Summary of Observed Actions
First guy to barriers in first breach, next to #YoungSkullMan. Knocked down female officer with gate but then helped her up. Seen talking to PB leader Joe Biggs. #bigmagacamo appears a kind of mentor, urging restraint. On W. Plaza is initially at front lines but doesn't figure in later action. Identifies himself on video as former Marine.
Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Light colored sweatpants. Long sleeved white hooded shirt. Black t-shirt with a flag on it. Red MAGA hat worn backwards. Denim jacket removed right before the FirstBarricadeBreach.
Proud BoysViolenceVandalism
Org. Behav.: Y AFO/AOM: 51-AFO Associates: #WhiteHoodieGF, #BigMagaCamo, #Individual4 Case Status: Indicted Defendant name: SAMSEL, Ryan Stephen Arrested: 1/29/2021 Case #: 1:21-mj-188 State: PA Military: Marines
Parler videos:
Appears in the following YouTube videos (try if no longer available via YouTube): VsbKSFcvGXc