Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
At the front of the breaches on the PA Walkway, pulls down some barriers to the left of the walkway but otherwise seems to supervise. Very calm and unruffled amid chaos, walks front lines crosswise to the crowd. Seen on W. Plaza exhibiting same behavior, then climbs the scaffolding. Seen inside Capitol.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Silvery hair. Clean shaven. Green coat with gold/beige logo and writing, "NJ State Police Task Force" on chest, also "Class of 17", likely a K9 unit. "MFIC" on L. sleeve. Grey plaid shirt. Brown work boots.

Intrusion Org. Behav.: Y
Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1098
ID Status: ID sent to FBI
Case Status: Arrested
Defendant name: DANIEILE, Michael
Arrested: 2/22/23
Case #: 1:23-mj-0042
State: NJ
Police: Retired

Parler videos:


Appears in the following YouTube videos (try if no longer available via YouTube):

MFInvadesCapitol on by @jan6evidence

MFInvadesCapitol on by @detrumpify_org

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #1776HatPB #Axehole #BadMarinePB #BaldBadFlag #BeenieGiant #BigMagaCamo #BlueSutherlandPB #BradleyBennett #CommieKiller #CyclopsPB #DiagonalCamoPB #DonaldSmith #DTOMGaiterPB #ElizabethWilliams #FacePaintBlowHard #FashyFreddyMercury #FirstFamilyPB #FurryFoxGuy #GasMaskTwins #GogglesMan #GreenBandanaMan #HoopsNWhoops #IAmTaylerHansen #Individual4 #LettermanPB #MAGAretWhiteCoat #MaroonPB #MericaPB #NoRagretsHead #OldWackyTobaccy #PapaSmurfPB #PicklesPB #PintSizePB #RevPB #Rufio #RWDSStooge #SmilesPB #Spazzo #StuporHeroPB #SuperPlaidPB #TheBabysitter #TheBrat #TheSuitPB #TimothyWayneWilliams #TreasonEagleScout #ViperPB #WhiteHoodie #WildDog #WrigleyFieldGuy #YellowSwimGoggles #YutYutPB #ZachRehlPB #ZZTopPB