Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Photographed in the gallery inside the Senate chamber. Also seen elsewhere in the Capitol such as the Rotunda with #CapitolGreenTrio.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Khaki baseball cap with a brown US flag patch on the front. Incipient beard and mustache. Brown and mustard yellow scarf (possibly in a chequered keffiyeh pattern). Sometimes photographed wearing a dull purple jacket or hoodie, and other times wearing a medium blue long-sleeve t-shirt. Black backpack. Dark blue jeans. Wears a large silver watch on his left wrist and one or two black bracelets on his right wrist.

Intrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider0916
Associates: #ElizabethWilliams
Case Status: Indicted
Defendant name: BENNETT, Bradley Stuart
Arrested: 4/12/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-312
State: NC

BradleyBennett on by @jan6evidence

BradleyBennett on by @seditionhunters

BradleyBennett on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #AirHeadBoy #AirHeadLady #AndrewAlanHernandez #BadAdams #BatonThief #CapitolGreenTrio #ChristianSecor #ChumpyTrumpFace #DonaldSmith #ElfNazi #ElizabethWilliams #FashProShop #FuzzyPinhead #GreenBandanaMan #GreenBikeHelmet #GreenPeaPitcher #HoopsNWhoops #JoeBiggs #MFInvadesCapitol #ParaSnooper #PhilipVogel #PoserKate #RedBucketHole #SwimGogglesPB #TheSuitPB #TimothyWayneWilliams #TonyMariotto