Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Enters Capitol via the Parlementarian Door, parades through the Senate Corridors. Goes up stairs to the second floor to the Senate Reception Room.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Red baseball catcher's helmet (a "Vapor" model from Rawlings) that has a heavy wire mask in front of the face. On the left and right side of the helmet are large, red bumper stickers that say "Trump Is My President", and a similar blue sticker is on the back. Full, graying brown beard and mustache. May have a red gaiter or kerchief around his neck. Black or dark blue coat (may be hooded?) with a light-colored inner lining, mostly unzipped when he is inside the Capitol Building. White Trump shirt. Blue backpack with black straps. Camo (?) pants. Dark gray footwear? Carries a rolled up red, white, and blue flag that isn't the US flag.

Intrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1641
Case Status: Arrested
Defendant name: O'MALLEY, Timothy Earl
Arrested: 6/30/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-73
State: FL

TimothyOMalley on by @jan6evidence

TimothyOMalley on by @seditiontrack