Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
In melee in front of tunnel. Assaulted police with a baton. Threw a tabletop into the police line. Also reportedly threw an audio speaker.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Black and gray baseball cap with an Infowars snake logo. Full, bushy brown beard. Black jacket over a gray or dark blue hoodie. Brown gloves with reinforced fingers. Blue jeans. Brown shoes or boots. Olive green backpack. Big watch with gold band and case, black face.

Violence AFO/AOM: 325-AFO
ID Status: ID sent to FBI
Case Status: Arrested
Defendant name: BALLARD, Thomas John "Cliff"
Arrested: 8/10/2021
Case #: 1:21-mj-529
State: TX

Appears in the following YouTube videos (try if no longer available via YouTube):

DJBrawnyBaton on by @jan6evidence

DJBrawnyBaton on by @seditionhunters

DJBrawnyBaton on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #BuffLightYear #FlagGaiterCopHater #GasMaskBatMan #TunnelTanSpecs