The January 6th 2021 Coup Attempt

Brower, Jere Dement



Location:Clarke County VA


Date of Birth:

Date of Death:

Implicated in:

IncidentDateLocationCase IDJurisdictionCase statusChargesArrested
January 6th 2021 Putsch at the United States Capitol2021-01-06Washington DC1:21-mj-119US DOJArrested18 USC 371 - Conspiracy; 18 USC 1512(c)(2) - Obstructing or impeding any official proceeding; 18 USC 1361 - Destruction of government property; 18 USC 1752(1) and (2) - Unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds
January 6th 2021 Putsch at the United States Capitol2021-01-06Washington DC21001503DC MPDArrestedCurfew violation; unlawful entry2021-01-06

More information:

Case note
Case note
Case note