Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Entered the Capitol via the Columbus Doors. Remain in and around the Rotunda area.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Black hat (maybe a knit cap). Woman with dark hair. Black (and gray?) scarf around her neck, possibly also used to cover the lower half of her face. Gray jacket. Dark blue jeans. Gray shoes.

Intrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1723
Associates: #JohnGetsinger
Case Status: Plea Deal
Defendant name: HARGIS-GETSINGER, Stacie Ann
Arrested: 6/15/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-98
State: SC

StacieGetsinger on by @jan6evidence

StacieGetsinger on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #IAmAlexJones #JohnGetsinger