Type | Title/Description | URL |
Video | Pezzola, Biggs, and about a dozen more from the march | https://jan6attack.com/videos/t/tb76lsT2Wakl/tb76lsT2Wakl.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/h/hpqlg8QtueUH/hpqlg8QtueUH.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/k/KBf5NVUDRFYn/KBf5NVUDRFYn.mp4 |
Video | Biggs shown on Parler video carrying an Arizona flag along with the orange-hatted Proud Boys. Video is shot from the south end of the police line and continues for 3 1/2 minutes, showing Pezzola, Nordean, Shively, Gieswin, Chrestman, Rehl, and at least 15 others from the march in close proximity. Footage seemed likely to have come from the phone of the man in the orange ski mask shown right behind #RWDSstooge in the other Parler video which begins at 13:05 , but was in fact uploaded by another Proud Boy | https://jan6attack.com/videos/b/bHrrdOH7wawk/bHrrdOH7wawk.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/m/mAXJK2q00tGs/mAXJK2q00tGs.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/q/q7BpcYyFpX7J/q7BpcYyFpX7J.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/t/tthoWjcm34hs/tthoWjcm34hs.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/o/OmgVssZcZ5wU/OmgVssZcZ5wU.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/u/u5Z44C9ioner/u5Z44C9ioner.mp4 |
Video | Live: Pro-Trump demonstrators gather in Washington | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/PY4etqFbMFE.mp4 |
Video | Compilation video including large crowd crossing NW barricades | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/YONAuAesjAY.mp4 |
Video | Townhall's Frontline Footage of Capitol Building R | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/YzxvVi8wkrU.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys arrive at time point 1:35:45 and are seen for approx. 20 minutes | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/_Ulg-hFqYXY.mp4 |
Video | In full: Donald Trump supporters storm Capitol | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/dNYaPLnOzW8.mp4 |
Video | The Stormed DC AMA Wrap Up Show EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/wOxMrdJ5QC4.mp4 |
Video | Video begins shortly before the breach of the NW barricades and follows the first of the mob to arrive on the western plaza of the US Capitol | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/_dGyEhnhGdw.mp4 |
Video | Eddie Block livestreams the Proud Boys march around the US Capitol grounds | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/oSOsG5kN5wc.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys march to Harry's Pub/Hotel Harrington | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/aIz3Z4xS3NI.mp4 |
Video | Journalist Sandi Bachom follows the Proud Boys from the Washington Monument to the US Capitol | https://jan6archive.com/vimeo/566375739.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys gather at 11th and E | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/LdTf40XRB6U.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys sit on the edge of a stage then march near the Washington Monument | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfXDRZXb7SY |
Video | End Domestic Terrorism Rally Portland 2020 | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/CaOqB9NqAwc.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys rally at 11th and E | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cGSX0z70Lk |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/j/JuAG3mQXufbJ/JuAG3mQXufbJ.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys chant "Whose Streets? Our Streets!" after leaving food trucks and before arriving at Peace Circle | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/oN5uqwPcsPo.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6archive.com/twitter/HannahAllam_1349333207016218626.mp4 |
Video | Long Island Loud Majority rally at Sylvan Theater near Washington Monument | https://ia804507.us.archive.org/14/items/bByM3H5qMEyXd2xCw/bByM3H5qMEyXd2xCw.mpeg4 |
Case note | | https://twitter.com/nine_niall/status/1353527880341483522/photo/1 |
Case note | News | https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/crime/alan-fischer-model-arrested-capitol-riot/67-9eb9a39d-2a6d-4a6e-9468-62104516fe1a |
Case note | Statement | https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.239196/gov.uscourts.dcd.239196.1.1_2.pdf |
Case note | DOJ Press Release | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/three-florida-men-arrested-felony-charges-related-jan-6-capitol-breach-0 |
Case note | Statement | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1481391/download |
Case note | Indictment | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1510576/download |
Profile | justice.gov | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/iii-fischer-alan |
Profile | seditionhunters.org | https://seditionhunters.org/222-afo/ |
Profile | seditiontracker.com | https://seditiontracker.com/suspects/alan-fischer.html |
Profile | jan6attack.com | https://jan6attack.com/individuals/raybanterrorist/ |