPB SmokingPhoenix TrackSuitPB 38.89-77.0104 15.51 65, West Terraces and Steps
XKgX6pD5MswJ #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:25:38 38.8901-77.0103 27.31 64, West Terraces and Steps
ycxk7J43m1BR #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:25:38 38.8901-77.0103 27.31 64, West Terraces and Steps
1TszpHzh2B7A #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:25:38 πŸ‘€ TapeRollsPB 0:08 SgtPepperSprayer 0:27 ColonPB Escarlettgaran π•Ώπ–π–Š πŸ’ π•»π–†π–™π–—π–Žπ–Šπ–™π–™π–Š 38.8901-77.0103 27.26 64, West Terraces and Steps
IjCvip4YonXA #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:26:06 πŸ‘€ 0:26 TwoBlueJacket 38.8899-77.0106 70.27 65, West Terraces and Steps
SL3WGc6e6Wtw #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:26:20 🎢 VillagePeople 38.8919-77.0334 31.54 282, Constitution Avenue Northwest
5Uwz75EfuKZn #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:26:34 🏒 DepartmentOfJustice 38.8919-77.0249 37.32 232, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
TdAjv2eDi3Ep #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:26:54 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover TheBammer Martin Glover 38.891-77.0127 11.31 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
lM9IhrO85Tyy #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:26:56 38.89-77.0105 33.9 65, West Terraces and Steps
Ty8H2A9NGGGD #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 13:27:42 38.8902-77.0107 3.35 64, West Terraces and Steps
UC7nTJ2ha9WM #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:27:49 πŸ‘€ 0:00 NineLineBlue 0:13 ScarFaceHoodie 0:40 FrozenDadBod 0:40 GreenPufferUndercover 0:43 0:57 HatHag 0:51 BlackGlove805 1:02 Sean59AFO 1:05 StarheadAOM? ScarFaceHoodie truthwithes truthwithes 38.8898-77.0102 66.92 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
n36b4RLj6RgU #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:28:06 PeopleforPorter People for Porter 38.8921-77.0333 49.18 15th St and Constitution Ave NW, Constitution Avenue Northwest
WXkILSGX6H82 #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 13:29:00 38.8938-77.023 9.75 Penn Quarter
KQJOG5JmuJuZ #PennsylvaniaAveNW #7thStreet 2021-01-06 13:29:00 38.8938-77.023 9.74 Penn Quarter
EFc5cWENHs5F #PennsylvaniaAveNW #17thStreet 2021-01-06 13:29:02 marching 38.8996-77.0391 12.38 New Executive Office Building, 725, 17th Street Northwest
tfjhpJnZ8uOu #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:29:08 38.8907-77.012 51.55 1st Street Northwest, 20202
RZ6kOAnEylPI #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:29:11 πŸ‘€ JefferyAlexanderSmith 38.8906-77.0135 54.73 61, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
rSygHXIxTYOV #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:29:23 Wsetzer2 IdahoPatriot 38.8902-77.0114 326.62 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
9tpBDvg0t5aY #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:29:46 38.8901-77.0109 20.16 64, West Terraces and Steps
gyU7mdAtGkbk #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:31:24 38.8922-77.0302 42.08 256, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Wm6o3hXiTzPa #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:31:24 Isleofkent2141 Jjfloyd4/22/89πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8922-77.0302 42.03 256, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
FX86zIGkN6wH #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 13:31:51 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8903-77.0112 57.72 62, West Terraces and Steps
IxOOCB3tAJ31 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:31:56 Private User Name Hidden 38.892-77.035 29.05 284, Constitution Avenue Northwest
vF0r7gQNd90g #ConstitutionAveNW #15thStNW 2021-01-06 13:32:19 LGHomeschool LGHomeschool 38.8928-77.0337 7.2 287, 15th Street Northwest
pGwKALiliQd8 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 13:33:03 mD0ZC6PMF71x 38.8911-77.0134 95.33 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Dsw78s0t9tya #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:33:03 38.89-77.0104 27.57 65, West Terraces and Steps
3MZdguCP83Pd #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:33:03 FlashBangs 38.8911-77.0134 95.4 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
MN65JKK42QNI #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:33:03 pGwKALiliQd8 mD0ZC6PMF71x Escarlettgaran π•Ώπ–π–Š πŸ’ π•»π–†π–™π–—π–Žπ–Šπ–™π–™π–Š 38.8911-77.0134 95.33 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
mD0ZC6PMF71x #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:33:03 Flashbang 38.8911-77.0134 95.4 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
DX3RBg66JdtR #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:33:03 πŸ‘€ Spazzo? GasMaskTwins? IAmRyanDKelley Garrizzly Grizz 38.89-77.0104 27.57 65, West Terraces and Steps
OaWWf0OzCIlu #CapitolWest #CapitolMonument 2021-01-06 13:33:12 38.8912-77.0132 26.01 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
49N6wcN2AIni #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:33:12 38.8912-77.0132 25.96 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
wFijX2jkhwtp #ConstitutionAveNW #15thStreet 2021-01-06 13:33:29 πŸ—£ Fuck Antifa! 38.8919-77.034 5.3 Constitution Avenue Northwest
a7DW37R386K3 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:33:54 Dtc03snake Daren From Delaware 38.8911-77.0362 4.9 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
0gsiVBqJRXUf #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:34:00 Ashleythompsondenton ashleythompsondenton 38.8918-77.0341 22.82 Constitution Avenue Northwest
bqc61J4Nsg9a #WashingtonDC #FarragutSquare 2021-01-06 13:34:08 38.9016-77.0386 23.82 Army and Navy Club, 17th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20009
zdsVCF0Zix0T #WashingtonDC #FarragutSquare 2021-01-06 13:34:08 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom bqc61J4Nsg9a 38.9016-77.0386 23.87 Army and Navy Club, 17th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20009
EvuXaSzgYJ14 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 13:34:38 38.8902-77.0107 61.41 64, West Terraces and Steps
J6NjsQ3OmDEK #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 13:34:48 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8902-77.0109 22.96 63, West Terraces and Steps
A1kOgSwRYI8P #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:34:51 πŸ‘€ Spazzo? 38.8909-77.0127 60.86 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
qwQh9rjHrZqI #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:34:51 0:21 0:32 Flashbang 1:00 pitchfork πŸ—£ 0:00 "Hands up don't shoot!" 0:34 "You guys started it!" πŸ‘€ Spazzo? 0:24 FohawkFlagShades Garrizzly Grizz 38.8909-77.0127 60.85 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
0jaHRfXYTxdk #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:35:42 πŸ‘€ 0:00.50 TwoBlueJacket 38.8899-77.0106 40.78 65, West Terraces and Steps
pF7XCEbbEFZa #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 13:35:52 πŸ‘€ TraitorAtBat 38.8901-77.0105 30.47 64, West Terraces and Steps
uLrMp3ouT1vK #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:35:52 πŸ‘€ TraitorAtBat 38.8901-77.0105 30.51 64, West Terraces and Steps
iGMPJYFvf344 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:35:52 πŸ‘€ TraitorBat MrEndurance Jeramiah Edwards 38.8901-77.0105 30.46 64, West Terraces and Steps
1LsLQccp9kli #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 13:36:03 πŸ—£ "Stop the steal!" TENNdeplorable Matt Spurlock 38.8922-77.0301 11.28 256, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Q6DY9FC1N3Rp #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:36:34 38.8896-77.0109 53.57 67, West Terraces and Steps
BQQyPL9LxpLz #PennsylvaniaAveNW #4thStreet 2021-01-06 13:36:35 πŸ‘€ IAmAlexJones 0:18 IgnobleHeartPB 38.8922-77.0176 93.09 General Meade Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
r7ZFtUynNaTC #PennsylvaniaAveNW #4thStreet 2021-01-06 13:36:35 πŸ‘€ IAmAlexJones 0:18 IgnobleHeartPB 38.8922-77.0176 93.09 General Meade Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
ZTGSyftpq6Ok #PennsylvaniaAveNW #4thStreet 2021-01-06 13:36:35 πŸ‘€ IAmAlexJones 0:18 IgnobleHeartPB 38.8922-77.0176 93.04 General Meade Statue, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
Km2S7d92uPH8 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:36:54 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover 38.8902-77.0108 6.47 64, West Terraces and Steps
hi0orAgffuhA #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:37:55 SeditionGolfCart πŸ‘€ IAmTerrenceKWilliams IAmDavidJHarrisJr SoldierSpirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Soldier Spirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8956-77.0394 8.29 Corcoran School of the Arts & Design, 500, 17th Street Northwest, 20552
qVsqMakVxGNP #ConstitutionAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-06 13:38:23 38.892-77.024 31.08 National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, 9th Street Expressway, Penn Quarter
C2NlgX1NxiL3 #CapitolReflectingPool #MarylandAvenueSW 2021-01-06 13:38:24 sarahlove Sarah Love 38.8887-77.0138 47.28 United States Botanic Garden, 100, Maryland Avenue Southwest
rkxKI1heDXZb #ConstitutionAveNW #14thStreet 2021-01-06 13:38:29 Private User Name Hidden 38.892-77.0334 13.68 282, Constitution Avenue Northwest
fKggzRFTD9HP #ConstitutionAveNW #7thStreet 2021-01-06 13:39:02 Inkenh37 Inkenh37 38.8923-77.0231 37.29 U.S. National Archives, 700, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
gj867lWsCvHv #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 13:39:19 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner #WeeIrishPB πŸ‘€ 0:00 BeenieGiant? 0:00 CommieKiller Scott? 0:7.52 SgtPepperSprayer SecretSquirrel? MilkshakePB KRockman K Rockman 38.8906-77.012 16.05 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
HrcmWO0Y0FW3 #ConstitutionAveNW #6thStNW 2021-01-06 13:39:51 38.8924-77.0202 22.13 Man Controlling Trade, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
kISkMn20ifwv #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:39:52 Dtc03snake Daren From Delaware 38.891-77.0363 22.77 274, 16th Street Northwest
2pXy1CcaE27O #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:40:02 38.8893-77.0221 57.86 Figure for Landscape, 7th Street Southwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
C4IM4xTcxLWH #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:40:25 NicholasEmmanuel Nicholas Emmanuel 38.8899-77.0109 26.36 65, West Terraces and Steps
EGrFrkDN88km #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:40:25 NicholasEmmanuel Nicholas Emmanuel 38.8899-77.0109 26.35 65, West Terraces and Steps
VBc81C9bHigX #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:40:38 Dtc03snake Daren From Delaware 38.891-77.0363 30.83 274, 16th Street Northwest
eVwX9hfprK0u #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:41:17 realshawnhardy Shawn Hardy 38.8902-77.0327 15.12 1476, Madison Drive Northwest
vSIv4wwvoemh #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:42:08 38.8919-77.0299 10.24 Warner Bros. Theater, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
VyvDWQpLrOrP #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:43:24 38.8894-77.0149 45.02 3rd Street Southwest, Penn Quarter
h3WFiY3EaDV4 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:43:57 unov Uno 38.8919-77.0313 61.26 14th Street & Constitution Avenue Northwest Northbound, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
UOkSuERIMvZT #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:44:20 AHeart4Truth A. H. 38.8907-77.0121 42.65 1st Street Northwest, 20202
W5FQ4Fqy2rY6 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:44:20 38.8907-77.0121 42.7 1st Street Northwest, 20202
86ax9hKzrs9T #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:44:20 38.8907-77.0121 42.63 1st Street Northwest, 20202
vpuHVwUv1HHH #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:44:38 πŸ‘€ JohnnyBravo TheRealJohnnyBravo TheRealJohnnyBravo 38.8899-77.0104 12.61 65, West Terraces and Steps
iMd39P13ZWQk #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:44:45 Private User Name Hidden 38.8916-77.0293 25.59 National Museum of American History, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
fLCu1GkerQUt #PennsylvaniaAveNW #12thStreet 2021-01-06 13:44:50 Inksaneasylumpensacola Buckknife Brandon 38.8914-77.0282 234.94 Victory Garden, 12th Street Northwest, Penn Quarter
WD1im1v0jLMX #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:45:00 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8901-77.0104 15.77 64, West Terraces and Steps
A8Jiah39MrVY #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:45:02 πŸ‘€ JohnnyBravo 38.8899-77.0104 13.45 65, West Terraces and Steps
DOo0flQHUlS8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:45:02 πŸ‘€ JohnnyBravo 38.8899-77.0104 13.52 65, West Terraces and Steps
sqSMP875Jkmb #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:45:02 πŸ‘€ JohnnyBravo 38.8899-77.0104 13.48 65, West Terraces and Steps
SRpNqkWUHoLX #NationalMall #FromABuilding 2021-01-06 13:48:01 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8964-77.0336 26.36 15th St and Pennsylvania Ave NW/Pershing Park, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
Vvx00yf3SVVM #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:48:39 πŸ‘€ IAmAlexJones IAmAliAlexander Noonessafe Noonessafe 38.8911-77.0114 13.38 Summer House, Capitol Circle Northwest
LMYCiAbZdFzG #NationalMall 2021-01-06 13:48:41 38.8922-77.0292 52.53 Warner Bros. Theater, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
rvvchSNi1zP1 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:48:50 SeditionInterviw 38.8902-77.0103 26.69 64, West Terraces and Steps
B0FxCurP0DbS #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza? 2021-01-06 13:48:50 Gon2alltheworld Gon2alltheworld 38.8902-77.0103 26.69 64, West Terraces and Steps
WaNexB6Lznsq #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:48:59 Oseacnesaig CuChulainn 38.8895-77.0108 47.86 67, West Terraces and Steps
qLOGkDrTrDbW #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 13:49:51 38.8903-77.0107 27.33 64, West Terraces and Steps
nkL4Fpk5C8U1 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:49:51 πŸ‘€ 2:28 IAmAlexJones RumpledBeet CramerSez CRAMER 38.8903-77.0107 216.12 64, West Terraces and Steps
QgPc65a71aHC #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 13:50:40 38.8901-77.0103 0.65 64, West Terraces and Steps
kr6uD1TWjlQv #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 13:50:43 πŸ‘€ 0:37 NickOchs #MFInvadesCapitol? #NelsonPostThrower? Spazzo? 38.8901-77.0103 42.44 64, West Terraces and Steps
4ENe4AvLzDXg #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 13:50:43 πŸ‘€ ProudBoys JoeBiggs? RagingPesciPB? TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8901-77.0103 42.44 64, West Terraces and Steps
7eLmGW77Y5o1 #CapitolWest #NW 2021-01-06 13:51:15 38.8901-77.0107 54.94 64, West Terraces and Steps
jNECpFrRhbpg #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 13:52:20 38.8901-77.0103 18.72 64, West Terraces and Steps
4AquVMy2oe6C #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:52:20 πŸ‘€ TheBammer TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8901-77.0103 18.72 64, West Terraces and Steps
IlhIaEMwpl6i #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:52:43 Brianlorenz702 Brian Lorenz 38.8896-77.0105 85.39 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
i44n33HT20J8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:52:43 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner 38.8896-77.0105 85.36 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
9wOEguonR5WK #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 13:53:34 πŸ—£ "This is our house motherfuckers!" πŸ‘€ MAGAMrHyde 38.8901-77.0102 11.91 64, West Terraces and Steps
mAXJK2q00tGs #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:53:53 πŸ‘€ 0:11 SlickBack? EarnhardtPB BigMAGACamo ZippyBillyGoat BrokebackOrangePack RacistValknut KamikazePB IronWorkerGuy 0:24.05 RaybanTerrorist 0:32.00 OrnateBiker ShadesOfCrime 00:20-00:22 YoungGuyBurgundyHood 0:22.24 TwoBlueJacket Gijoe120563 Gijoe 38.8898-77.0105 32.02 65, West Terraces and Steps
VgRjCIL9L549 #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 13:54:05 38.8915-77.0159 10.96 East Wing National Gallery of Art, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
U4nwopDNy0xS #PennsylvaniaAveNW #4thStreet 2021-01-06 13:54:05 38.8915-77.0159 10.96 East Wing National Gallery of Art, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
jSsrf328EmUH #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:54:11 7thGreenie The K RevolutionπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8908-77.0123 19.75 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
Lap0L50xI3S5 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:54:14 πŸ‘€ IAmAlexJones 38.8904-77.0104 47.34 64, West Terraces and Steps
cKdzPlpSzvAk #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 13:54:15 BloodSoup BloodSoup 38.8922-77.0122 25.98 200, 1st Street Northwest
QjlS1mXfbokU #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:54:22 πŸ‘€ TheBammer MartinGlover TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8901-77.0103 7.24 64, West Terraces and Steps
lefVDZuXCGQ6 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:54:27 πŸ‘€ 0:00 BullHornKaren Wsetzer2 IdahoPatriot 38.8886-77.0097 293.03 184, West Terraces and Steps
cJtt6jzaEVsY #ConstitutionAveNW #7thStreet 2021-01-06 13:55:08 Private User Name Hidden 38.892-77.023 13.28 214, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
3xX9V5SrmugB #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8902-77.0104 5.6 64, West Terraces and Steps
5nYkXwoED2es #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer 38.8902-77.0104 5.65 64, West Terraces and Steps
6TYMFzQTLUTN #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer TheBammer Martin Glover 38.8902-77.0104 5.65 64, West Terraces and Steps
cONvl0p08sMY #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer 38.8902-77.0104 5.62 64, West Terraces and Steps
cP14vEjjZT4J #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer 38.8902-77.0104 5.65 64, West Terraces and Steps
ymitmJGIEUH5 #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer 38.8902-77.0104 5.65 64, West Terraces and Steps
yuyarSUu7vjP #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer 38.8902-77.0104 5.6 64, West Terraces and Steps
adtV4zbkXr5x #CapitolWest #Scaffold? 2021-01-06 13:55:26 πŸ‘€ TheBammer 38.8902-77.0104 5.62 64, West Terraces and Steps
lla5uObGdq5U #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 13:56:57 38.8903-77.0104 23.88 64, West Terraces and Steps
ayocSVsXW3h3 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:57:19 Tabbylyons19 Tabbylyons19 38.8901-77.0105 18.93 64, West Terraces and Steps
0pHzY3h13IO9 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 13:57:35 Whome1269 Whome1269 38.891-77.0126 80.37 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
HS34fpbzqg2b #CapitolEast #NE 2021-01-06 13:57:49 SeditionBreach BarrierBreach πŸ‘€ 0:04.96 1:07.42 VIPCamel 1:08.01 sidekick MaroonPB? ZZTopPB? MissingToothMarine? GregQ GregQ 38.8907-77.0079 140.81 89, East Front Plaza
Qef9FWcq57B2 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 13:58:05 πŸ‘€ 0:12 TwoBlueJacket? IAmDanaRohrabacher 38.8899-77.0108 45.03 65, West Terraces and Steps
GFrBbk68socZ #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 13:58:56 TrexBarnett Brian Barnett 38.892-77.017 9.19 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Cycle Track, Penn Quarter
Qo3hom0Qb1at #CapitolEast #SE 2021-01-06 13:59:05 38.8907-77.0083 34.43 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
QgPXUnbdhx3q #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:59:08 πŸ‘€ IAmAlexJones 38.8912-77.0097 33.97 75, West Terraces and Steps
7pyX4y0Z2wiy #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 13:59:39 38.8902-77.0075 100.83 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
fdkrw2R8HliY #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 13:59:43 BRHenderson BelindaHenderson 38.8897-77.011 50.51 67, West Terraces and Steps
mNHDBC1SRe5i #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:00:01 38.8898-77.0078 60.59 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
Vb5HCAXswehl #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:00:01 πŸ‘€ 0:58 DerrickEvans 38.8898-77.0078 60.65 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
o01k7OIioyRT #PennsylvaniaAveNW #NA 2021-01-06 14:00:28 🎢 VillagePeople PamAdkisson Pam Adkisson 38.8948-77.0271 12.24 Evening Star Building, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
ERBwTPyZ4s0V #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:00:43 Buddybaker Thatguybuddy 38.8909-77.0125 10.12 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
5MDg6qLZww1m #WashingtonDC #Hotel? 2021-01-06 14:00:49 YourDeplorableInfidel Mrsjessicajohnson25 38.9069-77.0337 13.81 Homewood Suites By Hilton, 1475, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest
kLb23eMMSAyI #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:00:55 FilmedFromATree 38.8902-77.0107 35.45 64, West Terraces and Steps
980wtH06yGul #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:01:35 πŸ‘€ TealScrambler 38.8902-77.0106 24.31 64, West Terraces and Steps
UIQNpWMQtfbc #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:01:35 38.8902-77.0106 24.36 64, West Terraces and Steps
6dDTCsYzK3k3 #PennsylvaniaAveNW #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 14:01:48 38.8912-77.0151 8.92 133, 3rd Street Northwest, Penn Quarter
mLFVFnRzLjic #PennsylvaniaAveNW #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 14:01:48 JerryfloydJf Jerryfloyd Jf 38.8912-77.0151 8.92 133, 3rd Street Northwest, Penn Quarter
KUWzwIjF44AC #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:01:58 38.8895-77.0108 35.95 67, West Terraces and Steps
I9VWJlj35vcy #CapitolWest #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 14:03:52 Private User Name Hidden 38.8899-77.0179 16.58 13, 4th Street Northwest, Penn Quarter
70PxGZN8jdkz #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:03:56 38.8901-77.0102 25.06 64, West Terraces and Steps
7dlSyXDWtlyA #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:03:56 Flashbang 38.8901-77.0102 25.12 64, West Terraces and Steps
pa0YYLSnHIN0 #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:03:56 FlashBang 38.8901-77.0102 25.12 64, West Terraces and Steps
ViIpu8eZLGaK #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:03:56 38.8901-77.0102 25.12 64, West Terraces and Steps
Cc1sJwp9vtSG #CapitolReflectingPool 2021-01-06 14:03:57 Vexium Vexium 38.8897-77.0144 132.24 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
8dLyJxfRn3cI #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:04:13 πŸ—£ "They are throwing gas bombs." πŸ‘€ 1:08 RustyCanuck 1:24 GreenHoodlum 1:29 GreyFogger 1:36 2:37 BluePlaidSprayer 1:36 1:40 GasMaskTwins 2:20 GreenHoodlum 2:37 BluePlaidSprayer 1:29 GreyFogger OilyPelt 38.89-77.0103 183.43 65, West Terraces and Steps
mxhCOOkUXgbA #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:04:13 πŸ—£ "They are throwing gas bombs." πŸ‘€ 1:08 RustyCanuck 1:24 GreenHoodlum 1:29 GreyFogger 1:36 2:37 BluePlaidSprayer 1:36 1:40 GasMaskTwins 2:20 GreenHoodlum 2:37 BluePlaidSprayer 1:29 GreyFogger OilyPelt 38.89-77.0103 183.45 65, West Terraces and Steps
Hcv3lzEsnWaa #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:04:15 Mak49684 Mak49684 38.8909-77.012 7.24 1st Street Northwest, 20202
0RkqluQmLWCt #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:04:47 38.8907-77.0083 17.61 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
WyzGKqd4L9y1 #CapitolEast #NE 2021-01-06 14:04:47 38.8907-77.0083 17.67 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
1n1kU0AaL7il #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:05:02 Cakes28625 Cakes28625 38.891-77.0125 96.99 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
V1yoNnUsal33 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:05:22 USAsometimesJapan Sumee 38.8904-77.0122 10.73 1st Street Northwest, 20202
vW44EZaqnoZc #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:05:45 Whome1269 Whome1269 38.891-77.0126 59.14 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
a8lp9oooOT3m #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:06:00 Noonessafe Noonessafe 38.89-77.0081 30.27 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
lPoHoha3r4BZ #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:06:00 Noonessafe Noonessafe 38.89-77.0081 30.35 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
reu60mHQDzBX #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 14:06:19 Jenniferthepatriot Jennifer 38.8913-77.0083 106.61 Capitol Circle Northeast
2XUH3sL1gOJ6 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:06:25 πŸ‘€ BloatedCuomo? 38.89-77.0079 16.05 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
CE7LhOl22vJ9 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:06:28 VirginMaryBlasphemy Lotbusyexec Lotbusyexec 38.89-77.0076 14.35 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
oGYq8ZMerjh9 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:06:29 CassidyYoung Cassidy 38.8909-77.0128 17.11 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
b0gyazQqn9kx #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:06:44 πŸ‘€ IAmNickFuentes NerdFerguson IAmVincentJames 38.8897-77.011 19.27 67, West Terraces and Steps
TmIiF8Y5fMPQ #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:06:47 38.8903-77.0108 43.13 63, West Terraces and Steps
cl21yhY0WpGR #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:06:52 38.8892-77.0171 0.65 391, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20202
FtdhAEcE7OUs #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:06:52 38.8892-77.0171 0.65 391, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20202
PvuY4ikHWlbx #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:06:52 38.8892-77.0171 0.65 391, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20202
LAIAfAzBL39U #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:06:57 πŸ‘€ 0:18 VIPCamel Noonessafe Noonessafe 38.8899-77.0084 41.83 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
FBad9SgiC62l #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:07:50 38.8902-77.0106 19.07 64, West Terraces and Steps
U3vPnSCxokUn #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:07:58 38.8898-77.0109 47.97 65, West Terraces and Steps
Uz8egDxB46p8 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:07:58 Sdoc1182 Sdoc1182 38.8898-77.0109 47.97 65, West Terraces and Steps
OpeBH66qudQA #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:07:58 πŸ‘€ 0:36 IAmNickFuentes 38.8898-77.0109 47.91 65, West Terraces and Steps
j3ILDT8eDVDi #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:08:02 38.8906-77.0116 25.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
kgoySSVz8sOy #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:08:02 38.8906-77.0116 25.77 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
TOEhY6KrDYU3 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:08:18 38.8899-77.011 20.43 65, West Terraces and Steps
nmB6WgFjPbwx #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:08:31 πŸ‘€ HunterEhmke JeffZinkDistrict7AZ Jeff Zink for US Congress AZ - District 7 38.8901-77.0087 138.33 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
sNSIvKezD8qU #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:08:31 πŸ‘€ HunterEhmke 38.8901-77.0087 138.39 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
wd3geYW1nvRL #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:08:31 WindowBreaking πŸ‘€ HunterEhmke 38.8901-77.0087 92.93 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
OIuhPB7lv5Y0 #CapitolEast #Door/Window 2021-01-06 14:08:31 πŸ‘€ HunterEhmke 38.8901-77.0087 138.39 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
yCEeH9uyYj0g #CapitolEast #NE 2021-01-06 14:08:31 πŸ‘€ HunterEhmke 38.8901-77.0087 92.9 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
PwoSeJkaPd5b #CapitolWest #Scaffold 2021-01-06 14:08:37 πŸ‘€ 0:07 IAmHayah 38.8901-77.0102 11.77 64, West Terraces and Steps
IxowMht75PUN #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:08:47 38.8907-77.0114 26.66 62, West Terraces and Steps
mnp38uv7p0Tz #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:09:31 πŸ‘€ 1:25 AnthonyMoat 6:01 ZacharyWilson UnderArmourDarkShades 38.8902-77.0106 423.12 64, West Terraces and Steps
u9hBZAW6V6Ft #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:09:31 πŸ—£ 0:06 "Mike Pence fucking bailed."? πŸ‘€ UnderArmourDarkShades 38.8902-77.0106 423.07 64, West Terraces and Steps
Uc6znqKs3w7S #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:09:31 πŸ‘€ 3:02 UnderArmourDarkShades 198AOM? cleophusdulaney cleophusdulaney 38.8902-77.0106 423.14 64, West Terraces and Steps
GDnybzI29aCx #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:09:49 Mak49684 Mak49684 38.8905-77.0109 43.75 62, West Terraces and Steps
cmzbWnPI5Jgs #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:09:53 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom Wsetzer2 IdahoPatriot 38.8901-77.0108 271.24 64, West Terraces and Steps
JhXxhl6veRlW #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:10:12 Brianlorenz702 Brian Lorenz 38.8896-77.0105 55.44 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
qARMZLFLjYAa #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:10:19 38.8908-77.0118 7.71 1st Street Northwest, 20202
Hhbv22uc4cZT #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:10:24 πŸ‘€ 0:42 UglyGunSweater 1:21 DreadedProudBoy 38.8896-77.0105 98.31 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
GM63J01VLMwC #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:10:29 SeditionInterviw Cakes28625 Cakes28625 38.891-77.0125 84.79 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
gDUGUplC0cfv #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:11:04 38.8901-77.0104 33.46 64, West Terraces and Steps
m4XCINGgSKee #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:11:04 38.8901-77.0104 33.46 64, West Terraces and Steps
4z3SiPE3gdYo #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:11:44 πŸ‘€ 0:22 HellishHansen? MolonSmash 38.8901-77.0103 63.76 64, West Terraces and Steps
b5lCVIHnrm2q #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:11:45 38.89-77.0104 40.64 65, West Terraces and Steps
pLfYimJ25ZbI #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:11:52 joint Noonessafe Noonessafe 38.8899-77.0085 10.95 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
f4r3qk5vms1B #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:12:06 38.891-77.0126 38.57 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
nVWCCOpy84Lb #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:12:11 πŸ‘€ JohnnyBravo 38.891-77.0121 22.08 1st Street Northwest, 20202
ayhN8jk35w5F #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 14:12:11 πŸ‘€ JohnnyBravo 38.891-77.0121 22.02 1st Street Northwest, 20202
sVQIA0vMuObz #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:12:21 38.892-77.0361 24.28 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
g5Yl8ERzrXxe #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:12:48 38.8906-77.0101 10.26 64, West Terraces and Steps
pwLo9ArrdDdt #CapitolWest #NWWall 2021-01-06 14:13:11 38.8906-77.0099 36.46 75, West Terraces and Steps
2gQjxzkGI6EX #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:13:18 πŸ‘€ IAmMichaelCoudrey? 38.88989-77.0072 61.27 United States Capitol Visitor Center;U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Library of Congrass Tunnel
3GuxpBJHLuKf #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:13:28 38.8902-77.012 113.36 1st Street Northwest, 20202
d5Xmqp4NDLs6 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:13:28 38.8902-77.012 113.31 1st Street Northwest, 20202
kP5kfhGPWJYQ #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:13:28 JosephpaulThornton Josephpaul Thornton 38.8902-77.012 113.36 1st Street Northwest, 20202
xt00juDlyV9n #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:13:28 38.8902-77.012 113.31 1st Street Northwest, 20202
xHkUeMHMFx3F #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:13:33 38.8901-77.0102 30.95 64, West Terraces and Steps
OxbD3GtCSDO4 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:13:40 38.8912-77.0114 13.63 Summer House, Capitol Circle Northwest
kVSC3Z1yeZEe #CapitolWest #SummerHouse 2021-01-06 14:13:40 nextgenusa Next Generation USA 38.8912-77.0114 13.57 Summer House, Capitol Circle Northwest
bMHWhr5qAMH9 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:14:18 38.8901-77.0104 20.22 64, West Terraces and Steps
f0iTgxeWp2XF #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:14:18 Flashbang 38.8901-77.0104 20.27 64, West Terraces and Steps
h14pdTaJ1a90 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:14:18 38.8901-77.0104 20.27 64, West Terraces and Steps
KaWdtA4ulyQo #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:14:18 38.8901-77.0104 20.22 64, West Terraces and Steps
CN67oIug5zAh #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:14:26 SeditionTruck πŸ‘€ Egla3452 LisaHayes 38.8898-77.0085 16.68 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
xDXBbJW0btis #CapitolReflectingPool 2021-01-06 14:14:48 Commonsensecarpenter Treebeard 38.89-77.0143 27.45 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
sMxOkJCipo0O #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:15:53 πŸ—£ 0:12 "People are climbing the walls up there under the balcony, where there are normally just congressmen or senators." Tcapozella Tcapozella 38.891-77.0103 25.57 69, Capitol Circle Northwest
kAv6wX8KsD1i #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:16:21 38.8902-77.0103 26.73 64, West Terraces and Steps
0d6xvM4dAiW4 #CapitolWest #UpperTerraceNW 2021-01-06 14:16:27 πŸ—£ "Fuck Joe Biden!" 38.8902-77.0098 10.68 190, West Terraces and Steps
pTbZXLmXGyyn #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:16:50 Corydi1722 Corydi1722 38.8918-77.0361 9.01 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
e7aojJU6V6cK #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 14:17:18 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! realshawnhardy Shawn Hardy 38.8911-77.0134 16.47 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
zq7UIxedJaq1 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:18:08 sbmunizaga Sydney Munizaga 38.8899-77.0108 91.52 65, West Terraces and Steps
Ac7N27Vi6PJd #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:18:31 ExtremlyAmerican Extremely American 38.8911-77.0122 21.29 1st Street Northwest, 20202
xpOu8rY8QfDS #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:19:28 πŸ‘€ IAmJimWatkins 38.8904-77.0108 21.02 63, West Terraces and Steps
UiC5TplHHHMG #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:19:28 πŸ‘€ 0:09.96 IAmJimWatkins 38.8904-77.0108 20.96 63, West Terraces and Steps
d7W6peU7P7SA #CapitolEast #Stairs 2021-01-06 14:20:35 38.8899-77.0087 23.05 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
IgCQjNBok5f2 #CapitolEast #Stairs 2021-01-06 14:20:35 Trumpismybff Trumpismybff 38.8899-77.0087 23.05 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
D7gBZ66rFsaJ #CapitolWest #NWWall 2021-01-06 14:20:40 38.8903-77.0095 8.27 191, West Terraces and Steps
8154Nmd3bQq2 #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 14:20:40 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8895-77.0102 52.52 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
aYhh5zOFFNcR #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:21:00 Tdro5300 Tdro5300 38.892-77.0116 23.24 Robert A. Taft Memorial, Constitution Avenue Northwest
akK49L4aRpbh #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:21:05 38.8901-77.01 15.37 64, West Terraces and Steps
44VAasWbJ4Bh #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 14:22:17 ChadACampbell Chad Campbell 38.8899-77.008 11.38 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
1do91KWUgjXQ #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 14:22:17 πŸ‘€ FurryFoxGuy JacobChansley 38.8899-77.008 11.33 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
xf5PcQJRH676 #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 14:22:17 πŸ‘€ FurryFoxGuy WilliamWatson JacobChansley NicholasRodean ChadACampbell Chad Campbell 38.8899-77.008 11.35 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
2lza0tzb6ICe #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:23:15 38.8906-77.0361 9.79 274, 16th Street Northwest
U7VsTu7M14LE #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:23:59 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom πŸ‘€ IAmRickSaccone VIPUncleSam 38.8907-77.0123 53.64 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
yQ67Hra75Hkd #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:24:08 Jedmaho Jedmaho 38.8906-77.0107 33.23 63, West Terraces and Steps
prkBlbR39wl6 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:24:56 38.8903-77.0105 18.25 64, West Terraces and Steps
CBjQ5bkcprs4 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:24:58 38.8916-77.0125 33.51 162, 1st Street Northwest
7Fu9YJVZmNkj #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:24:58 πŸ‘€ IAmNickFuentes IAmPhilipAnderson NerdFerguson IAmVincentJames 38.8906-77.0123 28.75 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
gPg3tvi1soCY #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:25:17 drummer ClareMAGA Clarechu 38.8906-77.0128 15.55 61, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
MOPeiWMzp6mh #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:25:36 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom GolferGirlFl Golfer Girl Fl 38.8903-77.0113 27.43 62, West Terraces and Steps
8VMk101M62ol #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 14:25:51 πŸ‘€ GuyWithHorn Kimberlypaiz Kimberlypaiz 38.8895-77.0147 25.12 3rd Street Southwest, Penn Quarter
m7EaLSED6igL #CapitolEast 2021-01-06 14:25:52 πŸ‘€ SgtPepperSpray 38.8898-77.0077 3.82 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
J9hbVTooDYoT #CapitolEast #NE 2021-01-06 14:25:52 πŸ‘€ SgtPepperSprayer OrangeTapeGroup 38.8898-77.0077 3.74 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
XNw7AmWaby1m #PennsylvaniaAveNW #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 14:25:58 Damiansmith39 Damiansmith39 38.8908-77.0144 13.79 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
4BhzQKA2VI0d #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:26:09 πŸ‘€ FitPatriotMom MuscleFitMommy DanielleMcCarty FitPatriotMom Danielle McCarty 38.8899-77.0105 8.1 65, West Terraces and Steps
R208i0FuPZ4N #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:26:13 38.8902-77.011 18.16 62, West Terraces and Steps
weArmA6HzH6s #CapitolWest #NWStairs/NWLawn/NWWall 2021-01-06 14:26:26 TAFLAT Jim 38.8902-77.0101 22.75 64, West Terraces and Steps
jkHvCmHQ8YzJ #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:26:53 Princessdeplorable77 Ponygrl777 38.8912-77.0088 9.34 74, West Terraces and Steps
36dzqKvu5ebk #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 14:28:08 🎢 CelineDion 38.8919-77.0364 28.27 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
kzfRu8mp8CNm #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 14:28:08 🎢 CelineDion SomeGuyin209 David 38.8919-77.0364 28.31 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
bLzjJt5EsDB8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:28:13 38.8854-77.0085 32.35 House East Fountain, C Street Southeast, 20003
ylDFvwG53qrr #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:28:13 Duvalinpapi Erik Herrera 38.8854-77.0085 32.35 House East Fountain, C Street Southeast, 20003
6FY6c0d8IMjz #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:28:30 πŸ‘€ 0:07 ChairGuy 0:07 EmoNazi 0:08 Individual4 BiffKlanen 38.8897-77.0103 18.02 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
IOqrjPvbQx6s #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:28:30 πŸ‘€ 0:07 ChairGuy 0:07 EmoNazi 0:08 Individual4 BiffKlanen 38.8897-77.0103 18.02 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
UI36bW4vP0E0 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:28:30 πŸ‘€ 0:07 ChairGuy 0:07 EmoNazi 0:08 Individual4 BiffKlanen 38.8897-77.0103 18.06 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
GW0AjcMLlz1v #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 14:28:46 38.8902-77.0098 29.46 190, West Terraces and Steps
x7HrWSfLcYr7 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:28:55 πŸ‘€ MuscleFitMommy FitPatriotMom DanielleMcCarty FitPatriotMom Danielle McCarty 38.8899-77.0106 17.4 65, West Terraces and Steps
xuIEBQE3g765 #WashingtonDC #WashingtonMonument 2021-01-06 14:29:34 🎢 CelineDion 38.8922-77.0362 26.93 1591, Constitution Avenue Northwest
AYijYnzI0Gbr #CapitolInterior #CryptAnnex 2021-01-06 14:29:38 πŸ‘€ 0:08.77 ClipperGlitch 0:14 WildDog 0:36.28 2:29 AxeHole 0:43.94 PoserKate 0:46.94 PinkBeret TheBabysitter 38.8899-77.0072 49.18 United States Capitol Visitor Center;U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Library of Congrass Tunnel
JMiW9EoHfKhS #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:29:52 GolferGirlFl Golfer Girl Fl 38.8904-77.011 24.06 62, West Terraces and Steps
8wZMDTyKo5Tm #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.011 24.06 62, West Terraces and Steps
DMtXYvwqu6HV #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.011 24.01 62, West Terraces and Steps
eQuAGfU87pPB #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.011 24.01 62, West Terraces and Steps
QxqgND9HYqZb #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.011 24.01 62, West Terraces and Steps
r7CBzBlbDAI1 #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 38.8904-77.011 24.01 62, West Terraces and Steps
rgdw5Eq2DS2z #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.011 24.06 62, West Terraces and Steps
Yl9407p2WPZh #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:29:52 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.011 24.01 62, West Terraces and Steps
UGVm0XVdzGh7 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:29:52 38.8904-77.011 24.06 62, West Terraces and Steps
uu11kCrXZa78 #CapitolWest #SWPath 2021-01-06 14:30:21 38.8895-77.0108 48.88 67, West Terraces and Steps
9YKTu0zdQL5F #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:30:32 38.8902-77.0111 23.96 62, West Terraces and Steps
jlY81ya1uxzI #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:30:32 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8902-77.0111 23.97 62, West Terraces and Steps
u4gLoPgcygGQ #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:30:32 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom GolferGirlFl Golfer Girl Fl 38.8902-77.0111 24.01 62, West Terraces and Steps
dZY4EmEcSdUF #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:30:35 climbing WitzkeforDE Lauren Witzke 38.8895-77.0116 16.83 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
4wIDySD7tKxo #CapitolInterior #CapitolCrypt 2021-01-06 14:30:47 πŸ‘€ PoserKate Spazzo? 38.8899-77.0089 41.54 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
WYkjlMj5VqBl #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:30:47 38.8904-77.0117 3.2 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
Tf8IPAs8Eduh #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:30:57 38.89-77.0123 72.75 Ulysses S. Grant Statue, 1st Street Northwest, 20202
24fJYQldjZd2 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:31:18 38.8894-77.0118 11.83 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
sGrzbuVjrLZ1 #CapitolInterior #VisitorCenter 2021-01-06 14:32:27 38.8899-77.0083 30.03 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
mwt1iRwgWYqy #CapitolInterior #VisitorCenter 2021-01-06 14:32:27 πŸ—£ 0:14 "We are in the halls of Congress. We don't want war. But we are prepared to fight for our liberty." πŸ‘€ 0:05.22 WatertovCocktail 0:10 NickOchs 0:10 GreenBandanaMan NicholasDecarlo DontTteadOnMe dworthington 38.8899-77.0083 30.05 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
GvSfsVukvld7 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:32:32 BreakYourJaw Hard Knock News 38.8909-77.013 48.99 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
cnj6DJtVllfK #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:33:02 38.8899-77.0106 43.02 65, West Terraces and Steps
i4km00GwGXJl #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:33:06 BEdgie Brandon 38.89-77.0106 8.31 65, West Terraces and Steps
HpFLIM31gIU3 #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:34:02 πŸ‘€ TunnelCommander MediaCartWheelerAOM? BigSprayShortie Keggerator Kegger 38.8896-77.0103 169.23 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
KptnQksS5Xr8 #CapitolReflectingPool 2021-01-06 14:34:19 Marksea25 Markie Mark 38.8901-77.0142 34.92 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
TXMlp22HyR7c #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:34:35 Witsend9189 Witsend9189 38.8901-77.0116 44.78 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
PI503wb3YSoh #CapitolReflectingPool 2021-01-06 14:34:52 Dominantlife4m Peter Maley 38.8898-77.013 115.45 Ulysses S. Grant Memorial, 1st Street Northwest, 20202
eGLhyqeTOQCx #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:34:58 Noblewoman Donna Souris 38.8906-77.012 2.03 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
535LGMMm0KtE #CapitolEast #Door 2021-01-06 14:35:27 Bryanlewis2002 Bryanlewis2002 38.8912-77.0064 54.36 92, 1st Street Northeast, 20002
Ot1PcHJjfUHC #CapitolEast #Entrance 2021-01-06 14:35:27 38.8912-77.0064 54.35 92, 1st Street Northeast, 20002
A6nbSYGTQ2hW #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:34 🎢 StarSpangledBanner aabadi Aaron Abadi 38.8901-77.0105 37.33 64, West Terraces and Steps
nQHStDim8Buj #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:34 aabadi Aaron Abadi 38.8901-77.0105 37.39 64, West Terraces and Steps
1B7KFzHPr5ST #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:35 Ravenrealty Chris White 38.8902-77.0076 44.67 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
TFY9jqrTi1fT #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:35:35 πŸ‘€ NeonCowboy 38.8909-77.0124 64.95 1st Street Northwest, 20202
ai8AzhEoyrGX #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:35:43 πŸ‘€ BatonThief 38.8891-77.0058 20.82 145, Library of Congrass Tunnel
8rCpNjS3g3Ok #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:51 38.8897-77.0083 24.09 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
GRURef1jtwIy #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:51 38.8897-77.0083 24.15 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
KAu8c8e4lbDG #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:53 BrandonGuinn Brandon Guinn 38.8896-77.0104 175.74 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
PKJUZ3EFcN73 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:53 BrandonGuinn Brandon Guinn 38.8896-77.0104 175.78 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
XZeZIBxC6R64 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:35:55 38.8898-77.0086 52.41 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
YyiW5o4xagEw #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:36:11 38.8897-77.0106 27.56 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
k5DNY63jXHR9 #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:36:12 VacillatingCollusion88 Vacillating_collusion88 38.8899-77.0087 21.7 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
A1z3oGHrEMaJ #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:36:20 38.8898-77.0085 15.46 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
5kf2savkefB7 #CapitolEast #Stairs 2021-01-06 14:36:20 38.8898-77.0085 15.47 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
BzlETjKJ7mw7 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:36:36 38.8895-77.0109 26.66 67, West Terraces and Steps
ffChRYTp8q8M #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:36:36 38.8895-77.0109 26.7 67, West Terraces and Steps
fvY6Gu5gbFjP #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:36:36 luvbec πŸ’ž, Bec 38.8895-77.0109 26.7 67, West Terraces and Steps
KLa541FJI9cC #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:36:36 38.8895-77.0109 26.7 67, West Terraces and Steps
65TvMK7dx9fy #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:36:58 Dinosworld Dinosworld 38.8898-77.0105 6.23 65, West Terraces and Steps
nA2Mp778j1ng #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:37:57 Scuba15steve Scuba15steve 38.8899-77.0106 17.49 65, West Terraces and Steps
ns9EbTf56zJM #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:37:57 38.8899-77.0106 17.46 65, West Terraces and Steps
rx8AvgxkFeGd #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:37:57 38.8899-77.0106 17.49 65, West Terraces and Steps
dT3kSGZzzSzI #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:37:57 38.8899-77.0106 17.45 65, West Terraces and Steps
K7kOq8ql1BVw #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:38:00 38.8901-77.0123 43.17 1st Street Northwest, 20202
sxHzcBEewg7i #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 14:38:02 38.8904-77.0122 16.69 1st Street Northwest, 20202
oe78jzaih2Fp #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:38:07 Keggerator Kegger 38.8896-77.0103 151.69 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
8fsC1EfPO70k #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:38:18 38.8898-77.0082 15.12 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
fgGsrrkQeDQh #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:38:29 38.891-77.0128 30.56 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
nUo6Jkrm2lXO #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:38:35 38.88969-77.0101 13.48 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
wsRe9EYoao7V #CapitolInterior #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:38:37 CapitolInterior 38.8899-77.0084 28.07 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
E9A83O7xEHND #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 14:38:50 38.8907-77.0127 13.26 61, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
dwvgDZzQRsY3 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:39:11 38.8896-77.0108 1.33 67, West Terraces and Steps
09yZs12lvcCA #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:39:19 πŸ‘€ IAmNickFuentes NerdFerguson IAmVincentJames 38.8906-77.0124 140.2 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
tXIzFNM5yp9f #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 14:39:52 SeditionOscars πŸ‘€ 0:00 MaroonPB 0:13 BatonThief 0:20 ZZTopPB 38.8898-77.008 32.35 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
qGwtu6qUHfjy #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:41:00 Realsaltydabs Salty Dabs 38.8901-77.0104 10.61 64, West Terraces and Steps
ojGUhvfqsFA9 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:41:05 MarcieV Marcie 38.8898-77.0079 32.63 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
k7KE6Yc6SkoA #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:41:31 38.8904-77.0103 12.37 64, West Terraces and Steps
X9301RyNxl2u #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:41:31 38.8904-77.0103 12.38 64, West Terraces and Steps
2ydAnxMmbVs2 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:41:45 0:08 Tunnel SeditionChant πŸ—£ "USA! USA!" 38.8894-77.0116 9.38 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
k2X98xAHmHWa #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:41:48 38.8904-77.0094 172.87 191, West Terraces and Steps
LuLFx5NpoK10 #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:41:48 38.8904-77.0094 172.84 191, West Terraces and Steps
HErrRC01EIav #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:41:48 πŸ—£ 2:08 "We are coming for you Nancy!" πŸ‘€ 0:39 GingerSneezy 0:43 SeditionPanda 1:17 GypsyJacketGuy 1:57 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom 38.8904-77.0094 172.87 191, West Terraces and Steps
CPeuy7lOW44J #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:41:48 πŸ‘€ 1:04 ScarFaceHoodie 1:34 IAmRyanDKelley 38.8904-77.0094 172.82 191, West Terraces and Steps
7zqjUDoBOHwI #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:41:59 38.8908-77.012 8.66 1st Street Northwest, 20202
9M4Lnsf790sK #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:42:20 πŸ‘€ ScarFaceHoodie? Mruhkala87 Mruhkala87 38.8904-77.0095 26.59 191, West Terraces and Steps
Cg3gG8trkats #CapitolInterior 2021-01-06 14:42:21 πŸ‘€ ZZTopPB CapitolCapLady 38.89-77.0075 31.74 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
AwZ6iEJ07eyx #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:42:55 38.8904-77.0128 42.58 Ulysses S. Grant Memorial, 1st Street Northwest, 20202
JmnaAbNVz3nl #CapitolWest #UpperTerraceNW 2021-01-06 14:43:37 JonathanKoeppel Jonathan Koeppel 38.8909-77.0096 10.49 75, West Terraces and Steps
4nZvifrR6Gb5 #CapitolNorth #Arches 2021-01-06 14:43:38 38.8905-77.0095 58.43 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
cirqID5Kjxdp #CapitolNorth #Arches 2021-01-06 14:43:38 38.8905-77.0095 58.49 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
z32a3bWM4IU5 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:43:50 BarbAllen Barballen1994 38.8903-77.011 20.79 62, West Terraces and Steps
xy2JnbdsJG5q #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:44:21 πŸ‘€ GrayShadowHat cleophusdulaney cleophusdulaney 38.8899-77.0102 176.29 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
3vGQyQIMf9H5 #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 14:44:57 πŸ‘€ 0:06.80 2:19 Individual4 0:10.91 2:17.49 DickRobin 1:22.62 PastorParler 1:41.24 BikersForTrump 2:32.65 JessicaWatkins 38.8899-77.0092 175.61 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
FsiTLLuzqPC5 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:45:01 πŸ‘€ IAmNickFuentes 38.8905-77.0124 40.75 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
QPVWWBfaGylL #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:45:01 38.8898-77.0111 11.21 65, West Terraces and Steps
BKzCTrgUan1v #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:45:08 BDTFORLIFE Bturner 38.8897-77.0105 27.43 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
fT9hBhlaFgZd #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:45:08 38.8897-77.0105 27.43 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
seke9fBiFTyF #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:45:08 38.8897-77.0105 27.44 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
Kmm034ViQJyl #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:45:11 Tjcooper97 Tjcooper97 38.8898-77.0106 7.45 65, West Terraces and Steps
OgrPDRox3rYY #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:45:17 38.8911-77.0103 19.06 69, Capitol Circle Northwest
EyE1xpuxB0XW #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:45:24 38.8903-77.011 17.82 62, West Terraces and Steps
G3QrHQ8hQT2j #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:45:34 38.8895-77.0104 42.14 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
iLT5LyXUlPV9 #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:45:34 Trader4John Trader4John 38.8895-77.0104 42.14 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
9bJLFfPeZlk8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:45:41 Erbair Erika 38.8897-77.0104 91.66 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
maJ6LuvPwUJJ #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:46:14 IAmNickFuentes arashipro Arash.hipro 38.8901-77.0128 17.97 Ulysses S. Grant Memorial, 1st Street Northwest, 20202
DWGQ3kX1t1bF #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:46:27 πŸ—£ "They've been teargassing us. We've been fighting with them. To hell with it. We have to fight back against the police. They attacked us first. So we stormed the building." "This is the beginning of the revolution folks." 38.89-77.0099 31.95 190, West Terraces and Steps
fpdroYF3R9Fm #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:46:27 38.89-77.0099 31.95 190, West Terraces and Steps
jdlnafwV1RqD #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:46:27 38.89-77.0099 31.95 190, West Terraces and Steps
7iB22C7LbbNy #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 14:46:27 38.89-77.0099 31.95 190, West Terraces and Steps
ODwhqOERzT0b #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 14:46:27 πŸ—£ "They've been teargassing us. We've been fighting with them. To hell with it. We have to fight back against the police. They attacked us first. So we stormed the building." "This is the beginning of the revolution folks." 38.89-77.0099 31.95 190, West Terraces and Steps
iYSwurwmWhcQ #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:46:31 SeditionSmoke πŸ—£ "Let's go! Push forward!" 38.8897-77.0104 35.35 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
jBCihjRZf0Q3 #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:46:32 SeditionSmoke 38.8896-77.0102 11.93 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
iLnkEpoJQrGI #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:47:06 Lindaymuth Lin Daymuth 38.8902-77.0106 18.48 64, West Terraces and Steps
onVXm7gZrnOG #CapitolInterior 2021-01-06 14:47:22 πŸ‘€ 0:01.63 PBStrutter 0:10.64 JonRyanSchaffer 0:20.63 GingerSneezy 0:50 FlagFaceMarine 38.8904-77.0097 109.85 190, West Terraces and Steps
ySO9aSEvs0Fx #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:47:24 LoveSnow Snowhite 38.8899-77.0101 59.39 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
eGOoR3I08FkK #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:47:45 38.8902-77.0107 86.33 64, West Terraces and Steps
H06oXU0HGpUM #CapitolInterior #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:48:34 πŸ—£ "We are coming for you Nancy!" πŸ‘€ GypsyJacketGuy 38.8911-77.0093 13.16 73, West Terraces and Steps
jCFVVrYH4bSd #CapitolInterior #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:48:34 πŸ—£ "We are coming for you Nancy!" πŸ‘€ GypsyJacketGuy 38.8911-77.0093 13.14 73, West Terraces and Steps
KMyt1obG9scS #CapitolInterior #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:48:34 πŸ—£ "We are coming for you Nancy!" πŸ‘€ GypsyJacketGuy 38.8911-77.0093 13.16 73, West Terraces and Steps
W7VwKbtpEtm0 #CapitolInterior #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:48:34 πŸ—£ "We are coming for you Nancy!" πŸ‘€ GypsyJacketGuy 38.8911-77.0093 13.21 73, West Terraces and Steps
ZUh5H7yo16yk #CapitolInterior #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:48:34 πŸ—£ We are coming for you Nancy! πŸ‘€ GypsyJacketGuy 38.8911-77.0093 13.21 73, West Terraces and Steps
kneFRcEfGSQC #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 14:48:51 38.8901-77.0096 10.84 191, West Terraces and Steps
QNPHAGgOFQAp #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:49:08 πŸ‘€ 0:52.81 TheHighRiseSpecialist 0:56.94 MissingToothMarine 38.8904-77.0108 272.94 63, West Terraces and Steps
Qau1A0qmEkCT #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:49:09 38.8898-77.0101 32.35 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
x8vmLFDDM1IM #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:49:44 Spanish Kimberlypaiz Kimberlypaiz 38.8889-77.0115 36.87 180, South Capitol Circle Southwest
hL2yyR9YsFmy #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:50:17 UncleTom1865 UncleTom1865 38.8899-77.0105 60.86 65, West Terraces and Steps
b4zuuhfp6WDv #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:50:25 38.8898-77.0101 14.81 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
T57zH8SK96yv #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:50:27 USA! USA! SeditionChant 38.8898-77.0101 13.61 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
78CswbGDMZ93 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 14:50:42 Timski2009 Timski2009 38.8895-77.0357 38.27 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
NUpAt87SN70T #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:50:50 katniip Katnip 38.89-77.0105 35.17 65, West Terraces and Steps
PQdPojnDKG5e #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:50:55 38.8903-77.0094 35.85 191, West Terraces and Steps
5lmXbMBh57vI #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:50:58 πŸ‘€ 0:02:44 BlueBeretPie? 38.8894-77.011 25.38 68, West Terraces and Steps
3ZXOHhUdKlYd #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:51:30 GlennKverneland Glenn 38.8899-77.01 50.42 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
MAUXuBm0ERQ6 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:52:02 38.8899-77.0104 38.85 65, West Terraces and Steps
XVwLXkaqrq94 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:52:02 38.8899-77.0104 38.85 65, West Terraces and Steps
4BN8CUCRxXuI #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:52:10 38.8902-77.0103 15.39 64, West Terraces and Steps
h2nH3xXOsrQ5 #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:52:10 38.8902-77.0103 15.39 64, West Terraces and Steps
S3xTtPUyKMam #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:52:15 πŸ‘€ 0:11-0:19 BlueBlockerInsider 38.8905-77.0094 40.38 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
QuamW4hp4JQw #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 14:52:24 38.89-77.0101 315.88 65, West Terraces and Steps
xQzHp0aizbvU #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:53:13 38.8902-77.0104 36.47 64, West Terraces and Steps
GfSUNqBBliUF #CapitolEast #NorthEast 2021-01-06 14:53:31 AttackOnMedia πŸ—£ "We are not that type of people!" "That is not us!" "If you want to get to them, then you have to come through me." "That is not us." "This is why we are different." "What the fuck is wrong with you?" "That is not us!" πŸ‘€ BlueMediaTumbler Davidcraver Davidcraver 38.8913-77.0083 57.93 Capitol Circle Northeast
bTZISxkK39sH #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:53:47 πŸ‘€ 0:08 TartanPlaidPB 0:12 JamesDeanWannabe? ScarletPatriot ScarletPatriot 38.8897-77.0087 54.82 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
HITFOk1YWLly #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:53:57 Leesarowland Leesa Rowland 38.8902-77.0099 19.58 190, West Terraces and Steps
tk5IR0D4aQuw #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:54:02 🎢 StarSpangledBanner 38.8892-77.0062 55.45 144, Library of Congrass Tunnel
8wCMdWEW39Ff #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:54:28 Parparker91 Parparker91 38.8898-77.0084 27.63 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
vmiDLX97YgI9 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 14:54:31 BarronJohnl946 John Barron 38.8898-77.0084 21.96 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
kNYrK71L6rcO #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 14:54:47 πŸ—£ 0:03 "One of us that went in there got shot." 38.891-77.0095 12.76 75, West Terraces and Steps
6ZJ1lpw5mEMQ #CapitolWest #NW 2021-01-06 14:54:47 38.891-77.0095 12.76 75, West Terraces and Steps
edx5l3yDUQ6B #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument? 2021-01-06 14:54:55 38.8904-77.0114 22.71 62, West Terraces and Steps
h0ZpQjfbpkQL #CapitolWest #Path? 2021-01-06 14:54:55 38.8904-77.0114 22.71 62, West Terraces and Steps
niqYpYO732cz #CapitolWest #x 2021-01-06 14:54:55 prayer 38.8904-77.0114 22.69 62, West Terraces and Steps
NU3mL7uF5ryx #CapitolWest #NW 2021-01-06 14:55:03 38.891-77.0098 11.88 75, West Terraces and Steps
IA3EZSOAq1Mo #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:55:32 38.8904-77.0102 33.96 64, West Terraces and Steps
2J39t1TfSZLB #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:56:02 38.89-77.0107 31.09 65, West Terraces and Steps
i3qHS7lofs5h #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:56:02 38.89-77.0107 31.16 65, West Terraces and Steps
OW32M7s2e7u4 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:56:02 38.89-77.0107 31.16 65, West Terraces and Steps
G7450BeenqR7 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 14:57:09 Agenov01 Agenov01 38.8907-77.0118 25.09 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
J9U6khb56IEE #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 14:57:48 avoiceforchange avoiceforchange 38.8968-77.0335 13.43 W Washington D.C., 515, 15th Street Northwest
cZP6tyoSFNCq #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:57:51 38.8904-77.0103 9.87 64, West Terraces and Steps
Kv5stfJPDE5u #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:57:51 38.8904-77.0103 9.87 64, West Terraces and Steps
Ky8Hevr7bKg9 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 14:57:51 38.8904-77.0103 9.87 64, West Terraces and Steps
CNrWBNcfCr8w #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 14:57:51 38.8904-77.0103 9.81 64, West Terraces and Steps
NCHvDSEn4XFl #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:57:51 Way2manyelles Elle 38.8904-77.0103 9.87 64, West Terraces and Steps
W56O8L5R8kju #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 14:57:51 38.8904-77.0103 9.87 64, West Terraces and Steps
OcH04ImVxWii #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 14:58:02 πŸ‘€ 0:00 PinkBeret 38.8903-77.0093 7.78 191, West Terraces and Steps
lTQpQNshDHhK #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:58:08 38.8901-77.0101 202.43 64, West Terraces and Steps
Ufqzju5HCfKn #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 14:58:11 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! 38.8899-77.0104 33.32 65, West Terraces and Steps
b2NeBwdXHjzn #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 14:59:11 marching Cecil82foxboro Patrick Martin 38.8956-77.0334 11.65 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
U6EA5mgSkTWR #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 14:59:15 38.8904-77.0108 7.51 63, West Terraces and Steps
2PBoIh9W74cM #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 38.89-77.0097 11.4 190, West Terraces and Steps
4lidTEsWzSLx #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
c9JUtuCVndZf #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
Gojopp7rDlG9 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
H2oGTBXUaYus #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
l6zcfjWByRw1 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 Gfsgh Gfsgh 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
TD2RmUtYkTJn #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 Patriotliberty577564088285 Patriotliberty 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
y4rBTCqek9YY #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 Patriot7245672536 Patriot7245672536 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
KOZwp3W3n68V #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 14:59:41 Patriot6987465 Patriot6987465 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
oVUX6YjtEszI #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 14:59:41 SeditionChant πŸ—£ "USA! USA!" Jackson5094487502422 Jackson5 38.89-77.0097 11.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
Ql2J5GJRtJVh #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:00:26 Dtc03snake Daren From Delaware 38.892-77.0353 16.97 1554, Constitution Avenue Northwest
e3gCJthSQe2u #CapitolEast #SE 2021-01-06 15:01:04 Ambulance 38.8886-77.0079 14.31 167, East Front Plaza
OUJYa3npW0oE #CapitolSouth #SE 2021-01-06 15:01:09 Ambulance AshliBabbitt MillionMAGAMarch MillionMAGAMarch 38.8884-77.0084 25.22 New Jersey Avenue Southeast, 20003
tN18oEGcdGtX #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:01:14 38.8896-77.0102 16.33 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
AmVOZeAY7tjF #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:01:49 38.8896-77.0108 58.56 67, West Terraces and Steps
yN6bjJ3ztpBm #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:01:49 πŸ—£ 0:32 "Don't just stand there. Move forward. Help somebody over the wall." "Let's go cowboy!" πŸ‘€ 0:31 NWScaffoldCommander 38.8896-77.0108 58.56 67, West Terraces and Steps
c7pkKiK235B9 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:01:49 38.8896-77.0108 58.54 67, West Terraces and Steps
55IZysHw38wO #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:02:11 38.8899-77.0101 22.22 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
XN72wrdt4gqJ #CapitolReflectingPool #NA 2021-01-06 15:02:28 DeWalt VBghostpatriot VBghostpatriot 38.8907-77.0142 67.78 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
1Imn9XMEtSnj #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:03:15 38.8898-77.0103 107.55 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
6JbG6I0FrJhn #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:03:15 1Imn9XMEtSnj KOROStrong KORO πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8898-77.0103 107.56 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
dCYGQP2fKOZf #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:03:15 38.8898-77.0103 107.56 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
ksMt1rnBR6TT #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:03:15 38.8898-77.0103 107.56 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
oOILVE6gv0OH #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:03:15 38.8898-77.0103 107.56 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
kau2NI4P6n48 #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 15:04:26 38.8903-77.0103 21.42 64, West Terraces and Steps
nEh3x4CIh2Id #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:05:32 QtheTruthSoCal DC 38.8893-77.0112 40.93 186, West Terraces and Steps
W0M6jS61D3P5 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:06:24 38.8902-77.0112 23.92 62, West Terraces and Steps
XBDMuKJHZYGP #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 15:07:10 SeditionOscar πŸ‘€ 0:00 GuyIn_dyqCjsoqXweC_XBDMuKJHZYGP 12:71 BlueSteelWorker 15:62 BetaEpsedition LongHornNS 38.8911-77.009 27.62 73, West Terraces and Steps
cH7hJfL5O4UU #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:07:57 38.8899-77.0105 8.57 65, West Terraces and Steps
x1MF5huFoil0 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:08:11 πŸ‘€ 0:07-0:11 GreenSprayGuy CamoGaiterSprayer avoiceforchange Donna 38.8923-77.0337 13.66 Constitution Avenue & 15th Street Northwest Far-side Northbound, 15th Street Northwest
WySGloihPeyr #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:08:23 πŸ‘€ BashfulPB FlatBrimPB Daleparrott Daleparrott 38.8829-76.9955 82.08 712, E Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, 20003
RiI7yd36DNz5 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:08:23 πŸ‘€ 0:03.50 FlatBrimPB BashfulPB Daleparrott Daleparrott 38.8829-76.9955 57.1 712, E Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, 20003
OTfQ508rSNT2 #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 15:08:24 Haleyamber HaleyπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8905-77.0118 50.53 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
g09yZZCplavI #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 15:08:25 SlowMo 38.8899-77.0091 25.26 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
LQN0zyD01D3i #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 15:08:25 πŸ‘€ 0:22 StephenQuick 38.8899-77.0091 25.24 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
YOZZhOBy8vLv #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:08:36 Megansammut52 Megansammut52 38.8895-77.0102 14.6 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
uNCFWGRYTS6C #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:09:30 avoiceforchange Donna 38.8926-77.0334 28.4 U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401, Constitution Avenue Northwest
Y7d0hySnClTl #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:09:41 SoldierSpirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Soldier Spirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8895-77.0349 27.85 276, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
C6CA3XcXO87g #CapitolInterior #CapitolCrypt 2021-01-06 15:09:55 πŸ‘€ 0:09 FlagFaceMarine 0:12 stephmb293 0:34 CaesarNoSalad 0:21 HarleySmashAOM Chicanopatriotjd Chicanopatriotjd 38.8899-77.009 65.64 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
udvpnvQ3x4To #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:10:08 Trumpnews Trump News 38.8897-77.01 36.48 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
VHLHiZSBq0mN #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:10:14 38.8918-77.0353 96.97 1554, Constitution Avenue Northwest
Q7J24BNG2mCD #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:10:21 Hunterrob Patriot_gay 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
92T2a5WhOOdi #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 38.8899-77.0103 25.39 65, West Terraces and Steps
BnoDFbldwdly #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 Hunterrob Patriot_gay 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
iNUzEnL2twRC #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 Hunterrob Patriot_gay 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
lyDrgBAPM8U5 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
rddR5CxtyA92 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
SjnwtUGu3Gnr #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
UIqcvJE6vzT5 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
WDIGXfQaTUL6 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:10:21 38.8899-77.0103 25.44 65, West Terraces and Steps
7ImZGTdfdcUk #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:10:24 D9VcpLzdRJhq 38.8898-77.01 18.62 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
eMDjjMzm6kPk #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:10:24 πŸ‘€ 0:14 CliffFromOhio 38.8898-77.01 18.67 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
ckvcLvKYv4cd #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:10:24 Neverquit1776 David George Alkhal 38.8898-77.01 18.62 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
D9VcpLzdRJhq #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:10:24 38.8898-77.01 18.67 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
dH7rHe3d36Wo #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:10:24 38.8898-77.01 18.62 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
HCPEQvbjh9gA #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:10:24 38.8898-77.01 18.67 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
SVCC538Rh28I #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:10:24 38.8898-77.01 18.67 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
v86cAAcKaAx7 #CapitolWest #SW 2021-01-06 15:10:28 38.8893-77.0107 16.02 67, West Terraces and Steps
WiVJ66gzg3pw #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:10:36 Megansammut52 Megansammut52 38.8871-77.009 10.98 South Capitol Street, 20003
c1vJVaLcIdbk #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:11:11 38.8898-77.0101 31.55 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
hg5pS8dNppFa #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:11:11 38.8898-77.0101 31.55 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
ZhHAD9NO8kHg #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:11:11 ScarletOFire Scarlet OFire 38.8898-77.0101 31.57 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
tpU7DnXEqFVB #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:11:11 πŸ‘€ ScarletOfFire 38.8898-77.0101 31.62 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
rrdaPC4SVNDT #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:11:24 SamuelCMcGuire Samuel C. McGuire 38.89-77.01 32.16 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
OhwoFIE8I3DO #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 15:11:25 38.8909-77.0125 47.83 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
dnaYFpHBSu5k #CapitolWest #SW 2021-01-06 15:12:08 MPDC QtheTruthSoCal DC 38.8889-77.0105 37.15 68, West Terraces and Steps
T4Umz6d0SMnc #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:12:16 38.8896-77.0085 10.98 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
naDQiKfDfv7G #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:12:16 πŸ—£ 0:09 "You are squishing him. You are squishing him." πŸ‘€ 0:12 HarleyHatFilmer 0:13 ShaggyProfessor 0:13.17 ScarletOFire Scarlet OFire 38.8898-77.0101 24.01 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
H3xEi7VU7UMH #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 15:12:49 38.8911-77.009 79.97 73, West Terraces and Steps
2XwJn0Iqphrc #CapitolWest #NorthTerrace 2021-01-06 15:13:00 rope climbing πŸ‘€ 0:10.25 BlackHoodExtinguisher 38.891-77.0093 20.99 75, West Terraces and Steps
OYFkHMYFMLfZ #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:13:04 38.8898-77.008 12.63 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
S2fZ6snkrKpA #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:13:20 38.8895-77.0103 21.99 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
x2GqSN2kAGY3 #CapitolInterior #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:13:24 πŸ‘€ ScarletOfFire ThePinMan ScarletOFire Scarlet OFire 38.8898-77.0101 19.35 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
0ILtbKNKST48 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:13:24 38.8898-77.0101 19.35 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
JFDVk6DaG1KD #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 15:13:52 "Traitor Pence!" 38.8902-77.0103 32.81 64, West Terraces and Steps
TCEV0FC63Cns #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 15:13:52 Traitor Pence! 38.8902-77.0103 32.79 64, West Terraces and Steps
VXQewijq1iuR #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:13:58 πŸ—£ 1:33 "We are going to get towed." "Once the meter runs out." "All the police are here." 2:31 "Oh, they are pepper spraying." "We are not like jews going to Auschwitz." πŸ‘€ NunezPB AlbertoNunez Alberto Nunez 38.89-77.0098 205.72 190, West Terraces and Steps
he044xyPOURQ #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:14:10 SgtMODE MyOathDosentExpire 38.89-77.0102 40.66 65, West Terraces and Steps
TzNP4slvH8hH #CapitolInterior #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:14:26 38.8901-77.0091 44.43 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
4tJb1pr11hRv #CapitolWest #SW 2021-01-06 15:14:39 38.8895-77.0102 20.39 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
LzjH34PY3gv5 #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:15:46 38.8895-77.0103 15.51 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
KbHJ1yC6Suub #CapitolWest #SummerHouse 2021-01-06 15:15:49 38.891-77.0106 14.58 69, Capitol Circle Northwest
FrQl6xqto2uu #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:15:55 38.8897-77.0105 183.13 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
qrYDoc4tDU8a #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:15:55 38.8897-77.0105 183.18 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
e1gcuShcWxYz #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:17:19 38.8901-77.0099 67.42 190, West Terraces and Steps
aAet3LacMVHg #NationalMall #4thStSW 2021-01-06 15:17:37 CStSw 🏒 DepartmentOfEducation 38.8862-77.0179 59.46 Lyndon Baines Johnson U.S. Department of Education Building, 400, Maryland Avenue Southwest, Southwest Employment Area, 20202
9iAT30LM1MKX #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:17:40 julianacruz julianacruz 38.8897-77.0105 50.27 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
dsIj54OcP9IS #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:17:40 38.8897-77.0105 50.27 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
5WD4sk51MUzc #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:17:40 38.8897-77.0105 50.22 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
IXySAT5Xk5o8 #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:17:48 πŸ—£ StarSpangledBanner πŸ‘€ 0:20 FingerMan Private User Name Hidden 38.8896-77.0105 44.29 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
nc76VY2gAWt8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:18:02 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner Windtalkers Windtalkers 38.8896-77.0105 44.24 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
8KdEh2A5hBi1 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:18:19 38.8899-77.0102 34.59 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
SomZBaZ1s21n #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:18:31 🎢 StarSpangledBanner Daleparrott Daleparrott 38.8824-76.9945 39.47 809, E Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, 20003
JidHZjUPGeIb #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:18:31 πŸ‘€ 0:08 IronWorkerGuy 0:09 FenceSnatcher Daleparrott Daleparrott 38.8824-76.9945 43.14 809, E Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, 20003
ahY8n2R8hyxb #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:18:52 RealJustinSanders Justin 38.8897-77.0105 65.02 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
58lWitKHBAbq #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:19:24 38.8898-77.0105 18.07 65, West Terraces and Steps
FGl5ZhqR5Jpp #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:19:40 38.8899-77.0103 25.27 65, West Terraces and Steps
rKv1m3cDVn8K #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:19:46 πŸ‘€ 0:09 RWDSStooge SgtMODE MyOathDosentExpire 38.8901-77.0102 43.03 64, West Terraces and Steps
dyxOuy25PXw6 #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:20:29 38.89-77.0098 12.05 190, West Terraces and Steps
M8YHLRH9D7gh #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:20:29 Scaffold 38.89-77.0098 12.04 190, West Terraces and Steps
C4YoY0OUVVNO #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:20:36 38.8892-77.0096 45.74 188, West Terraces and Steps
X3bX08cgxZ14 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:20:45 πŸ‘€ IAmDanaRohrabacher JenniferMoran Jennifer Maret Moran 38.89-77.0106 29.99 65, West Terraces and Steps
5KP7PnNWK4Ue #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:21:40 trimmed 38.8895-77.0104 7.86 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
6VYEdaOOP3hD #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:21:40 38.8895-77.0104 7.88 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
7WJTCduTUKpl #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:21:40 38.8895-77.0104 7.88 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
uAKQeDMoSL0c #CapitolInterior #EastFoyer 2021-01-06 15:22:14 EastFoyerStaircase CentralEastDoors ColumbusDoors CapitolRotunda 0:18 SennheiserSpecks πŸ‘€ StephenIgnoramus? JoshuaJames 38.8899-77.0071 34.81 164, East Front Plaza
2DzUC8Jvgx4g #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:22:16 πŸ‘€ PlayboyTheBeast Playboythebeast Playboy The Beast 38.8902-77.0095 8.94 191, West Terraces and Steps
50d3X1juOHK8 #WashingtonDC #DC 2021-01-06 15:23:05 38.8919-77.0136 12.21 Constitution Avenue Northwest
ehSae1O1C9pt #WashingtonDC #DC 2021-01-06 15:23:05 TTylerTexas TTylerTexas 38.8919-77.0136 12.21 Constitution Avenue Northwest
0MuvObe1mK4G #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:23:48 38.8901-77.0105 25.94 64, West Terraces and Steps
69IJDSk6CAv4 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:23:48 38.8901-77.0105 25.94 64, West Terraces and Steps
g2PtWX9a3FMp #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:23:48 elissamulcahy Elissa Mulcahy 38.8901-77.0105 26.01 64, West Terraces and Steps
HpjpXqeN7btf #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:23:48 38.8901-77.0105 26.01 64, West Terraces and Steps
j4xU3ggaxAmU #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:23:48 38.8901-77.0105 26.01 64, West Terraces and Steps
650ut3VxB679 #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:23:53 πŸ‘€ 0:09 TaserPrick? 38.89-77.0101 27.39 65, West Terraces and Steps
dF2z7e7CkqqD #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:23:58 BrandonGuinn Brandon Guinn 38.8895-77.0101 30.26 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
0naBwO7WKLdv #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 15:24:03 Stop the steal! Dtc03snake Daren From Delaware 38.8921-77.0355 13.49 1561, Constitution Avenue Northwest
fyEPZnIr509X #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:24:06 SgtMODE MyOathDosentExpire 38.8901-77.0102 44.81 64, West Terraces and Steps
OVRHonUii72H #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:24:21 letit Leticia 38.8901-77.0099 50.86 190, West Terraces and Steps
wynEdR3TziJm #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:24:25 πŸ‘€ BigMAGACamo gingergregory Ginger Gregory 38.8925-77.0336 34.27 US Capitol East Gatehouse, 15th Street Northwest
9P8DDrJUAT5Z #WashingtonDC #UnionStation 2021-01-06 15:24:25 PatriotGalBoston PatriotGalBoston 38.8974-77.0065 55.59 Washington Union Station, Union Station Drive Northeast, NoMa, 20549
sLof11AAXbtg #WashingtonDC #UnionStation 2021-01-06 15:24:25 AmazingNaplesHomes RisherTeam 38.8974-77.0065 55.59 Washington Union Station, Union Station Drive Northeast, NoMa, 20549
BvNA5CiE47yt #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:24:26 38.8903-77.0098 10.96 190, West Terraces and Steps
Iw8f3g3OZ7Ib #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:24:26 38.8903-77.0098 10.96 190, West Terraces and Steps
AP1Rxpm2FsWe #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 15:24:30 38.8891-77.012 180.28 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
XXbKVa1YMVZe #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 15:24:30 BigTXDawg Jimmy Lindsey 38.8891-77.012 180.33 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
zRSzr6ii0I8o #WashingtonDC #UnionStation 2021-01-06 15:24:42 singing DavidRecchion David Recchion 38.8975-77.0064 39.38 Washington Union Station, Union Station Drive Northeast, NoMa, 20549
7zAhxOgZLwXG #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 15:24:46 CaroleMcIrish Carole McIrish 38.8903-77.0106 48.29 64, West Terraces and Steps
bjXvAoK0Gu5F #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 15:25:12 38.8906-77.0123 140.46 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
5L54o4c0fxCG #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 15:25:39 SeditionSandwich πŸ₯ͺ πŸ‘€ 0:55 IAmRickSaccone 38.8905-77.0119 82.12 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
ATHRnnmNpayv #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:25:42 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley 38.8907-77.0084 27.24 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
iRWQjcZoNssg #CapitolEast #NEStairs 2021-01-06 15:25:42 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley 38.8907-77.0084 27.23 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
qqB0N0VrBJt2 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:25:42 Megansammut52 Megansammut52 38.8897-77.0115 18.85 West Terraces and Steps
KDH68TyHUiw5 #CapitolInterior #NA 2021-01-06 15:25:51 πŸ‘€ HeadBandageGuy 38.8901-77.01 16.35 64, West Terraces and Steps
xREPV4bqjPPM #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 15:26:38 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! Dtc03snake Daren From Delaware 38.8921-77.0355 21.55 1561, Constitution Avenue Northwest
lxN8ne0vbVD9 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 15:27:23 Susie147 Susie147 38.8905-77.0104 16.41 64, West Terraces and Steps
apk625yMXapx #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:27:36 38.89-77.0103 101.11 65, West Terraces and Steps
FEwehCHGBE3e #CapitolEast 2021-01-06 15:28:50 Praying Lisaelizabeth Lisa Elizabeth 38.8886-77.0084 5.07 170, East Front Plaza
6MmRehcrcAwY #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:29:17 Romeguy I WANT A DIVORCE Rome Guy 38.8907-77.0357 9.47 274, 16th Street Northwest
2R64wIqkr5mS #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 15:29:19 πŸ‘€ DonaldTrumpJr Tammymorris3 Tammymorris3 38.8919-77.037 12.13 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
8cSaamVcsMri #CapitolInterior #NWEntryCorridor 2021-01-06 15:29:28 BrumidiCorridor πŸ‘€ 0:09 0:27 ToothScraggle 0:10 0:32 PinstripeBoilersuit 0:32 BakedAlaska 0:23 Shutterbreaker Biganon Anonymous 38.8903-77.0093 35.1 191, West Terraces and Steps
KYoi7C8a45cX #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:29:40 38.8895-77.0102 22.58 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
qPIOl2JbIsV4 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 15:29:54 πŸ‘€ DonaldTrumpJr TheFreeKid TheFreeKid 38.8907-77.0389 68.14 17th Street Levee, 17th Street Southwest, 20227
Sk5gvoxK8K1r #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 15:30:02 38.8894-77.0122 32.16 1st Street Northwest, 20202
oNuC6injCNBb #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 15:30:02 38.8894-77.0122 32.16 1st Street Northwest, 20202
RfmiOsck22e4 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:30:06 Dannydefo80 damozzkid109 38.8902-77.0106 54.51 64, West Terraces and Steps
ntz8J5eFBH6g #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:31:13 Violence Violence πŸ‘€ 0:03-0:09 BlackNTanGuy 0:07 IAmSiaka 0:45 CountPlaidula 1:02-1:10 SilentMajorityCowboy GrandStandLooker? 38.8901-77.0099 84.45 190, West Terraces and Steps
SHGsCPYkkOFj #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:31:29 38.8897-77.0102 22.29 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
FRPR3VqfBzIF #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:31:46 NWStairs NWCourtyard 🎢 #GodBlessAmerica #IrvingBerlin 🎢 πŸ—£ "I've been breathing it for the last half hour." "If you take it directly to the face it sucks." "Ha ha. True. Ha ha." M2Grimes Melissa 38.8902-77.0098 28.23 190, West Terraces and Steps
hmh5w1cou88U #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 15:32:22 Rosedancer46 Rosedancer46 38.89-77.0103 22.54 65, West Terraces and Steps
Rp3qrB15ypiE #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:34:29 CowboysForTrump C4T prayer πŸ‘€ 1:08 CouyGriffin 1:10 GasMaskBatman 1:09 ParadeCharade realTT2020 Fake⭐️News⭐️Crime⭐️Fighter 38.8899-77.0101 75.88 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
sK1F7q5Fv7IL #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:35:23 38.8899-77.0104 21.85 65, West Terraces and Steps
TNi4F73rBo86 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:35:23 38.8899-77.0104 21.92 65, West Terraces and Steps
OlQ3FLNrUgf5 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 15:35:33 38.8903-77.0103 111.62 64, West Terraces and Steps
Bl351Ty32aMu #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 15:35:33 38.8903-77.0103 42.05 64, West Terraces and Steps
35iIAVuIAijR #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:35:40 38.8899-77.0104 6.47 65, West Terraces and Steps
bCkOoiJFTH0C #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:36:40 judithsmith Judy.smith 38.8942-77.0334 25.05 U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401, Constitution Avenue Northwest
v63BKYYYkJiU #CapitolReflectingPool #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 15:37:11 Robbydawkins Robbydawkins 38.8898-77.0143 54.1 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
v7WuuCUCUgtD #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:38:05 QtheTruthSoCal DC 38.8897-77.0074 7.31 United States Capitol Visitor Center;U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Library of Congrass Tunnel
o5ESRQACvFwS #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:40:03 NunezPB? retreat πŸ—£ 4:42 "If you didn't come to fight go back down. Let the people that want to fight come up here." πŸ‘€ NunezPB 5:47.62 KingstonAsh WildBossMan HiHoSilverKnob 38.8901-77.0097 397.03 190, West Terraces and Steps
KQ0TpQnsiuCS #CapitolSouth #SE 2021-01-06 15:40:44 πŸ—£ 0:04 "Fucking cops!" 0:16 "Trick or treat?" 0:26 "Fucking Nazis!" 0:41 "Traitors!" 38.8883-77.0086 59.27 New Jersey Avenue Southeast, 20003
ucphoWjc05a0 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:41:06 πŸ‘€ OhBoyInsider HarleySmashAOM 38.8898-77.0083 30.54 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
D74suPzrQwTL #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:41:09 38.8907-77.0095 11.44 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
9T1Wgyjt0vKj #CapitolEast #ColumbusDoors 2021-01-06 15:41:30 πŸ—£ 0:03 "We have the building." 0:07 "They are withdrawing. There is nobody else inside." πŸ‘€ OhBoyInsider 38.8898-77.0086 17.88 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
jYwFYXnCB8gz #CapitolEast 2021-01-06 15:41:46 38.8898-77.0083 34.24 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
jAQUnszflykk #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:41:52 EricBarrett EricBarrett 38.8921-77.0341 13.34 Constitution Avenue Northwest
o6xUbL7Zm7Tf #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:41:52 EricBarrett EricBarrett 38.8921-77.0341 13.27 Constitution Avenue Northwest
XNr4jFTh6grE #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:42:56 38.892-77.0162 44.82 E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse, 333, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
2hmWsS7hbKrk #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 15:42:56 Alfrka Alfrka 38.892-77.0162 44.77 E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse, 333, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
ivgzEARyAdQk #NationalMall 2021-01-06 15:42:58 KimHartley Kim Hartley 38.891-77.0356 33.17 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
hbWIGQ7pjU48 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:43:15 πŸ‘€ ShackledLadyLiberty 38.8886-77.0133 26.63 United States Botanic Garden, 245, 1st Street Southwest
14bBcpxpQBmB #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 15:43:18 Cleanthehouse Cleanthehouse 38.8899-77.0106 35.64 65, West Terraces and Steps
HX07G51QKPEx #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:43:52 38.8901-77.0103 42.04 64, West Terraces and Steps
dTs1N3WVh3h8 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:43:57 riReyNCVV3dd 38.89-77.0099 45.67 190, West Terraces and Steps
riReyNCVV3dd #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:43:57 dTs1N3WVh3h8 38.89-77.0099 45.74 190, West Terraces and Steps
TpGdYnhxD5kw #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:45:25 38.8909-77.0082 33.83 89, East Front Plaza
jW0bQSDFVOEx #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 15:45:33 38.891-77.0089 30.73 80, West Terraces and Steps
V64JKsaNUkd7 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:47:19 SeditionChant WindowBreaking intervention πŸ—£ 0:00 "We the people!" 0:06 "Oh God, no! No! No! Nooo! Nooo! Fucking no!" "What the fuck is he doing?" πŸ‘€ BlondeHornLady 0:01 GrayShadowHat 38.8899-77.01 39.27 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
fhqU4rQ4ZFzO #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:47:19 WindowBreaking "Stop!" BlondeHornLady 38.8899-77.01 39.27 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
sUCLs52fT3CW #NationalMall #WorldWar2Memorial 2021-01-06 15:47:57 realJeffBlackwell Jeff Blackwell 38.8884-77.0405 123.97 Pacific Pavilion, Home Front Drive, 20227
0lmypbT9naSL #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:49:20 BlondeHornLady Window 38.8899-77.01 26.69 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
gMBFKGBhPEWE #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:49:49 πŸ‘€ LadderLady LadderLad 38.89-77.0106 50.04 65, West Terraces and Steps
mMG01UJganoD #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:49:49 πŸ‘€ LadderLady LadderLad 38.89-77.0106 50.11 65, West Terraces and Steps
vwn5xmDvxfqV #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 15:50:07 Angryprepper TheAngryprepper 38.8897-77.0102 27.21 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
gy0CVMmIIpqp #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:50:40 SeditionOscars πŸ‘€ BlondeHornLady GreenNewsboy GinaBisignano WindowCheerleader 38.89-77.01 32.63 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
G4rdUjsXjPju #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:50:50 MickeyMoose Mickey Moose 38.8898-77.0103 20.28 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
05wJWPlwYEm2 #CapitolEast 2021-01-06 15:50:51 πŸ—£ 0:54 "I'm the guy that got you inside this building." πŸ‘€ 0:00 RonniePresley 0:30 GuyFrom_05wJWPlwYEm2_o2IUocX1GMBx 1:48 HoopsNLoops 38.8901-77.0105 120.98 64, West Terraces and Steps
xDvtEJtl0RsY #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:51:09 Window πŸ‘€ MaroonBinocularBoy BostonWhiteBeanAOM VernonWilson Vernon Wilson 38.8904-77.0088 9.93 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
xgbJtf76wElz #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:51:09 πŸ‘€ MaroonBinocularBoy BostonWhiteBeanAOM 38.8904-77.0088 9.93 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
9HgjVjxIB1F0 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:51:41 38.8899-77.0105 20.32 65, West Terraces and Steps
WG1JCxpY4b1e #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:51:41 Prayer LordsPrayer 38.8899-77.0105 20.37 65, West Terraces and Steps
X1mc2UButF8U #CapitolWest 2021-01-06 15:52:07 38.8898-77.01 7.81 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
AwME4HLA6vtW #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:52:27 38.8905-77.009 19.88 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
gGFU7fWrafzY #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 15:52:27 VernonWilson Vernon Wilson 38.8905-77.009 19.86 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
oVATX1R86Rcj #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:52:32 Runinred1967 Runinred1967 Runinred1967 38.8842-77.0076 25.52 40, Ivy Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, 20003
XNohvDluHfmx #CapitolNorth #NA 2021-01-06 15:52:46 0:06 pitchfork πŸ‘€ BrianGundersen? InGodITrustRioter? 38.8908-77.0089 26.05 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
29cZegQUocJb #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:53:03 πŸ‘€ 3PercentOfNC 3PercenterOfNC 3%rOfTruth 38.8901-77.0082 14.65 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
nYJeSZQnzWD0 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 15:53:32 Private User Name Hidden 38.8898-77.0079 8.08 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
0VjRwooevgzN #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:53:37 AllenpaulAp56 AAP007 38.8901-77.0105 78.76 64, West Terraces and Steps
x9k3Cy14CSkF #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:54:50 Runinred1967 Runinred1967 38.8897-77.01 47.11 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
MIS1v7mdAmPU #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 15:55:08 Interview/Spanish 38.8902-77.0104 141.44 64, West Terraces and Steps
hgQYuqIrZTls #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 15:55:08 πŸ‘€ 0:40 SantaCamoComms? ShackledLadyLiberty snakle Craig Bowers 38.89-77.0106 69.63 65, West Terraces and Steps
719yrPG5Q7r7 #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:55:17 selfie 38.8896-77.0102 14.15 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
5E16pZQTISLc #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:55:25 38.8897-77.0105 10.68 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
ET84WGA65PjB #WashingtonDC #AirSpaceMuseum 2021-01-06 15:55:29 Sgthojman30 Sgthojman30 38.8893-77.0212 67.63 464, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20202
KWcmmaWP9GGe #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard? 2021-01-06 15:56:02 SeditionComms πŸ‘€ AARPropertyDamage ScrapWoodSmasher 38.8903-77.0094 42.26 191, West Terraces and Steps
rNO0gDpL5nKj #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard? 2021-01-06 15:56:02 SeditionComms πŸ‘€ AARPropertyDamage ScrapWoodSmasher VernonWilson Vernon Wilson 38.8903-77.0094 42.31 191, West Terraces and Steps
t4l1G51olUAh #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:56:49 38.8895-77.0103 7.36 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
BInzNTtug9A8 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 15:57:06 Travman Thomas 38.8919-77.0364 167.08 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
aQ7YeQ31lz32 #WashingtonDC #UnionStation 2021-01-06 15:57:47 interview 38.8986-77.0074 110.67 2, Massachusetts Avenue Northeast, NoMa, 20002
oq59QSJY1eYO #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:57:54 38.89-77.0103 82.47 65, West Terraces and Steps
w0LzlCqerE1N #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 15:58:07 πŸ—£ Fuck Joe Biden! CaymanIslandsGirl KittyKatParade 38.8899-77.01 24.13 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
niJAyVlPCRZJ #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:58:42 Klupo13 Kristina Luparello 38.8896-77.0101 42.06 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
vxh4DeXKZw5E #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 15:58:45 0:07-0:10 Tunnel 38.8899-77.0102 26.29 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
OBZizPT08K46 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:58:47 38.8897-77.0104 11.24 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
Dp1TBq414fdG #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:58:48 7sgirl 7sgirl 38.8866-77.0125 20.64 Bartholdi Park, Washington Avenue Southwest, Southwest Employment Area
t7MJQilPbkFn #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:59:03 38.8898-77.0105 26.49 65, West Terraces and Steps
wA0ahVX5oGl8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:59:03 38.8898-77.0105 26.54 65, West Terraces and Steps
rgDWmSDLhmhC #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 15:59:08 38.8901-77.0098 61.15 190, West Terraces and Steps
h8BjMg20Fk7s #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 15:59:48 38.8899-77.0103 91.16 65, West Terraces and Steps
ZLCE4QPPz3kW #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:00:02 TruthandLiberty Truth&Liberty 38.8899-77.0103 52.39 65, West Terraces and Steps
CgZxY8PDNM9m #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:00:10 SavetheNation2020 LiveFreeorDie 38.8899-77.0103 61.83 65, West Terraces and Steps
0P57ekyl4BgA #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:01:23 Runinred1967 Runinred1967 38.8859-77.0076 28.54 Capitol Hill Parking, New Jersey Ave SE, 20003
BQ97NR3FGlWY #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:01:23 38.8859-77.0076 28.54 Capitol Hill Parking, New Jersey Ave SE, 20003
RCK9wvoDmKQA #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:01:42 38.8899-77.0104 41.85 65, West Terraces and Steps
RqSWAT2AD63b #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:01:42 38.8899-77.0104 41.85 65, West Terraces and Steps
FH2gzWNmVnUx #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:02:00 Mrshelenheller MAGAIndo 38.8898-77.0102 37.76 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
pN3q5NvwoghI #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:03:03 πŸ—£ Fight for Trump! #SeditionChant 38.8897-77.0103 24.26 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
5an2kTUFQs2t #CapitolEast #NA 2021-01-06 16:04:06 πŸ‘€ StolenShield 38.8899-77.0088 27.4 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
HP1SIkO4eErL #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:04:11 🏒 0:38 #Tunnel πŸ‘€ IronWorkerGuy 38.89-77.01 44.67 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
LhPiDTMhUSGL #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:04:11 🎢 #StarSpangledBanner 🏒 0:38 #Tunnel πŸ‘€ IronWorkerGuy 38.89-77.01 44.68 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
mAeQjkqeA7Up #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:04:11 0:38 Tunnel πŸ‘€ IronWorkerGuy Hazelworth Hazelworth 38.89-77.01 44.68 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
nHwELP7CxOl0 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:04:11 0:38 Tunnel πŸ‘€ IronWorkerGuy 38.89-77.01 44.68 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
dltfIbXGM5gi #CapitolNorth #NA 2021-01-06 16:04:29 KEKFlag RamboFlag πŸ‘€ 0:11 FacePaintBlowHard 38.8909-77.009 51.51 80, West Terraces and Steps
fXCW0v9cFfE4 #CapitolEast #Stairs 2021-01-06 16:05:21 πŸ‘€ 0:10 Individual4 0:15 JacobChansley 38.8898-77.0081 49.31 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
WvNy0mY8LFTq #CapitolEast #Stairs 2021-01-06 16:05:21 "Fuck Antifa!" πŸ—£ "Fuck Antifa!" πŸ‘€ 0:15 JacobChansley 38.8898-77.0081 49.37 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
D1nBUG3Qu3sw #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 16:06:51 πŸ‘€ IAmAnthonyKern IAmAnthonyKernSidekick 38.8896-77.0102 25.15 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
VYWo9y4A00do #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:07:39 Sgthojman30 Sgthojman30 38.8894-77.024 47.08 Refreshments, 9th Street Tunnel, Southwest Employment Area, 20585
B7yh3YgnbcFT #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:07:42 Mak49684 Mak49684 38.89-77.0106 13.24 65, West Terraces and Steps
bQvQLbiTz0q5 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:08:38 judithsmith Judy.smith 38.893-77.0203 16.75 Central National Bank, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter, 20565
zql90aBoc1tJ #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 16:08:59 38.8903-77.0109 125.93 63, West Terraces and Steps
LQKqUqbhU50v #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:10:01 38.8897-77.0103 56.83 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
DIPqf1K2PJba #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 16:11:11 38.8905-77.0118 89.75 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
V3CaS3mUGMr4 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:11:29 38.8898-77.0105 30.37 65, West Terraces and Steps
386TsNXzw58a #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:12:15 πŸ‘€ 0:10 TableLegWhacker 38.8899-77.0103 16.5 65, West Terraces and Steps
EjkHpFX9ATgp #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 16:15:58 πŸ‘€ 0:33 Plaid45 NunezPB FlashBangMan 11:27 MockOfSeagulls AlbertoNunez Alberto Nunez 38.8892-77.0095 734.07 188, West Terraces and Steps
NEykm1FvuD9s #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:16:30 vancedoeden Vance Doeden 38.8918-77.0363 49.54 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
0261f0TEn46K #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 16:17:21 SeditionComms πŸ—£ "Cobra over and out." πŸ‘€ TexasCobra BrooksPearson Brooks Pearson 38.8902-77.0098 46.14 190, West Terraces and Steps
AvieVeQAq5o5 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 16:17:50 🎢 Journey Thegarynator the_garynator 38.8913-77.0371 26.24 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
M4qAK9MhEpEF #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 16:22:33 violence violence πŸ‘€ 0:00 0:10 SageCopWhacker 1:05 DaltonCrase RcParker71 Rc Parker71 38.8903-77.0098 184.19 190, West Terraces and Steps
TKlQPNr2GjTG #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 16:23:19 🎢 LeonardCohen Stopthesteal2day Stop the Steal America 38.891-77.0358 60.88 274, 16th Street Northwest
RTIBsAQDRfem #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:23:55 πŸ‘€ 0:40.68 Individual4 38.8901-77.0323 46.0 1432, Madison Drive Northwest
auWQW8YMv3Dn #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 16:25:05 Journalist Anthony πŸ‘€ SleevelessRedTattoos Whiteaf3 Andrew White πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8897-77.0101 66.87 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
U10ndi3PaWJm #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:26:25 πŸ—£ "We just got tear gassed by the fucking cops." VBghostpatriot VBghostpatriot 38.8898-77.0103 40.87 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
HSEUpO8N6K1f #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:27:19 38.8902-77.0106 31.17 64, West Terraces and Steps
uXaWh7G2P36n #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 16:28:06 🎢 #WeOutside #IAmForgatioBlow πŸ‘€ 0:00 IAmForgatioBlow 38.8903-77.0102 35.53 64, West Terraces and Steps
q7BpcYyFpX7J #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 16:29:07 πŸ‘€ 4:19 RayBanTerrorist MelindaBrown8485 Melinda Brown8485 38.8904-77.0104 279.71 64, West Terraces and Steps
BFebZCtfR5aF #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:29:28 0:00 RedLadder Ladder StarSpangledBanner 🎢 38.8898-77.0102 45.36 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
XCMfOk219rxY #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:29:28 Ecodieseldynamics Ecodieseldynamics2014 38.8898-77.0102 45.38 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
49158lDv9MVH #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:29:40 38.8897-77.0102 60.82 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
AdArLzDy1ObS #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:29:40 38.8897-77.0102 60.82 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
kzrYSH4ddnof #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:29:40 38.8897-77.0102 60.88 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
2MGQVZjSLNJv #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:30:10 TAFLAT Jim 38.8913-77.0098 13.31 70, Capitol Circle Northwest
s5NFb72MrTkr #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 16:30:30 NPjanie Janie Haynes 38.8826-76.9942 9.13 819, E Street Southeast, Capitol Hill, 20003
HhOE7VTVyjIj #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:30:36 38.8895-77.0099 75.03 189, West Terraces and Steps
PE6kDnMTh8Z6 #CapitolNorth 2021-01-06 16:32:02 38.8908-77.0091 4.58 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
srqxy751uhoy #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:32:50 SWScaffold Private User Name Hidden 38.8895-77.0101 30.19 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
csRsMMepEl92 #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ—£ "Yo Enrique, sign me up dude! Get me in your fucking chapter!" πŸ‘€ NunezPB 38.8901-77.01 26.94 64, West Terraces and Steps
DGpUSlu6o2yD #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ‘€ NunezPB 38.8901-77.01 26.98 64, West Terraces and Steps
FxXTgCmKCYXv #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ‘€ NunezPB AlbertoNunez Alberto Nunez 38.8901-77.01 26.98 64, West Terraces and Steps
lbliFG4WqmNj #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ‘€ NunezPB 38.8901-77.01 26.93 64, West Terraces and Steps
stnyLSVNIG37 #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ—£ "Yo Enrique, sign me up dude! Get me in your fucking chapter!" πŸ‘€ NunezPB 38.8901-77.01 26.93 64, West Terraces and Steps
uF2EKNOE0jpP #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ‘€ NunezPB 38.8901-77.01 26.98 64, West Terraces and Steps
W9d9UvLeBYFu #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:33:04 πŸ—£ "Yo Enrique, sign me up dude! Get me in your fucking chapter!" πŸ‘€ NunezPB 38.8901-77.01 26.93 64, West Terraces and Steps
xSgtD3jz8mUZ #CapitolNorth #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 16:34:46 RcParker71 Rc Parker71 38.8908-77.009 39.16 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
jDypbT7c6bU0 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:35:56 antidemcrat2020 antidemocrat2020 38.8912-77.0355 47.3 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
TCJ5Im4smpY2 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 16:38:17 IAmPhilipAnderson interview thepinkdame Shannon Ludtke 38.8907-77.0372 115.53 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
NZ0P8ssAGysd #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:38:45 38.89-77.01 59.14 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
69WACz6SPQg8 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:39:03 πŸ‘€ RyanNichols? JoeHarrison Horizon 38.8901-77.0101 61.61 64, West Terraces and Steps
dbcG4DKbcaiW #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:39:03 38.8901-77.0101 61.67 64, West Terraces and Steps
8ONiSixYGejX #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:39:15 GasMask πŸ‘€ GasMaskBatman GassyGreyPouch? Jakelang Jakelang 38.8898-77.01 3.84 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
hUhwsaOzwD5t #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 16:40:51 MelindaBrown8485 Melinda Brown8485 38.8903-77.0107 81.25 64, West Terraces and Steps
oq0jpbCT651M #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:41:59 avoiceforchange avoiceforchange 38.8921-77.0322 26.68 260, Constitution Avenue Northwest
6X2ZhStzVa3k #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:42:32 retreat πŸ‘€ 3:35 WhiteGlovesPoker? 38.8926-77.0266 546.75 Internal Revenue Service Building, 1111, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
VB04B4oHPLWw #LowerSenatePark 2021-01-06 16:43:03 38.8945-77.0092 119.12 Senate Terrace Fountain, D Street Northwest, 20401
wWtXNdgWeEEM #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:45:54 SoldierSpirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Soldier Spirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8903-77.0365 89.69 274, 16th Street Northwest
VSBG3TilomZ3 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:47:20 38.8898-77.0099 28.03 66, West Terraces and Steps
MwV2lwWVgAF3 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 16:47:20 πŸ‘€ CommanderBlueHoodie BuffLightYear SeattleUWGuy PufferJacketCameraman 38.8898-77.0099 27.96 66, West Terraces and Steps
0gEXueOMmwi8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:49:22 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.89-77.0104 13.21 65, West Terraces and Steps
4sOiN4xK6zIM #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:49:22 38.89-77.0104 13.21 65, West Terraces and Steps
urT0pVgcvy6B #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:49:43 AllenpaulAp56 AAP007 38.8893-77.0101 54.18 67, West Terraces and Steps
PxBfJc8LQNOq #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:50:18 πŸ‘€ BigPlaidTussler 38.8902-77.0105 47.02 64, West Terraces and Steps
cH0PB1OhfbT8 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 16:50:21 πŸ—£ Please stand down! 38.8898-77.0103 14.32 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
3PkLpHaNWWeH #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:51:05 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8899-77.0104 44.78 65, West Terraces and Steps
Oc9WgHNGpAhE #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 16:52:17 GolfClub? πŸ‘€ NunezPB 4:00 BlackHoodExtinguisher 8:36.46 BlackWidowMaker 8:41 Sedition3P 38.8901-77.0101 552.57 64, West Terraces and Steps
sjQ6YrVTYuw6 #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 16:54:55 38.8894-77.0108 3.3 67, West Terraces and Steps
Ox9DFySZ4QpV #CapitolInterior #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 16:57:36 πŸ‘€ SwedishScarf 38.8898-77.0103 12.66 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
iBmtugeXvTOP #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:58:08 JosephAdams Joseph Adams 38.8912-77.0363 58.1 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
4TEpyOHkOo1Y #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:58:53 38.8913-77.036 42.1 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
uGXQHSVMBFup #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:58:53 38.8913-77.036 42.1 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
oy4KJ5gVBqHJ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 16:59:29 🎢 LeeGreenwood CindyPA Cindy 38.8918-77.0368 38.96 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
a40TwAVzrZK8 #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 16:59:32 πŸ‘€ IAmTerrenceKWilliams RealTerrenceKWilliams RealTerrenceKWilliams 38.9111-77.0329 139.27 1420, Q Street Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
LguBSCUFcY67 #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:59:36 Sgthojman30 Sgthojman30 38.8903-77.0343 56.7 275, 15th Street Northwest
MsxTRRdKkZwS #NationalMall 2021-01-06 16:59:59 Mgabrielson85 Mgabrielson85 38.8906-77.0348 135.36 275, 15th Street Northwest
OwqjIgbC5LCD #NationalMall 2021-01-06 17:01:34 Private User Name Hidden 38.8921-77.0348 32.67 Constitution Avenue Northwest
eoil5IIQ62LJ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:01:34 Stop the steal! 38.8921-77.0348 32.67 Constitution Avenue Northwest
BbZw5Xms6z3W #IndependenceAveSW #3rdSt 2021-01-06 17:04:16 TheSmallLie Jasin715 Jasin715 38.8874-77.0153 46.93 Wilbur J. Cohen Building, 3rd Street Southwest, Southwest Employment Area
1Ta9ZdFfiNrZ #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 17:04:21 38.8899-77.0106 156.23 65, West Terraces and Steps
XFFtlgdmXlYT #CapitolWest #SWPath 2021-01-06 17:04:37 38.8894-77.0106 58.38 67, West Terraces and Steps
YJjhdVowJOyA #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:04:37 38.8894-77.0106 58.42 67, West Terraces and Steps
1Zvr7Xtfv0Yt #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:05:04 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8898-77.0103 6.41 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
nrZzMwAoemx2 #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 17:05:08 38.8903-77.0145 30.05 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
04V2lSxDsi5n #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 17:05:08 πŸ‘€ 0:11.44 PinstripeBoilersuit kristinsargent Kristin Sargent 38.8903-77.0145 29.99 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
OqD8bxN4Nnkt #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:05:54 38.8897-77.0104 31.97 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
F5ZPe3cpnqSJ #NationalMall 2021-01-06 17:06:35 Jkwaltenbaugh Joseph K Waltenbaugh 38.8902-77.0353 35.03 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
HpQ07PUDmWDk #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 17:06:43 πŸ—£ "Donald Trump asked everyone to go home." πŸ‘€ JacobChansley JiMnM JiMnM 🐸 38.89-77.0104 82.73 65, West Terraces and Steps
G81yHTuMUvlX #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:06:43 They look like Antifa. Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8897-77.0104 33.83 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
Iue3FFoNfEhv #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:07:28 TrumpSpeech Anastacia143 Staceycitro 38.8935-77.0364 23.21 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
bVPcTXidhYjP #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 17:07:36 Whiteaf3 Andrew White πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.8896-77.0102 30.65 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
ehioYC9DKqYv #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 17:07:36 38.8896-77.0102 30.65 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
4GAV26EQ2cD6 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:07:42 Steinerfrau Steinerfrau 38.8902-77.0106 19.95 64, West Terraces and Steps
sICg1C38nHiG #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:07:42 38.8902-77.0106 19.95 64, West Terraces and Steps
z5gCyYj1MB4N #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 17:07:57 πŸ—£ "You took an oath to protect the United States constitution and you are breaking it." "You fucking traitors!" πŸ‘€ 0:11.68 PrisonBraids Jameskeller James Keller 38.89-77.0104 29.96 65, West Terraces and Steps
yNE8dnxhV87u #CapitolWest #SW 2021-01-06 17:08:09 38.8894-77.0107 51.76 67, West Terraces and Steps
mR0EJQXQcSBk #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:09:13 🎢 LeeGreenwood operation1776 Chris Risley 38.892-77.0353 179.73 1554, Constitution Avenue Northwest
DLrp7deeIqht #NationalMall 2021-01-06 17:09:26 gregalabama gregalabama 38.8915-77.0366 7.47 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
DYXvOYthCx2F #NationalMall 2021-01-06 17:10:00 ThePatriotPastor Pastor George Cook 38.8899-77.0352 65.7 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
a6b4E7EOuBfs #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:10:09 38.8898-77.0105 12.27 65, West Terraces and Steps
ih45GbhXmiXD #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:10:09 38.8898-77.0105 19.58 65, West Terraces and Steps
li21IY7thNbw #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:10:09 38.8898-77.0105 12.33 65, West Terraces and Steps
PtX0m5xmBWoZ #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:10:09 38.8898-77.0105 19.51 65, West Terraces and Steps
CVJciWvfzVc1 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:10:42 38.89-77.01 21.97 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
DJzdPcAuKKwU #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:10:42 πŸ—£ πŸ‘© "God, please help me get out of here. Please." πŸ‘¨ "Put your phone down. Put your phone down and walk." πŸ‘© "Can you all walk?" ScarletOFire Scarlet OFire 38.89-77.01 22.04 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
yGh7nMgJB7m2 #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:12:40 They are breaking that oath by attacking tax paying citizens. 38.8893-77.0137 23.46 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
SytVtt4RWF4v #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:12:44 38.8899-77.0101 8.24 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
eLSgf3w5r4PI #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 17:13:18 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8902-77.0104 6.45 64, West Terraces and Steps
e47lIeSz7r45 #CapitolWest #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-06 17:14:47 πŸ‘€ BlackGlove805 JoeHarrison Horizon 38.89-77.0107 207.99 65, West Terraces and Steps
Dq2O7DzTZmfh #Hotel #TrumpInternationalHotel 2021-01-06 17:15:29 jcboi John B. 38.8946-77.0274 21.55 Trump International, 1100, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
LkCCt8cFxeU1 #Hotel #TrumpInternationalHotel 2021-01-06 17:15:29 38.8946-77.0274 21.55 Trump International, 1100, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
YBiS0yYD8IMg #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:16:24 TrumpSpeech πŸ—£ "You have to show strength." Hodgehaven4 dan 38.8907-77.0371 19.7 274, 16th Street Northwest
i7PnrbCEXg6R #BlackLivesMatterPlaza 2021-01-06 17:18:24 TTylerTexas TTylerTexas 38.9017-77.0362 151.07 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
FMRCveJNHxfP #BlackLivesMatterPlaza #NA 2021-01-06 17:18:24 38.9017-77.0362 151.11 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
GpnQxzviWo8t #NationalMall 2021-01-06 17:18:32 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom TrumpSpeech 🎢 #Gloria #LauraBranigan 38.8911-77.036 1294.0 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
Dwx71JWXxoKv #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 17:18:53 πŸ‘€ AndrewWhite 38.8897-77.0109 293.38 67, West Terraces and Steps
GkusTNyuZZWu #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 17:18:53 πŸ‘€ AndrewWhite Whiteaf3 Whiteaf3 38.8897-77.0109 293.38 67, West Terraces and Steps
GsVZm7o33oLw #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:23:02 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8903-77.0103 16.88 64, West Terraces and Steps
1PkvSH3DHPQm #ConstitutionAveNW #15thStreet 2021-01-06 17:23:04 πŸ‘€ 0:00 CowPoke 0:04.79 Sean59AFO Private User Name Hidden 38.8919-77.0339 18.76 Constitution Avenue Northwest
eplxZ9zLNP6t #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:25:53 πŸ‘€ IAmPhilipAnderson CapitolRotundaRoamer 38.8923-77.0372 286.79 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
8fGidwR3eLor #CapitolWest #SummerHouse 2021-01-06 17:26:00 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8906-77.0103 13.09 64, West Terraces and Steps
kL7oxKMD3okz #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 17:26:39 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8906-77.0104 25.88 63, West Terraces and Steps
I6u7eZmUrE0f #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 17:26:50 🏒 0:12 #PeaceMonument πŸ—£ "Well they tear gassed the hell out of us. They tear gassed Jessica." 38.8909-77.0124 27.99 1st Street Northwest, 20202
L581HkTRJuQ1 #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 17:26:50 🏒 0:12 #PeaceMonument πŸ—£ "Well they tear gassed the hell out of us. They tear gassed Jessica." 38.8909-77.0124 27.99 1st Street Northwest, 20202
XMj0WfPuXF8W #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 17:26:50 🏒 0:12 #PeaceMonument πŸ—£ "Well they tear gassed the hell out of us. They tear gassed Jessica." 38.8909-77.0124 28.05 1st Street Northwest, 20202
QPsyYtwu4zJb #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:27:17 TrumpSpeech 38.8915-77.0372 12.67 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
ACa0xxSznKol #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 17:28:34 38.8895-77.0117 62.79 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
nX0DJVhP5fI0 #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 17:28:34 38.8895-77.0117 62.83 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
4CgvVPwmomjo #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 17:28:45 Private User Name Hidden 38.8899-77.0103 19.11 65, West Terraces and Steps
h7o5lCy59fQJ #CapitolWest 2021-01-06 17:30:25 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8908-77.011 12.12 62, West Terraces and Steps
kYyQUWF6mMoZ #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 17:33:13 TrumpSpeech 38.8933-77.0362 54.12 Meridian Stone, Ellipse Road Northwest
N3iINAlup94Y #CapitolWest 2021-01-06 17:36:37 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8903-77.0109 16.32 63, West Terraces and Steps
nCxt12LdrD9a #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 17:37:49 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8904-77.0116 16.02 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
8vAuY7nxkr6M #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 17:39:30 Benjancewicz BenJancewicz 38.8905-77.0121 14.75 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
rPNMZOutpNam #PennsylvaniaAveNW #11thStreet 2021-01-06 17:40:17 πŸ‘€ JacobChansley 38.8949-77.0267 30.16 Central-Michel Richard, 1001, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
Dr91Sy9JPaqz #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 17:57:16 Robesonadrianna Robesonadrianna 38.8904-77.0119 72.73 Peace Monument, Peace Monument Circle
tb76lsT2Wakl #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 18:01:54 πŸ‘€ ProudBoys 0:02.18 MasterSarge 0:04.20 JoeBiggs 0:06.83 GreenBandanaMan 0:07.02 MichaelPorterPB 0:02 0:10.10 BlackSkiMask 0:12.21 FacePaintBlowHard 0:13.69 Turbo57 0:18.07 OrangeHatGroup 0:21.69 HatHag 0:01 SleepyPB GreenBeaniePB 0:02 BadMarinePB 0:06 KamikazePB LanyardPB SwimGogglesPB SmilesPB GasMaskTwinsPB 0:07 TieDyePB 0:08 ChinStrapPB BurtonPB RayBanTerrorist MissingToothMarine 0:03 GreyMoPB TekkPB SumoPB 0:05 AZSkeletorPB FlandersPB Spazzo NinjaRaphPB 0:10 EarnhardtPB 0:19 ClockworkAlexPB 0:20 SpacklerPB StuporHeroPB Rufio WookiePB 0:18 HighRiseSpecialist 0:21 InfidelPB 0:23 GreenGhoulGaiter 0:02 AllGreenGuy 0:08 Chumpion 0:17 TowerPup 0:19 Individual4 TreadPB? 38.8898-77.0102 23.87 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
cwoMBUgoUj8T #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 18:02:25 38.8907-77.012 23.89 1st Street Northwest, 20202
Rc6DVzsHCQh8 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 18:04:19 Fearlessmindsetpodcast #fearlessmindsetpodcast 38.8898-77.0074 20.43 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
CBSlM2vCEM1D #NationalMall 2021-01-06 18:10:01 rgblanks ryanblanks 38.8918-77.0371 24.13 German-American Friendship Garden, 16th Street Northwest
5QCkdwJRD0a3 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 18:10:45 JRuocco JRuocco 38.8953-77.0334 53.63 U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401, Constitution Avenue Northwest
YhKRS3MR7NSf #NationalMall 2021-01-06 18:18:00 Artistrybyjette Jette the Patriot 38.8917-77.0349 57.56 Constitution Avenue Northwest
TK5675UzIa2n #NationalMall 2021-01-06 18:18:48 Timski2009 Timski2009 38.8902-77.0327 14.13 1476, Madison Drive Northwest
aRBWaDi53tXN #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 18:19:07 🎢 #EltonJohn #TinyDancer 🎢 Mlwilliams79 Michelle Williams 38.8921-77.037 37.2 309, Constitution Avenue Northwest, 20227
NjTHt5oXZv7s #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 18:20:47 πŸ‘€ 0:10-0:11 NeonEnabler Sgthojman30 Sgthojman30 38.8896-77.0113 43.4 68, West Terraces and Steps
CWyeMEaKCWud #NationalMall 2021-01-06 18:20:57 RealSeanC Sean C 38.8923-77.0364 8.67 Haupt Fountains, 16th Street Northwest
NLdnthc2Ml6j #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 18:21:36 🎢 EltonJohn RealSeanC Sean C 38.8923-77.0364 27.77 Haupt Fountains, 16th Street Northwest
SP1MBI261cbW #CapitolWest #GarfieldMonument 2021-01-06 18:21:40 38.8892-77.0116 22.59 James A. Garfield Monument, Garfield Circle
qP56A9uC1Nzf #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 18:23:20 Jkwaltenbaugh Jkwaltenbaugh 38.8792-77.0108 23.64 Assembly of God, I Street Southwest, Southwest Waterfront
jiML4C2JlezK #NationalMall 2021-01-06 18:25:41 BlackieLee Blackiecoffeeninja 38.8921-77.0289 34.03 1201, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
JtwM30g8Rg1Q #ConstitutionAveNW #SmithsonianNationalMuseumOfAmericanHistory 2021-01-06 18:28:43 🏒 SmithsonianNationalMuseumOfAmericanHistory Thegarynator the_garynator 38.8919-77.0298 28.24 Warner Bros. Theater, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
64mhsecOOjLa #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-06 18:33:29 38.8962-77.0321 33.34 Zipcar, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
K6iXrKqv7YG2 #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-06 18:33:29 38.8962-77.0321 33.34 Zipcar, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
rmPZ2rvZSLkM #FreedomPlaza #FreedomPlaza 2021-01-06 18:33:29 38.8962-77.0321 33.34 Zipcar, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
CmTRG8bUhFov #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 18:45:17 Deron340 Deron Slater 38.8902-77.0103 25.13 64, West Terraces and Steps
17mewAmmdqm8 #NationalMall #TreasuryDepartment 2021-01-06 18:45:57 rgblanks ryanblanks 38.8977-77.0334 14.42 Bus 33, 15th Street Northwest
xxISL3wFowg6 #NationalMall #NA 2021-01-06 18:46:11 CapitolFlagCalledFreedom avoiceforchange Donna 38.8975-77.0334 15.85 Washington DC Economic Partnership, 1495, F Street Northwest, Downtown
2tVrTWzXKhhJ #NationalMall #TreasuryDepartment 2021-01-06 18:46:11 avoiceforchange Donna 38.8975-77.0334 15.85 Washington DC Economic Partnership, 1495, F Street Northwest, Downtown
Q2s5oVN1pfgk #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 18:47:13 AnthonyDaubs AnthonyDaubs 38.8903-77.0113 28.52 62, West Terraces and Steps
jGP69Dp5E6Am #ConstitutionAveNW #7thStreet 2021-01-06 18:49:09 Mgblak Mgblak 38.8918-77.0228 15.8 National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, 9th Street Expressway, Penn Quarter
DBH8ovQo0MoV #CapitolWest #PeaceMonument 2021-01-06 18:49:43 CAPUSMVMC Dave Burggren 38.8906-77.0128 21.77 61, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
2bujYLrW7vAX #CapitolWest #NW 2021-01-06 18:54:20 πŸ‘€ GreenTapeGroup Ithacafixer Ithacafixer 38.8905-77.0105 14.29 63, West Terraces and Steps
rtaEgM4Ut8r7 #Hotel #TheDarcy / HolidayInn 2021-01-06 19:02:56 Doncainaz Donnoss 38.9078-77.0353 92.19 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
YXbLx6xDV7Yv #Hotel #TheDarcy / HolidayInn 2021-01-06 19:02:56 πŸ—£ "There was no violence." Doncainaz Donnoss 38.9078-77.0353 79.88 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
g27S6t0Fb6os #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 19:02:56 38.9078-77.0353 92.24 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
giVttvnsiqIL #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 19:02:56 πŸ—£ "There was no violence." 38.9078-77.0353 79.88 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
mcF1quvpSvFu #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 19:02:56 38.9078-77.0353 92.24 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
O4kgdyn627q4 #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 19:02:56 πŸ—£ "There was no violence." Doncainaz Donnoss 38.9078-77.0353 79.88 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
w58QuzHkXb6d #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 19:02:56 38.9078-77.0353 92.19 1515, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Logan Circle/Shaw, Dupont Circle, 2005
U4cg0Dfgtz12 #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 19:04:49 πŸ‘€ 0:04.24 CommieKiller 0:05 DTOMGaiterPB 0:12 PinkBeret 0:25 MolonSmash 0:30.44 0:33.97 RedPlaidPylonThrower 0:35.16 LongHornsNS 0:36 BeenieGiant CommieKiller DTOMGaiterPB SuitGuy APPSignGuy JeanieLavin Jean Lavin 38.8902-77.0103 41.43 64, West Terraces and Steps
pt4FtwnKbCIy #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 19:09:50 amhomes2020 Stormy Drew 38.8902-77.0102 7.03 64, West Terraces and Steps
Dg4C2BcNChXn #CapitolEast #Stairs 2021-01-06 19:10:04 JackPhillipsNJ Jackphillips1953 38.8898-77.0088 46.04 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
fT1MYwBT34t2 #PennsylvaniaAveNW #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 19:13:42 38.8911-77.0148 10.43 59, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
y0pBWrOfmauJ #PennsylvaniaAveNW #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 19:13:42 Theskylerevans Theskylerevans 38.8911-77.0148 10.43 59, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
kR4Y0kFSrb9C #CapitolWest #NWPath 2021-01-06 19:15:19 Skellington Skellington 38.8902-77.0105 39.93 64, West Terraces and Steps
DzTb5lFGVF6I #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 19:16:10 πŸ‘€ 0:03-0:06 0:12-0:13 TexasPleather 0:17.04 ColSandersPB BAR18 BlakeReed18 38.8903-77.0102 23.52 64, West Terraces and Steps
7n9O8ZT8uXvQ #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 19:16:54 Mgabrielson85 Mgabrielson85 38.8899-77.0109 31.72 65, West Terraces and Steps
neDUluCOUqv7 #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 19:16:56 Hollywoodmike2 Hollywoodmike2 38.8893-77.0078 8.23 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
JRY1ImJKWHvi #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 19:17:11 AnthonyDaubs AnthonyDaubs 38.8903-77.0112 19.24 62, West Terraces and Steps
u05AoIpvcVjY #NationalMall #UnionSquare 2021-01-06 19:20:39 Choir Justsomeschlub Justsomeschlub 38.8914-77.0133 105.87 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
kk2ZFW9PB5w3 #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 19:22:37 Europepainting1975 Europepainting1975 38.8915-77.0136 26.18 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
t4AqEOluEwK2 #CapitolEast #SEDoors 2021-01-06 19:22:48 OniHall Onifield8013 38.889-77.0087 19.32 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
iIoPCwhtrBlk #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 19:28:19 38.8895-77.0108 12.37 67, West Terraces and Steps
9quKY3UvWlvg #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 19:28:19 38.8895-77.0108 12.33 67, West Terraces and Steps
zaCkdtc3RfzT #CapitolWest #UpperTerraceNW 2021-01-06 19:31:05 rgblanks ryanblanks 38.8907-77.0094 17.25 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
CZgJF11YMHNh #CapitolWest #UpperTerraceNW 2021-01-06 19:31:05 πŸ‘€ 0:16 GingerSneezy 38.8907-77.0094 17.21 United States Senate, East Front Plaza
MyEATFUg1v1W #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 19:38:57 38.8854-77.009 4.8 South Capitol Street, 20003
0DCuGD9WARVH #CapitolWest #NW 2021-01-06 19:40:56 38.8904-77.0112 20.65 62, West Terraces and Steps
IKryGnxGkGMy #CapitolWest #1stStreet 2021-01-06 19:41:35 laurnzo55 Larry Clark 38.8902-77.012 4.39 1st Street Northwest, 20202
aliZGu3YsI5q #CapitolWest #SWPath 2021-01-06 19:46:57 38.8895-77.0105 31.56 67, West Terraces and Steps
VVtO7erqIcAG #CapitolWest #SWPath 2021-01-06 19:46:57 38.8895-77.0105 31.57 67, West Terraces and Steps
pQf5uxtLtxH5 #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 19:47:30 πŸ—£ "And we said screw it, you've only got so much teargas. They shot it all and now look." πŸ‘€ 0:46 NelsonPostThrower 0:51 FedoraFromFlorida Boneyard1776 Boneyard1776 38.8899-77.0098 106.87 190, West Terraces and Steps
e2NWVoNik64i #WashingtonDC #UnityPark 2021-01-06 19:47:58 38.9233-77.0418 10.43 1773, Columbia Road Northwest, 20009
ZGCqQo5go8RC #CapitolWest #NWWall 2021-01-06 19:51:10 Moorelife1776 Moorelife1776 38.8904-77.0097 31.74 190, West Terraces and Steps
6p2yjz4nBLcd #CapitolWest #NWStairs 2021-01-06 19:53:25 38.8903-77.0102 11.25 64, West Terraces and Steps
GXN2iRqMxDy0 #CapitolWest #NWLawn 2021-01-06 19:53:35 Moorelife1776 Moorelife1776 38.8908-77.0101 10.2 75, West Terraces and Steps
uubSmmMAYMQh #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 19:53:40 38.8921-77.0137 29.23 10, 200, Constitution Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
QsKjvIGPfWKU #CapitolWest #SWStairs 2021-01-06 19:53:53 38.8896-77.0098 6.49 189, West Terraces and Steps
Wvt5X1vEtjgO #CapitolWest #SWStairs 2021-01-06 19:53:53 38.8896-77.0098 6.49 189, West Terraces and Steps
NxFqzCuhUuWu #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 19:55:59 38.8901-77.0097 81.97 190, West Terraces and Steps
zQq9yoQY3r3t #CapitolWest #WestLawn 2021-01-06 19:57:07 38.8901-77.0111 122.19 62, West Terraces and Steps
W8ltLizECrMG #CapitolInterior #CapitolRotunda 2021-01-06 20:02:50 38.8898-77.0091 9.83 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
GKDXRqh3021Z #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 20:05:34 Michaelscoker Michaelscoker 38.8862-77.0101 56.63 Rayburn House Office Building, C Street Southwest, Southwest Employment Area
v3L3Z8dRzSnu #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 20:05:34 38.8862-77.0101 56.63 Rayburn House Office Building, C Street Southwest, Southwest Employment Area
uWqE9aiqIa5b #CapitolWest #NWCourtyard 2021-01-06 20:08:56 38.8903-77.0098 65.77 190, West Terraces and Steps
9mroY9bM530c #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 20:11:33 πŸ‘€ IAmHayah Kekeni Rachael 38.8892-77.0082 69.49 United States Capitol, East Front Plaza
P965teMlfY6l #CapitolWest #SWScaffold 2021-01-06 20:14:00 Jmoores024 Jmoores024 38.8896-77.0102 23.32 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
wvTbtnGOAknX #CapitolNorth #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 20:14:30 🏒 1:37 #RussellSenate πŸ—£ 0:06 "Don't fucking do it. Don't you fucking do it." 0:11 "Stop! Come on!" 0:21 "Stop the steal!" 0:51 "Let us in!" 0:56 "Hold the line!" 1:30 "Whose house? Our house!" 1:55 "Fucking pathetic!" πŸ‘€ 0:21 HandleBarHank 0:50 GypsyJacketGuy 1:43 WhiteBeanieGingerQ CheapContinentalArmy MSoriano Scaphic 38.8909-77.009 114.88 80, West Terraces and Steps
tAc2BMgZlMhL #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 20:14:41 Shanna37flint Shanna37flint 38.8899-77.0101 18.04 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
fgmYI9BqZIj8 #PennsylvaniaAveNW #3rdStreet 2021-01-06 20:16:01 SeditionInterview πŸ‘€ NakedTattooedDude MAGAMrHyde 38.8913-77.0146 177.33 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
JKrCxU305gfZ #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 20:18:49 38.8906-77.0082 19.87 86, East Front Plaza
b41keFbgZHg4 #Hotel #HotelMarriott 2021-01-06 20:20:41 🎢 #DavidAllanCoe #YouNeverEvenCalledMeByMyName πŸ—£ "They are coming for us." 38.8966-77.032 165.4 National Press Building, 529, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown, 20045
CvueCg8kcpoy #Hotel #TheDistrictByHiltonClub 2021-01-06 20:22:11 Ecohenct ecohenct 38.9075-77.0502 97.73 2301, N Street Northwest, West End, 20036-5305
Tn46zhOR0nF1 #CapitolNorth #WestLawn 2021-01-06 20:23:53 SelfieInterview Conleec Chris Conlee 38.8909-77.0097 107.53 75, West Terraces and Steps
REUyWy1tXI22 #CapitolWest #SummerHouse 2021-01-06 20:26:46 πŸ‘€ IAmDarleneSwaffar darleneswaffar Darlene Swaffar 38.8916-77.0102 97.73 70, Capitol Circle Northwest
Lnezobv3ehyX #Hotel #InterContinental 2021-01-06 20:34:47 38.8967-77.0322 17.3 1401, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
gBqTAHIlozbl #CapitolWest #UpperTerrace 2021-01-06 20:34:52 SeditionInterviw πŸ‘€ IamSiaka IAmPhilipAnderson ChiefandtheAmericano Chiefandthe Americano 38.8903-77.0095 52.57 191, West Terraces and Steps
SINnkDbJKVVy #CapitolEast #Door 2021-01-06 20:41:34 38.8914-77.0058 103.25 100, Maryland Avenue Northeast, 20002
c0nIoRasIm5z #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 20:42:18 πŸ—£ "We were invited here." "We were invited by the president of the United States." 38.8898-77.0083 24.67 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
aSj3DssZie5o #Hotel #JWMarriottWashington 2021-01-06 20:42:43 38.8964-77.0319 31.58 Press Liquors, 527, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown
3ViaXA7t2cYc #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 20:48:11 38.8896-77.0101 68.45 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
CdZE4mF5ht43 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 20:52:56 38.8896-77.0098 7.51 189, West Terraces and Steps
JTr7X40BBrhP #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 20:55:55 38.8897-77.0104 41.23 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
50XYMR09ys3v #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 21:00:35 38.8901-77.0099 26.13 190, West Terraces and Steps
goL0HLdYn3Pb #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 21:00:35 Sfr266 Sfr266 38.8901-77.0099 26.17 190, West Terraces and Steps
MVQm0eNzhPVp #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 21:01:10 πŸ‘€ 0:15 Scallops ScallopsSqueeze Gibbyeng22 Rich Gibson 38.89-77.0103 43.4 65, West Terraces and Steps
059AWtA9q7PG #CapitolWest #NWScaffold 2021-01-06 21:02:31 38.89-77.0103 43.31 65, West Terraces and Steps
BA3XIQ0x7sF5 #Hotel #HotelMarriott 2021-01-06 21:13:49 πŸ‘€ CorinneMontoni 38.8966-77.032 9.52 National Press Building, 529, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown, 20045
eCJgG32sZfce #Hotel #HotelMarriott 2021-01-06 21:13:49 πŸ‘€ CorinneMontoni CoriMontoni Cori 🎒 38.8966-77.032 9.52 National Press Building, 529, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown, 20045
DLaFKIYGFnyx #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 21:13:49 38.8966-77.032 9.52 National Press Building, 529, 14th Street Northwest, Downtown, 20045
99Z6yIaTknNG #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 21:13:55 38.8896-77.0103 7.87 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
WOR0K16Wbi2I #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 21:14:56 38.8899-77.0081 25.73 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
LD5GrQx0MtsI #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 21:16:34 πŸ‘€ 0:06 BluePlaidHobgoblin? 38.8896-77.0103 16.13 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
kiBnNejo0JW0 #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-06 21:28:27 πŸ—£ 0:16 "Pull him out! Pull him out!" πŸ‘€ 0:00 StolenCapHelmet FingerMan 38.8899-77.0099 47.73 190, West Terraces and Steps
GV3WX5nYIHZk #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 21:32:10 Krb613 Krb613 38.8903-77.0141 41.93 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
C5u7WZz0ibfe #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 21:41:11 38.8895-77.0103 31.16 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
GNugjVRmu3Bt #CapitolEast #EastFrontPlaza 2021-01-06 21:44:30 Trumpted2020 Justice Teddy 38.8898-77.008 5.28 Emancipation Hall, East Front Plaza
aFO87IEKv43J #WashingtonDC 2021-01-06 21:45:20 πŸ—£ 1:22 "People need to go to jail. And they are gonna need to lock people up." πŸ‘€ IamSiaka ChiefandtheAmericano ChiefandtheAmericano 38.8958-77.0296 114.56 453, 13th Street Northwest, Penn Quarter
cDQaoCt4Nqsr #CapitolWest #LowerTerrace 2021-01-06 22:08:15 πŸ—£ "They are firing flash bangs on people for peacefully protesting." "We are not going to stop. Our freedom is at stake." "Communist news network." "They are firing on innocent people." "Nobody is doing anything." "They started shooting at elderly people and children." "We are not going to stop. There are thousands of us." "Hold the line!" πŸ‘€ 3:41 CapitolWig GinaBisignano DenimDad CommanderBlueHoodie Halliemae Hallie 38.8893-77.0172 254.57 390, Jefferson Drive Southwest, 20202
8ziKp2FKa3Sb #CapitolWest #WesternPlaza 2021-01-06 22:10:57 Yahtzee81 Yahtzee81 38.8897-77.0103 123.33 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
r1bXri3eenvD #Hotel 2021-01-06 22:46:20 SoldierSpirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Soldier Spirit πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 38.9045-77.04 27.86 The Mayflower Hotel, Marriott Autograph Collection, 1127, Connecticut Avenue Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20036
hFXDRJjrOX5Y #Hotel #TheDarcy 2021-01-06 23:54:45 πŸ‘€ IAmTerrenceKWilliams RealTerrenceKWilliams RealTerrenceKWilliams 38.9086-77.035 134.21 1332, 15th Street Northwest, 2005
VIhHBsWv27o7 #Hotel 2021-01-07 01:22:21 2dRevolution 2dRevolution 38.9032-77.0367 94.98 1016, 16th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20036
PHt0kJDhDLyF #Hotel #TheCapitalHilton 2021-01-07 01:22:21 2dRevolution 2dRevolution 38.9032-77.0367 94.98 1016, 16th Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20036
vZvzOvtqsjzu #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 01:42:17 PoliceSiren 38.9578-77.0097 28.34 11, Longfellow St NW, Manor Park, 20011
agiDC8ls5WwD #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 08:08:06 TolstoyKnows Tolstoy knows 38.9016-77.036 7.87 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
xrSRCYVDH3RA #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 08:08:06 38.9016-77.036 7.87 Moreschi Building, I Street Northwest, Golden Triangle
QW7rTDjQrqW5 #Hotel 2021-01-07 09:53:19 38.8963-77.0475 97.0 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
7o5wklwAyNDX #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-07 09:53:19 38.8963-77.0475 96.57 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
m3ho49Ob8DT6 #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-07 09:53:19 38.8963-77.0475 96.53 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
V5x24HR1JZdE #NationalMall #LincolnMemorial 2021-01-07 11:15:10 LADogLover LA in LA 38.8895-77.0512 22.2 Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Memorial Circle SW, 20520
2V11d7jLpi33 #CapitolEast #1stStreetNE 2021-01-07 11:19:25 πŸ—£ "We were all the way up the steps." "So whenever they would tear gas we would just move to the other side." 38.8915-77.0045 92.63 102, Maryland Avenue Northeast, 20002
rUpF7pn0ukyE #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-07 12:15:52 Dsnedden419 Dsnedden419 38.8887-77.0141 21.25 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
qOU0gXRpG2fj #Hotel 2021-01-07 13:07:08 38.8784-77.0234 37.0 Whiskey Charlie, Water Street Southwest, Southwest Waterfront
SYkfL8jm5wMp #Hotel 2021-01-07 13:07:08 mommaof4boys Smgruben 38.8784-77.0234 37.54 Whiskey Charlie, Water Street Southwest, Southwest Waterfront
eQjxT0w574dN #Downtown 2021-01-07 13:13:50 DetroitMAGA Celeste Mentag 38.9025-77.0364 31.51 K Street & 16th Street Northwest Far-side Eastbound, K Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, 20420
57VJExxWURLy #CapitolReflectingPool 2021-01-07 13:41:20 38.8913-77.014 54.99 9, Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
uy8vn12WYM4N #PennsylvaniaAveNW 2021-01-07 13:41:20 38.8913-77.014 55.0 9, Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
ijwcgCCsZfdl #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 13:41:20 38.8913-77.014 55.0 9, Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
96B6O79yw76a #NationalMall 2021-01-07 14:54:56 38.8901-77.0354 10.59 1601, Independence Avenue Southwest, 20250
PVCOe6BrAqSS #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-07 14:57:46 redpillfairy πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Cheri πŸ’‹ 38.8505-77.0413 19.5 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
t6CQOJY1tKek #Airport 2021-01-07 15:33:36 redpillfairy πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Cheri πŸ’‹ 38.8504-77.0404 14.33 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
ce6IpxuOEg3g #Airport 2021-01-07 15:37:51 38.8504-77.0413 138.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
Cisk4qzaYxRH #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-07 15:37:56 redpillfairy redpillfairy 38.8502-77.0412 49.18 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
tfDGrJokpsiR #Airport 2021-01-07 15:39:02 redpillfairy πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Cheri πŸ’‹ 38.8504-77.0413 60.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
gBfsa4pzLRnY #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 17:21:16 TimeLapse 38.896-77.0469 16.33 American Foreign Service Association, 2101, E Street Northwest, 20037
olwg5pX7wJUm #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 17:21:16 38.896-77.0469 16.33 American Foreign Service Association, 2101, E Street Northwest, 20037
qje8cZufZIBP #WashingtonDC 2021-01-07 17:21:16 38.896-77.0469 16.33 American Foreign Service Association, 2101, E Street Northwest, 20037
jtJAZiNc0Vtx #WashingtonDC #NA 2021-01-07 17:21:16 TimeLapse KaptainKyle KaptainKyle 38.896-77.0469 16.33 American Foreign Service Association, 2101, E Street Northwest, 20037
0DaLyk65CTq0 #WashingtonDC #TimeLapse 2021-01-07 17:21:16 38.896-77.0469 16.33 American Foreign Service Association, 2101, E Street Northwest, 20037
5dbHftzxxwQC #NationalMall #LincolnMemorial 2021-01-07 17:36:34 38.8892-77.0502 142.27 Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Memorial Circle SW, 20520
jswdPZ70U3Uw #WashingtonDC #NA 2021-01-07 19:00:21 InCar 38.8853-77.032 42.47 U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 14th Street Southwest, 20250
67A81y8heYuc #CapitolWest #CapitolTunnel 2021-01-07 21:56:27 "Let the cop go!" 38.89-77.01 14.83 Capitol Hill Fountain, West Terraces and Steps
5BtNTG3gRP31 #CapitolReflectingPool #UnionSquare 2021-01-07 22:27:33 38.8896-77.0141 40.77 Center Leg Freeway, Southwest Employment Area
8Wrtosx4pXN2 #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 08:09:54 Livesmatterofficial Livesmatterofficial 38.8561-77.0425 6.43 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
u47pklXi05S3 #Airport 2021-01-08 08:49:30 TheSmallLie 38.8521-77.0412 75.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
L5LAErfLatjG #Hotel #StatePlazaHotel 2021-01-08 10:35:20 38.8964-77.0475 14.88 State Plaza Hotel, 2117-2116, E Street Northwest, 20037
vmvEnadrxYx6 #PennsylvaniaAveNW #9thStreet 2021-01-08 13:14:58 IsaiahSonOfGod Isaiahfarnsworth 38.8935-77.0224 161.0 General Winfield Scott Hancock, Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Penn Quarter
1OEa3icV901X #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 13:17:32 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham IAmPhilipAnderson Heyyyitsmom Kim Pate Ryan 38.856-77.0426 225.61 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
AHlDHcmD03dQ #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 13:17:42 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham 0:05 IAmPhilipAnderson JCliftonNW Jeremy Clifton 38.8561-77.0425 111.53 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
LQ23Le9vehP3 #Airport 2021-01-08 13:20:43 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham 38.855-77.0423 44.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
udALo6CoFvC7 #Airport 2021-01-08 13:20:43 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham 38.855-77.0423 44.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
ALgpEzOj4DFZ #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 13:20:43 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham 38.855-77.0423 43.7 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
aaH9SkgNEkD0 #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 13:20:43 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham 38.855-77.0423 44.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
wUbLZt68KcjN #Airport 2021-01-08 14:35:30 emmamitchem Emma Mitchem 38.85-77.0288 21.2 MWAA Northern River Rescue Station, Thomas Avenue, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
pQNQvHA2ihe8 #Airport 2021-01-08 14:37:46 38.8563-77.0423 20.96 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
UpMep5x5m0kM #Airport 2021-01-08 14:37:46 Pastorlocke Pastorlocke 38.8563-77.0423 21.02 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
DkWZXadO7j3u #Airport 2021-01-08 14:37:50 emmamitchem Emma Mitchem 38.8548-77.0448 15.33 Lot Z, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
44AONtOEF7Ya #Airport 2021-01-08 14:37:50 AmandaHead Amandaclairehead 38.8547-77.0441 31.3 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
MvSZndYp2JMQ #Airport 2021-01-08 15:49:05 38.8519-77.0415 81.0 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
cFSvFMQ57zBd #CapitolEast 2021-01-08 16:00:04 πŸ‘€ Individual4 JacobChansley JohnStrand KVjn832 Kevin Visel 38.8896-77.0082 103.0 NA
TeJaNWHSclHd #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 16:02:41 SgtMODE MyOathDosentExpire 38.8505-77.0414 28.63 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
UBc58oiYTihQ #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 16:02:41 38.8505-77.0414 28.68 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
7ehCKw9lfJVd #ConstitutionAveNW #UpperSenatePark 2021-01-08 16:50:41 38.8922-77.0092 13.12 Constitution Avenue Northwest
FHKsKlocoXK3 #Airport #RonaldReagan 2021-01-08 18:19:58 πŸ‘€ LindseyGraham 38.8561-77.0422 66.56 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, 2401, Aviation Circle, National Landing, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, 22202
S6TJblwES5uQ #WashingtonDC #UnionStation 2021-01-08 18:36:48 πŸ—£ "I agree that the people that broke in there should be held responsible and go to jail; probably for the rest of their life." 38.897-77.0056 111.08 Washington Union Station, Union Station Drive Northeast, NoMa, 20549