Type | Title/Description | URL |
Video | Scott, #BeenieGiant, #SgtPepperSprayer and #SecretSquirrel | https://jan6attack.com/videos/g/gj867lWsCvHv/gj867lWsCvHv.mp4 |
Video | at least 10 men from the Proud Boys march including Pepe and Shively | https://jan6attack.com/videos/a/aRWTR7sk7i90/aRWTR7sk7i90.mp4 |
Video | Parler video uploaded (and presumably shot ) by Christian Edmonds, 23, of North Carolina shows Proud Boy co-marchers #SgtPepperSprayer and #SecretSquirrel chatting at the foot of the tall stairs under the north scaffold at the western plaza. Scott is at the front of a line clashing with Capitol police as they charge up the stairs underneath the scaffolding. Donohoe and Pezzola are not far behind. Pezzola is carrying a riot shield taken from the police | https://jan6attack.com/videos/z/zOZ8CgfNU1SY/zOZ8CgfNU1SY.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/4/4ENe4AvLzDXg/4ENe4AvLzDXg.mp4 |
Video | Gieswein, Chrestman, Nordean, Donohoe, and at least 10 other marchers on the western plaza facing the police. The Status Coup cameraman is also seen | https://jan6attack.com/videos/5/50EsD4Yk4rti/50EsD4Yk4rti.mp4 |
Video | Zach Rehl's video of barricade breach | https://jan6attack.com/videos/i/isFBig9w0I3Q/isFBig9w0I3Q.mp4 |
Video | Chrestman, Piccorillo, Donohoe, #CommieKiller and several others from Proud Boys march shown on Parler video at front line | https://jan6attack.com/videos/l/LdowRJbSeiWb/LdowRJbSeiWb.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/u/U4cg0Dfgtz12/U4cg0Dfgtz12.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/z/z02LYuXbh0E5/z02LYuXbh0E5.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/h/hBwW3RHfFFcw/hBwW3RHfFFcw.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/a/aBbvJPTDRibv/aBbvJPTDRibv.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/t/tzF462AqPYkD/tzF462AqPYkD.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/f/fQ4iudBd3wIe/fQ4iudBd3wIe.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/d/DoovWaOIAC5Y/DoovWaOIAC5Y.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/b/baeoy09zaPcu/baeoy09zaPcu.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/m/mxQ7t3JhsoPD/mxQ7t3JhsoPD.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/a/AGbOIecPdjZc/AGbOIecPdjZc.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/d/d0Nay71Kk716/d0Nay71Kk716.mp4 |
Video | Live: Pro-Trump demonstrators gather in Washington | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/PY4etqFbMFE.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys arrive at time point 1:35:45 and are seen for approx. 20 minutes | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/_Ulg-hFqYXY.mp4 |
Video | Video begins shortly before the breach of the NW barricades and follows the first of the mob to arrive on the western plaza of the US Capitol | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/_dGyEhnhGdw.mp4 |
Video | Jayden X footage on NW stairs | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/lz1ativgkRU.mp4 |
Video | HVNY Proud Boys seen marching separately at 3 minute mark | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/8uRjumEQw70.mp4 |
Video | HVNY Proud Boys | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/UdbC9ptQLM8.mp4 |
Case note | | https://twitter.com/nine_niall/status/1352896520304144389/photo/1 |
Profile | jan6attack.com | https://jan6attack.com/individuals/beeniegiant/ |
Profile | seditionhunters.org | https://seditionhunters.org/beeniegiant/ |