Type | Title/Description | URL |
Video | Parler video uploaded (and presumably shot ) by Christian Edmonds, 23, of North Carolina shows Proud Boy co-marchers #SgtPepperSprayer and #SecretSquirrel chatting at the foot of the tall stairs under the north scaffold at the western plaza. Scott is at the front of a line clashing with Capitol police as they charge up the stairs underneath the scaffolding. Donohoe and Pezzola are not far behind. Pezzola is carrying a riot shield taken from the police | https://jan6attack.com/videos/z/zOZ8CgfNU1SY/zOZ8CgfNU1SY.mp4 |
Video | Gieswein, Chrestman, Nordean, Donohoe, and at least 10 other marchers on the western plaza facing the police. The Status Coup cameraman is also seen | https://jan6attack.com/videos/5/50EsD4Yk4rti/50EsD4Yk4rti.mp4 |
Video | Chrestman, Piccorillo, Donohoe, #CommieKiller and several others from Proud Boys march shown on Parler video at front line | https://jan6attack.com/videos/l/LdowRJbSeiWb/LdowRJbSeiWb.mp4 |
Video | | https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/video/shows-exterior-shots-group-of-proud-boys-members-wearing-news-footage/1291185288 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/y/yjAqJEk4cbry/yjAqJEk4cbry.mp4 |
Video | | https://jan6attack.com/videos/f/fQ4iudBd3wIe/fQ4iudBd3wIe.mp4 |
Video | Video begins shortly before the breach of the NW barricades and follows the first of the mob to arrive on the western plaza of the US Capitol | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/_dGyEhnhGdw.mp4 |
Video | Eddie Block livestreams the Proud Boys march around the US Capitol grounds | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/oSOsG5kN5wc.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys march to Harry's Pub/Hotel Harrington | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/aIz3Z4xS3NI.mp4 |
Video | Journalist Sandi Bachom follows the Proud Boys from the Washington Monument to the US Capitol | https://jan6archive.com/vimeo/566375739.mp4 |
Video | Proud Boys rally at 11th and E | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cGSX0z70Lk |
Video | 360-degree camera footage | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/g5stlPhjv4w.mp4 |
Video | Initial breach, NW stairs, interior breach | https://jan6archive.com/youtube/KRnoNd8sbD4.mp4 |
Case note | | https://twitter.com/Detrumpify_org/status/1353422286443868160 |
Case note | | https://twitter.com/m1523751/status/1352090515148255234/photo/1 |
Case note | | https://twitter.com/nine_niall/status/1352932811423027202 |
Case note | News | https://greensboro.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/winston-salem-proud-boys-leader-charged-in-jan-6-capitol-riot-charles-donohoe-was-arrested/article_ |
Case note | Indictment | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1377586/download |
Case note | Motion | https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Charles%20Donohoe%20Government%20Memorandum%20in%20Support%20of%20Pre-trial%20Detention.pdf |
Case note | Indictment | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1481016/download |
Case note | Statement | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1492996/download |
Case note | DOJ | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/leader-north-carolina-chapter-proud-boys-pleads-guilty-conspiracy-and-assault-charges-jan |
Case note | Plea | https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.229064/gov.uscourts.dcd.229064.335.0_2.pdf |
Case note | Plea | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/case-multi-defendant/file/1492991/download |
Profile | justice.gov | https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/defendants/donohoe-charles |
Profile | seditiontracker.com | https://seditiontracker.com/suspects/charles-donohoe.html |
Profile | jan6attack.com | https://jan6attack.com/individuals/yutyutpb/ |