Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Breaks off two black iron railing panels on the Lower West Plaza. Sprays police on W Plaza

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Plain black baseball cap. Black earpiece. Stars and stripes gaiter with muted, bluish colors. Black long-sleeve shirt. Black tactical vest and backpack (possibly a water pack). The vest has a green US flag patch, and next to it some kind of logo in white. Beneath that are two black bags at the belly. Gloves are black on top and gray on the bottom with reinforced knuckles. Blue jeans and a black belt. Black shoes or boots.

Proud BoysSprayingViolenceVandalism Org. Behav.: Y
Alternate Hashtags: #GreenPatchStarGaiter
PB Region: Unknown

MorningPBSprayer on by @jan6evidence

MorningPBSprayer on by @seditionhunters