Capitol Terrorist Attack


πŸ“ CapitolWest, LowerTerrace

πŸ“… 2021-01-06

⌚️ 17:07:57

⏱ 29.96 s

πŸ–Ό 1920x1080

πŸ“± iPhone XR

πŸ›° 38.89000, -77.01040

πŸ‘€ 0:11.68 PrisonBraids

πŸ—£: "You took an oath to protect the United States constitution and you are breaking it." "You fucking traitors!"

: @Jameskeller Jameskeller 88008430681b4b44815ed381dc7e036e

: #z5gCyYj1MB4N

πŸ€– Automatic transcription with the Python module autosub3 in vtt format:
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