Case note | Somerset County Republican Party Chairman Guy Berkebile gave a report from Washington, D.C., Wednesday through sporadic cellphone service and amid shouts from protesters in the background.
“We marched from the Trump speech to the Capitol building. We made it all the way to the Capitol building,” he said.
Berkebile was with about 100 county residents who traveled to Washington on buses to take part in protests against what they consider to be fraudulent presidential election results in Democrat Joe Biden’s favor. ...
Berkebile sent a video to the Daily American showing footage of protesters “Storming doors of Capitol.”
“I don’t see guns among the patriots,” Berkebile said, noting that police were using batons and gas to keep people at bay as they neared the Capitol.
The owner of Guy Chemical in Somerset has been a strong Trump supporter who has met with the president and has been invited to the White House in the past.
“Everything is peaceful on our end,” he said of hi | |