Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Captured on MSNBC footage in the Capitol building, posted video on YouTube where he claims he was able to "enter several Chambers." Offered to pay for travel expenses to DC and rented a house in DC to share with people.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Older male with thinning hair, blue coat, black gloves

Intrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider0880
Case Status: Indicted
Defendant name: MUNTZER, Henry Phillip (aka Hank Muntzer)
Arrested: 1/18/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-105
State: MT

Parler videos:


HenryMuntzer on by @jan6evidence

HenryMuntzer on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #GaribaldiBeardFighterGF #GreenShirtStairMaster #OregonFordLover #RichardBarnett #RonniePresley #UncagedBird