This site was created in the aftermath of the January 6th 2021 siege of the United States Capitol as a repository and index of on-scene video scraped from the Parler social media website, and as a tool for the identification of perpetrators. This website and others featuring crowd-sourced information have been cited in the charging documents for cases brought by the US Justice Department against January 6th offenders. We salute the dedicated agents of the FBI who prosecuted these crimes and the law enforcement officers who defended the Capitol against Trump's mob. Many have suffered threats and chronic injuries; all have been betrayed both by their leadership and by voters.
From the time of its creation until Donald Trump's return to the White House, this site has maintained a policy of not revealing the names of individuals not (yet) charged with a crime. With Trump's blanket pardon of everyone who supported his coup attempt, from simple trespassers to armed terrorists, that policy no longer seems appropriate. Accordingly, you will find here the most complete list of participants in Trump's January 6th rally and coup attempt publicly available on the internet, charged or uncharged, present on the scene or organizing from elsewhere. We also provide indexes of relevant documents and video materials, including materials that the Trump "justice" department has deleted from their web site.
Regardless of how the Trump regime and its enablers wish to convince the public otherwise, the siege of the Capitol was an attempted coup by a criminal president. The front ranks of the mob were armed and violent. Even the thousands upon thousands of "peaceful" dupes who trespassed on restricted Capitol grounds provided cover for Trump's vanguard, and they too bear responsibility for the violence. We should not soon forget that all of these people were mobilized by Trump's lies, and we should certainly hesitate to appoint them to positions of public trust or responsibility. That is the reason this web site persists in holding them accountable.
We can leave it up to historians to tell the story in detail; we're just here to preserve the evidence and provide some tools.