Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Seen under NW scaffolding, then one of the first to go through NW door. Always travels with #BetaKappaMaga and appears in same Wanted photo. Seen with America First group in the morning. Took police equipment.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Red ball cap, grey fleece, surgical mask. Carries yellow Gadsden flag, sometimes rolled up. Often seen carrying a backpack, likely belonging to #BetaKappaMaga

Intrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1228
Associates: #BetaKappaMaga
Case Status: Arrested
Defendant name: PARKS, Stewart
Arrested: 6/3/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-411
State: TN
Other Group Affil.: #CapitolAF

Parler videos:


GreyFleeceGadsdenFlag on by @jan6evidence

GreyFleeceGadsdenFlag on by @seditionhunters

GreyFleeceGadsdenFlag on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #AlbertCiarpelli #BabyFaceInsider #BetaKappaMaga #BlackHoodExtinguisher #CapitolCyclops #CueANone #DanielPageAdams #FurryFoxGuy #FuzzyPinhead #GoProGadsden47 #HighFiveGuy #JacobChansley #NoseStrings #RandomWatching #RedPomSquad #RWDSStooge #Spazzo #StephenHorn #StrawCowboy #WilliamWatson #ZipTieNYCGuy