The January 6th 2021 Coup Attempt

Gieswein, Robert Dean Carr



Location:Woodland Park CO


Date of Birth:

Date of Death:

Implicated in:

IncidentDateLocationCase IDJurisdictionCase statusChargesArrested
January 6th 2021 Putsch at the United States Capitol2021-01-06Washington DC1:21-cr-024US DOJSentenced18 USC 1512(c)(2) - Obstructing or impeding any official proceeding; 18 USC 111(a)(1) and (b) - Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers or employees using a dangerous weapon; 18 USC 1361 - Destruction of government property; 18 USC 1752(a)(1) - Unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds; 18 USC 1752(b)(1)(A) - Entering or remaining on restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon2021-01-16

More information:

VideoGieswein, Chrestman, Nordean, Donohoe, and at least 10 other marchers on the western plaza facing the police. The Status Coup cameraman is also seen
VideoPezzola at police line
VideoBiggs shown on Parler video carrying an Arizona flag along with the orange-hatted Proud Boys. Video is shot from the south end of the police line and continues for 3 1/2 minutes, showing Pezzola, Nordean, Shively, Gieswin, Chrestman, Rehl, and at least 15 others from the march in close proximity. Footage seemed likely to have come from the phone of the man in the orange ski mask shown right behind #RWDSstooge in the other Parler video which begins at 13:05 , but was in fact uploaded by another Proud Boy
VideoChrestman attempting to keep overhead door from closing
VideoVideo begins shortly before the breach of the NW barricades and follows the first of the mob to arrive on the western plaza of the US Capitol
VideoEddie Block livestreams the Proud Boys march around the US Capitol grounds
VideoJayden X footage on NW stairs
VideoIncludes video of building breach, Capitol interior
VideoInitial breach, NW stairs, interior breach
Case note
Case noteNews
Case noteStatement
Case noteIncriminating
Case noteIndictment
Case noteBody
Case noteGovernment
Case noteGovernment’s
Case noteDetention
Case note Indictment
Case note Plea
Case note Statement
Case note