Summary of Observed Actions
Throws large object onto the head of police on the NW Lawn. Seen flashing the white power sign. Enters the Capitol and is seen in Rotunda.
Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Black, short-sleeved button-down shirt. PB logo on the right side, the letters PDX on the left. Yellow long-sleeve shirt underneath. Flag face buff. Proud Boys ball cap worn backwards.
Proud BoysViolenceIntrusion
Org. Behav.: Y Alternate Hashtags: #FBI127, #Insider1230 Associates: #PDXPBcompletesme PB Region: Pacific Northwest Case Status: Indicted Defendant name: KLEIN, Jonathanpeter Allen Arrested: 3/23/2021 Case #: 1:21-cr-237 State: WA