Summary of Observed Actions
Among crowd who first climb up onto the NW Stairs railing, urges crowd on as the pull on barricade, is at front of NW Stairs breach onto Upper W. Plaza. Almost certainly helped with barricade pulling, though not seen yet. Mr. Kelley is a township planning commissioner from Michigan.
Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Blue plaid button down shirt. Black double-breasted peacoat. Light wash blue jeans. Grey Nike tennis shoes. Black ball cap with a grayscale flag on the front. Dark aviator style shades. iWatch with a red band.
ID Status: Public Figure
Case Status: Arrested
Defendant name: KELLEY, Ryan D
Arrested: 6/8/2022
Case #: 1:22-mj-00133
State: MI
Parler videos:


IAmRyanDKelley on by
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#BluePlaidSprayer #GasMaskTwins #ScarFaceHoodie #Spazzo