Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Posted about being at the Capitol via videos on TikTok and YouTube, including showing off a large firearm. Was part of the crowd on the West side of the Capitol, entered the building and went through the House Gallery Corridor. Took some papers from the building that he found lying on the floor.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Brown coat with a light-colored collar. This is worn over a gray hoodie. The hood is over the wearer's head, and a pair of sunglasses with reflective yellow lenses sits on the hood. There might be a baseball cap under the hood. Brown beard and mustache, sometimes covered by a light blue surgical mask. The hoodie is unzipped to show a dark shirt with white writing and a picture of the state of Texas at the top. Brown or olive drab backpack, with a green shirt or piece of fabric hanging from it. Dark blue jeans. Black (?) shoes. In one image he appears to be holding a smartphone.

VandalismIntrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider0868
Case Status: Plea Deal
Defendant name: SULESKI, Ryan Seth
Arrested: 3/10/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-376
State: VA

RyanSuleski on by @jan6evidence

RyanSuleski on by @seditiontrack