Capitol Terrorist Attack
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Summary of Observed Actions
Entered the floor of the Senate and sat in Pence's chair. Among the crowd that pushes against officers in a doorway.

Appearance notes (from this sheet):
Black jacket with gloves. Black T-shirt with flag on it. Red MAGA hat.

ViolenceIntrusion Alternate Hashtags: #Insider1017
Case Status: Plea Deal
Defendant name: SECOR, Christian Alexander
Arrested: 2/13/2021
Case #: 1:21-cr-157
State: CA

ChristianSecor on by @jan6evidence

ChristianSecor on by @seditiontrack

Appears in a photo and/or video with: #AirHeadBoy #AirHeadLady #AndrewAlanHernandez #BadAdams #BatonThief #BradleyBennett #ChumpyTrumpFace #ElfNazi #ElizabethWilliams #FashProShop #FuzzyPinhead #JoeBiggs #ParaSnooper #PhilipVogel #PoserKate #RedBucketHole #SwimGogglesPB #TonyMariotto