Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Traveled to DC and was pictured inside the Capitol with his girlfriend. He was among the crowd in the Crypt and in the Rotunda.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Dark hair and beard. Hortilux cap. Black hoodie, grey ski pants, black backpack, green buff.

Intrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1334
Case Status: Plea Deal
Defendant name: WILLIAMS, Timothy Wayne
Arrested: 6/4/2021
Case #: 1:21-mj-454
State: CO

TimothyWayneWilliams on by @jan6evidence

TimothyWayneWilliams on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #BradleyBennett #DonaldSmith #ElizabethWilliams #GreenBandanaMan #HoopsNWhoops #MFInvadesCapitol #TheSuitPB