Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Pulled barriers off a police line. One of first into tunnel (along with SleevelessRedTattoos), pre-positioned from SW stairs. After exiting in Phase I, then observes from a distance, but appears to be in charge of aspects of tunnel melee. Very calm and motionless despite chaos. Stays to end of III. Confers w/ #LittleBrownBeard

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Light brown hair, very tall, clean shaven, often visible above crowd. Wears olive green coat, red MAGA hat, sunglasses. Calm amidst a lot of violent action.

Violence Org. Behav.: Y
MPD Suspect: Y
Associates: #LittleBrownBeard, #SleevelessRedTattoos

Parler videos:


Appears in the following YouTube videos (try if no longer available via YouTube):

OrangeHoodieRedHat on by @jan6evidence

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #BabyMachoMan #BadSamaritanGrey #CouyGriffin #FullCamoKneepads #GasMaskBatMan #GinaBisignano #GreenHornHoodlum #LittleBrownBeard #MrBeanAFO #PinStripeBoilerSuit #PippiLongScarf #SleevelessRedTattoos